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Why I love Cats


Oct 24, 2012
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While i was supposed to work on my next piece on Toilet war, the part 2, instead i have written this, mostly because my beloved Tabby had passed away over the weekend on 18 August.


I love cats, i will never denial this fact, truth is, i am only a late comer to cats, believe it or not, i was a dog person when i was growing up.

Cat is a strange yet fasinating creature, they are quite independent, yet they stick to you, they were there when you are down and they will be there when you are in trouble.

Ancient egyptian treat cats as god, and traditionally, cat hold a special place in muslim world. Cat supposedly save Holy Mohammad from a deadly snake and muslim or not would also know how mohammad views on cats.

My love affair with cats are strangely begin in an muslim country - Iraq.

While many of you know i was a soldier stationed over there for a stretch of period.But i never really told anyone of this story, even to my wife. Who still think i am some sort of humanitarian who hell bend on saving cats......

I don't remember which days was it, nor the month, but it was unusually hot on that particular morning. In come Bolo, a ginger domestic short hair which have a face of "I-Don't-Know-What" his blank face almost immeidately coined the name "Bolo" on him. He was quite dehydrated and stumble on to our camp, it was the gate MP that notice this little fella and bring it to our attentions.

Never before my unit work indeed as a unit and do not ****** over every little things, some soldier start building a small temperory huts for shelter and some gather water bottle and some gather what left of our last meal. While some gone to the rec room for some ice

We try to save this little fella and forming a 24 hours watch on him. Which exactly lasted 24 hours....We even call over the battalion medical officer to look at him....

Day by day, he is getting better, and we also get used to his present around us, and i feel he is also started to grew on us. Whenever we have to go outside the wire and do routes, he keep following our humvee until we left the gate. We even make his own tiny little bunk in the best corner of our service tent.

Some time he would jump onto the seat and ask us for going with us, other time he would just hide inside one of the cab and sneak out with us. We don't mind him being there, and he is actually quite well behave under fire, no stratching or anything of our man.

Then, there is one day,when we have to go outside, suddenly in come Bolo and he is blocking the way out by sitting in the middle of the road leading to the gate. As if he don't want us to travel out that day. The lead driver move him but before the lead driver get back inside the cab, there he is again, sitting in the middle of the road. We try everything from throwing stuff at him to throwing food on the roadside. Nothing works. Finally we have to radio inback to the compound and have someone hold him and drag him off the road before we can move out.

Somehow, he broke free of the hold and ran away up to the market we are enroute to. We have to stop rolling as he literally ran pass our Humvee and sped off ahead of us.

You may say it's a cliche, but 5 or so minute later, I've heard a big explosion the direct he went to which we are supposed to go. And from that day on, we have never saw Bolo ever again.

Some think he trip an IED and got blown up til kingdom come, yet some insist they have saw Bolo after that day, either way, with no confirm sighting of either living or dying, we carry on with our work. But he sure as hell have left a quite a big scar to each of us. A feeling that some part of us is missing.

Back to the state side, the first thing i told my then girlfiend when i got back from Iraq was
"Hey, i think we should get a cat."

When we got to the pet store, we pick up a ginger domestic short hair. And out of no where, tear start dripping off the corner of my eyes. I can't pick him up, for some reason this Cat remind me of Bolo a lot and without saying a word, i put him back in the cage and went for another tabby domestic short hair instead. I don't know if my girlfriend notice this.

Almost 10 years later, now i am a proud owner of 7 other cats.

This is dedicated to the memory of my beloved tabby - Charlotte, may she rest in peace and play in the god's garden whereever she is. May she rest in peace
I seriously have trouble with cats,let me share my incident with you Mr @jhungary,I remember two years before,when I opened my door to discard some trash,I found a cat standing with her new born in her mouth,I knew that wild cat,as I use to give her some milk,so she saw me and then she put her new born child down,I really liked that a lot.
Then she use to visit us with her offspring,every time when it felt hungry,I was thus evident to see an animal's love and parenting for it's offspring.
So,one night I was sitting in guest room with my cousins,we all were chattering and our plan was to enjoy night,suddenly I felt that some one has hit the door,I went to see the situation,but when I looked from keyhole of main door,I found nothing,then again some one hit the door,then "meow" "meow"....
I opened the door and was astonished to see that female cat on door!she put the kitten down and looked at me,as it is saying:'Let the kid stay at your home"
So,I brought the kitty inside,and closed the door,after some time we cousins gave the kitten some milk and sat down to continue our talk,suddenly I heard of loud voice of cat fight,we went to main door immediately to see the situation,and thus we saw that female mother,fighting with male cat to 'protect' her child,after some time there was a silence,seems like fight has ended,then again that same hit on main door and 'meow',I opened the door,she came in,called her kitten and then left.

I can never forget this incident,as after that male cat has given us lot of trouble,he always **** on our main door to record his hatred and aggression,as we have helped the mother and prevented him to eat the kitten up..:rofl:

Best Regards,
Slav Defence
@Aeronaut @nuclearpak @WebMaster @Oscar @Jungibaaz...
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@jhungary ..very nice writeup ... I will look forwar to your toilet -2 piece.
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Although I love animals I always resisted my daughter wanted to get a cat only because of hair problem but Last year I Finally gave in to her demands and let her get one. We brought her in our house and she was only 3 months old she was scared and shaking not know if we eat her or what. So I picket her up and pet her for a long time as I am very kind hearted towards animals, she go used to me and now she is my third child, I work from home so I am mostly alone during the day time but now I have her and she sits right on my table behind the laptop all day long and when i go to the bathroom and she sits outside the door meowing me to come out, she sleep on the chair next to my side of bed and wake me with her constant meows at 6 am every morning probably because she has to go poop in the backyard, she is like my third child now how did i live without a cat all my life.
One time on vacations in Pakistan, when I was about 14, I saw kitten alone behind a rock (Probably alone/ abandoned/ parent died). I brought her back home and quickly became fond of her, fed her everyday, even made a nice cosy home from scrap furniture.

After a few days my secret was discovered by my aunt whose home we were living at. Due to her immense dislike of cats, I was asked to take her far away from home. I struggled to keep her but ended up doing as I was asked. Two painful and sad days passed and on the third, while playing near the front door still inside the home, I heard a faint meow that was so clear and welcoming to my mind. And there she was, right outside, back home from 2 miles away where I had to leave her with a sad heart.

This time I was allowed to keep her, until she was well enough to go out on her own. I left Pakistan after 3 months and left her under supervision of my cousin who was equally fond of her. To this date, I think about her and like to think she is somewhere out in the wild with a full belly. :)
How sad .... :cray:

Oye @Alpha1 Give your kitten to me ...

One time on vacations in Pakistan, when I was about 14, I saw kitten alone behind a rock (Probably alone/ abandoned/ parent died). I brought her back home and quickly became fond of her, fed her everyday, even made a nice cosy home from scrap furniture.

After a few days my secret was discovered by my aunt whose home we were living at. Due to her immense dislike of cats, I was asked to take her far away from home. I struggled to keep her but ended up doing as I was asked. Two painful and sad days passed and on the third, while playing near the front door still inside the home, I heard a faint meow that was so clear and welcoming to my mind. And there she was, right outside, back home from 2 miles away where I had to leave her with a sad heart.

This time I was allowed to keep her, until she was well enough to go out on her own. I left Pakistan after 3 months and left her under supervision of my cousin who was equally fond of her. To this date, I think about her and like to think she is somewhere out in the wild with a full belly. :)

Don't be so fond ... Cats sticks to home (She came back for home not for you) :omghaha:
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While i was supposed to work on my next piece on Toilet war, the part 2, instead i have written this, mostly because my beloved Tabby had passed away over the weekend on 18 August.


I love cats, i will never denial this fact, truth is, i am only a late comer to cats, believe it or not, i was a dog person when i was growing up.

Cat is a strange yet fasinating creature, they are quite independent, yet they stick to you, they were there when you are down and they will be there when you are in trouble.

Ancient egyptian treat cats as god, and traditionally, cat hold a special place in muslim world. Cat supposedly save Holy Mohammad from a deadly snake and muslim or not would also know how mohammad views on cats.

My love affair with cats are strangely begin in an muslim country - Iraq.

While many of you know i was a soldier stationed over there for a stretch of period.But i never really told anyone of this story, even to my wife. Who still think i am some sort of humanitarian who hell bend on saving cats......

I don't remember which days was it, nor the month, but it was unusually hot on that particular morning. In come Bolo, a ginger domestic short hair which have a face of "I-Don't-Know-What" his blank face almost immeidately coined the name "Bolo" on him. He was quite dehydrated and stumble on to our camp, it was the gate MP that notice this little fella and bring it to our attentions.

Never before my unit work indeed as a unit and do not ****** over every little things, some soldier start building a small temperory huts for shelter and some gather water bottle and some gather what left of our last meal. While some gone to the rec room for some ice

We try to save this little fella and forming a 24 hours watch on him. Which exactly lasted 24 hours....We even call over the battalion medical officer to look at him....

Day by day, he is getting better, and we also get used to his present around us, and i feel he is also started to grew on us. Whenever we have to go outside the wire and do routes, he keep following our humvee until we left the gate. We even make his own tiny little bunk in the best corner of our service tent.

Some time he would jump onto the seat and ask us for going with us, other time he would just hide inside one of the cab and sneak out with us. We don't mind him being there, and he is actually quite well behave under fire, no stratching or anything of our man.

Then, there is one day,when we have to go outside, suddenly in come Bolo and he is blocking the way out by sitting in the middle of the road leading to the gate. As if he don't want us to travel out that day. The lead driver move him but before the lead driver get back inside the cab, there he is again, sitting in the middle of the road. We try everything from throwing stuff at him to throwing food on the roadside. Nothing works. Finally we have to radio inback to the compound and have someone hold him and drag him off the road before we can move out.

Somehow, he broke free of the hold and ran away up to the market we are enroute to. We have to stop rolling as he literally ran pass our Humvee and sped off ahead of us.

You may say it's a cliche, but 5 or so minute later, I've heard a big explosion the direct he went to which we are supposed to go. And from that day on, we have never saw Bolo ever again.

Some think he trip an IED and got blown up til kingdom come, yet some insist they have saw Bolo after that day, either way, with no confirm sighting of either living or dying, we carry on with our work. But he sure as hell have left a quite a big scar to each of us. A feeling that some part of us is missing.

Back to the state side, the first thing i told my then girlfiend when i got back from Iraq was
"Hey, i think we should get a cat."

When we got to the pet store, we pick up a ginger domestic short hair. And out of no where, tear start dripping off the corner of my eyes. I can't pick him up, for some reason this Cat remind me of Bolo a lot and without saying a word, i put him back in the cage and went for another tabby domestic short hair instead. I don't know if my girlfriend notice this.

Almost 10 years later, now i am a proud owner of 7 other cats.

This is dedicated to the memory of my beloved tabby - Charlotte, may she rest in peace and play in the god's garden whereever she is. May she rest in peace
I'm so sorry... :(

May she rest in peace and love.
@jhungary 's cat died? :cray::cray: I was depressed for a week when my cat died!
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How sad .... :cray:

Oye @Alpha1 Give your kitten to me ...

Don't be so fond ... Cats sticks to home (She came back for home not for you) :omghaha:

She came back home to get the care she once got and also because she didnt have anyone else to turn to. It really has nothing to do with me or her internal psyche which we may not understand but you clearly did since you have some research on animal mentality lined up just waiting to be published for a nobel prize :laughcry:

I was glad that I was able to give some hope to an abandoned animal, nothing funny about it.
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