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Why I won't live among Hindus

Funny how the downtrodden ones are always to blamed in India. Muslims are discriminated, their fault. Christians are discriminated, their fault. Sikhs are discriminated, their fault. Lower castes discriminated, their fault.

always the downtrodden are discriminated like ahmadis, shias, hindus christians of pakistan. they have it worse than the minot=rities of india
always the downtrodden are discriminated like ahmadis, shias, hindus christians of pakistan. they have it worse than the minot=rities of india

Its not as bad as India and Pakistanis (atleast educated ones) own up that failure. You see educated Indians indulging in these shenanigans and its unseemly and alarming.
Its not as bad as India and Pakistanis (atleast educated ones) own up that failure. You see educated Indians indulging in these shenanigans and its unseemly and alarming.

sorry you dont see minorities discriminated by the indian constitution or hindu religion . in paksitan both uslam and constitution discriminates against non muslims
]Its not as bad as India [/B]and Pakistanis (atleast educated ones) own up that failure. You see educated Indians indulging in these shenanigans and its unseemly and alarming.

How do you come to that conclusion or is it just another prejudice??
But I can say one thing,we don't institutionalized discrimination against minorities unlike your country.
@ title : because i get inferiority complex to live among people who follow such a peaceful and good religion
As an Indian muslim,not even once i was discriminated on the basis of my religion.Infact,in some occassions i was benefited that i was a muslim.

During my schooling time i was eligible for several minority scholarships,in which a percentage of my school fees was obtained in the form of scholarships because i belonged to "Other backward Class" which included muslims,christians, some castes of hindus etc.

when i wrote my entrance exam,whose score decided my college entry,my rank was significantly improved when minority quota was considered (30000 becomes 12000).

In my opinion being born into a particular religion doesn't matters (though its true that it matters in some places of india) its your hardwork,the hardwork of your parents and a bit of your luck that really matters.

For ex:,My dad was central govt. employee bt later took some risks to give it up and turn into full time bussiness and it worked,me and my sibblings enjoy muc better standards of life.May be my kids will enjoy even better .The fact that i was born muslim had hardly anything to do anything with it.

let me give you another even better example:

M. A. Yousuf Ali

M. A. Yousuf Ali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mr.Yusuffali M.A was born in a Muslim family in Thrissur District in Kerala.Due to his own hardwork he pioneered the famour EMKE GROUP which runs the famours lulu hypermarkets


This guy was born a muslim into an typical indian family but due to his hardwork alone he succeeded. His kids will now enjoy a much better platform which they may clim even greater.His religion doesn't really matters.

"hi I'm here to apply for a job"

"Chal bay chal, koi miyaan k liaye yahan jaga nahi"

miyaan, isn't that the slang used to describe a muslim?

Miyaa is not slang in Hyderabadi Urdu, it has a similar meaning to Aqaa.

It is used for males of all most all religions.
Miyaa is not slang in Hyderabadi Urdu, it has a similar meaning to Aqaa.

It is used for males of all most all religions.

All religions give the lesson of peace! Thats not the issue here! Even minorities like muhajirs and christians have reached higher places in pakistan!
In pakistan there is no problem between shias, and sunnis only some fanatics which are mostly foreign funded! Have problems with minorities!
Minorities like
cecil chohdary and prof abdussalam are highly revered!
But no muslim shall ever forget kashmir! Whats happening there can be termed as Genocide!
All religions give the lesson of peace! Thats not the issue here! Even minorities like muhajirs and christians have reached higher places in pakistan!
In pakistan there is no problem between shias, and sunnis only some fanatics which are mostly foreign funded! Have problems with minorities!
Minorities like
cecil chohdary and prof abdussalam are highly revered!
But no muslim shall ever forget kashmir! Whats happening there can be termed as Genocide!

Do you people have same obligation towards Balochistan??
All religions give the lesson of peace! Thats not the issue here! Even minorities like muhajirs and christians have reached higher places in pakistan!
In pakistan there is no problem between shias, and sunnis only some fanatics which are mostly foreign funded! Have problems with minorities!
Minorities like
cecil chohdary and prof abdussalam are highly revered!
But no muslim shall ever forget kashmir! Whats happening there can be termed as Genocide!

If you talk about Pandits, yes - it was genocide at a magnitude unseen in post-independence India.
All religions give the lesson of peace! Thats not the issue here! Even minorities like muhajirs and christians have reached higher places in pakistan!
In pakistan there is no problem between shias, and sunnis only some fanatics which are mostly foreign funded! Have problems with minorities!
Minorities like
cecil chohdary and prof abdussalam are highly revered!
But no muslim shall ever forget kashmir! Whats happening there can be termed as Genocide!

nothing is happening in kashmir. only your Army ha fed prppaganda to you guys.
second abdussalam was a muslim and wasnt revered. you desecrated his grave. yes or no>

If you talk about Pandits, yes - it was genocide at a magnitude unseen in post-independence India.

yea valley needs to be cleansed and repatriated with original pandit population
All religions give the lesson of peace! Thats not the issue here! Even minorities like muhajirs and christians have reached higher places in pakistan!
In pakistan there is no problem between shias, and sunnis only some fanatics which are mostly foreign funded! Have problems with minorities!
Minorities like
cecil chohdary and prof abdussalam are highly revered!
But no muslim shall ever forget kashmir! Whats happening there can be termed as Genocide!

And your army personnel are saints and angels, right?
awkward......... i'm british and i live in india , my are neighbours hindus and muslims too and guess what i love both Hinduism and islam <3
Do you people have same obligation towards Balochistan??

only raw, cia fed sardars are causing problem , i have close family links with balochs myself. Those pandits were injected by indian gov. To change the demography of kashmir! They got the taste of their own medicine. And it is no where close to the cold calculated genocide! Done by indian gov.

And your army personnel are saints and angels, right?

your army
I stayed my 20 good year and even my family still stays in Muslim majority area and yes we have seen 89, 92, 93 and god knows how many riots as well but we never faced heat. Even our closest neighbors are Muslims but Alas! People want utter crap and same people want to listen the same.

only raw, cia fed sardars are causing problem , i have close family links with balochs myself. Those pandits were injected by indian gov. To change the demography of kashmir! They got the taste of their own medicine. And it is no where close to the cold calculated genocide! Done by indian gov.

your army

Are you permanent retard or today is some special day? We are not talking about Mirpur where Pakistan government shifted Punjabis for getting higher chances of referendum. We are talking about Kashmir where they want to show the cause for Muslims and threw Kashmiri Pandits out. But Hey wait! You love conspiracy theories so yes Please cook one more
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