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Why Economists Are Still Baffled by India’s GDP Growth

The hypocrisy is breath-taking. You are tag-teaming with a Chinese member who is similarly denigrating a country which is about the same size as China and a bit behind on economic indices. He has ZERO respect for that country, yet, according to you, he must be so well-disposed towards Bangladesh. Why is that so, because you are so small that it does not matter? Does it not bother you that a person who is insulting his peers about their economic achievements, what views would he actually be having in private about Bangladesh, a much less significant country on all parameters?

The Chinese find you to be useful idiots (the second proxy), and you think that you are smart enough to use the Chinese for your own ends. Let the games begin.

India has had 68 years of independence and BD has had 24 years less at only 44 years so far

Chinese are well aware of this fact and so will fully understand the current poverty in BD.

What the Chinese have NO RESPECT for is states that have MASS STARVATION present after nearly
7 decades of independence.

BD posters support China as a strong China is natural development partner for BD and will help keep India in check
in South Asia.
bangladesh...lol why we even discuss ? and why are they allowed here?
The comment about Chinese obsession with the iPhone was a) a joke; b) made in response to the initial generalization about Indians being lazy and undisciplined.
American Indian=local Indian??:bounce:
Oh.India has been a developed country yet.:angel:

There are also Pew research polls that show how Chinese people resent their totalitarian government. I don't see you posting those....

The fact that you post a quote from Tinpot Mao, murderer of 45 million Chinese, tells me all I want to know. Now go away Chinese autobot!!!
Okay,U have become a typical American.
Dont know that things because my clan is well in that time.
According to what u said,I can say even in that time,Indian died more than Chinese.


What compared TO NEW YORK OR EUROPE yes.

but Pakistan or Bangladesh INDIAN CITIES ARE MILES AHEAD


I WILL EDUCATE YOU this is 2015 not 1990




you sure these three pics are enough to compare pakistani cities with indians :D
Confucius had a famous proverb which can describe your emotional mindset: "We should feel sorrow, but not sink under its oppression, the heart of a wise man should resemble a mirror, which reflects every object without being sullied by any". In your blind rage of failing to counter-argument by viewpoint, you have accused me of being a member of the Communists Party of China:) You do realize that in America and in Pakistan in particular you are regarded as a coconut, where you attempt to act and behave more white than the white man itself, hence why you have an identity crisis and need to see a psychiatrists before you go crazy and take a machine gun to a school and kill innocent people and your self in the process.
He is an American actually.
Typical Right wing of the United States,anti-China.
Assimilated and I want to know how his parents teach him??(US Anti intellectual education?)

you sure these three pics are enough to compare pakistani cities with indians :D
Isnt it Indian……?
He is an American actually.
Typical Right wing of the United States,anti-China.
Assimilated and I want to know how his parents teach him??(US Anti intellectual education?)

Isnt it Indian……?

America is under no position to question the integrity of China and should mind its own business. They must realize the assumption that their projection of power in bullying other countries is over. Jealously is the main reason why these typical right wing retard's become angry on China, because your country is progressing and the population is happy with the Government. Like the Chinese old saying goes "The torment of envy is like a grain of sand in the eye". This perception of him becoming anti-China does not stem from the teachings of his parents, however its the media which promotes hatred. Just look at Fox news and how much contempt they show to China and its citizens. They try to create a boogeyman scenario to brainwash the public against the other country. However their tricks are old fashion and a good general is one who fights one battle instead of a 100, thus China can simply watch the clown show and strike when it feels threatened by America and this does not necessarily mean military action. The education system is good in America, however if you were to write a thesis which the State Department feels uncomfortable and is negative in the viewpoints of scholars then its difficult to even publish your work.

:cheers:Recently changed a lot,thx.
※However,India remain what it is,dirty air and polluted water.

Chinese third tier cities are much better than the current best India can offer and this is a true fact.
We have a democracy but the people living in great democracy like Bd will see semblance democracy in India. naturally.

Take back your 20 mn refugees who have crossed the border for 2 time food. We shall praise your economic development.

you could not feed your own people talking about feeding other country ppl :rolleyes:

He is an American actually.
Typical Right wing of the United States,anti-China.
Assimilated and I want to know how his parents teach him??(US Anti intellectual education?)

Isnt it Indian……?

yes its indian cities i was asking him do these three images justify their indian cities are better than rest of cities in south asia :D
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you could feed your own people talking about feeding other country ppl :rolleyes:

yes its indian cities i was asking him do these three images justify their indian cities are better than rest of cities in south asia :D

He will probably begin to have a nervous breakdown, because he will realize the notion that their are more starving people in India than the whole of Africa.

He will probably begin to have a nervous breakdown, because he will realize the notion that their are more starving people in India than the whole of Africa.

agree figures of poor people in supa powa india are alarming and these indians pretend here like they have over taken world's economy :rolleyes:
GDP growth is almost an all-consuming statistic for policymakers, academicians and market participants. However, when the new GDP growth figures were released for the quarter of April-June 2015 (hereafter 2015:2), there was more darkness than light. Not entirely unexpected, since the new GDP data have been met with scepticism. I have not been a sceptic, neither am one today; while the growth figures are confusing, there is a logical, consistent explanation. This time though, don’t blame the CSO for the controversy, blame the IMF.

What happened? GDP growth for the April-June quarter came in at 7 per cent versus market expectations of 7.4 per cent and my own estimate of close to 9 per cent. Many analysts were stunned by the low estimate, especially since the finance ministry and other officials were publicly touting an 8-10 per cent GDP growth path. So, several officials (and commentators) have egg on their face. Or have they?
I don't know which country you are living in. But 9% growth rate is not easy. The finance ministry never said a 10% growth rate is in the offing. No economist or investor of any recognition said 10%. So please don't add your masala. Also it is generally accepted that the growth bump India got was because of low inflation more than industrial growth which actually slowed down. And no one is 'stunned' by it. There were optimists who were looking at 8% may be, but show me a guy who predicted 10% growth rate for India last quarter.

Aside from this, India's GDP and its calculation procedures have got serious issues. This is not the first time analysts and statisticians casted doubts over the numbers. India also recently adjusted the base year for these calculations which seem to be some sort of harakiri on the numbers. The growth figures are not just confusing, they are illogical by many accounts.
India has had 68 years of independence and BD has had 24 years less at only 44 years so far

Chinese are well aware of this fact and so will fully understand the current poverty in BD.

What the Chinese have NO RESPECT for is states that have MASS STARVATION present after nearly
7 decades of independence.

BD posters support China as a strong China is natural development partner for BD and will help keep India in check
in South Asia.

Stop spewing jargon without any basis. Keep India in check on what? What is Bangladesh's strategic objective against India for which it needs to become a client state of China? Or is it simply a matter of your religious zealotry raising its ugly head now. "Partners"...yeah right! Do you even know who you are dealing with? How the Chinese regime views weak countries like Bangladesh. The Chinese regime understands no language other than the language of power, which a country like Bangladesh will take another generation to learn. In the meanwhile, all you can do is be rented out as proxies. You are beyond pathetic.

American Indian=local Indian??:bounce:
Oh.India has been a developed country yet.:angel:

Okay,U have become a typical American.
Dont know that things because my clan is well in that time.
According to what u said,I can say even in that time,Indian died more than Chinese.

I will respond to you if you speak in English, coz I don't understand this pidgin you speak.
agree figures of poor people in supa powa india are alarming and these indians pretend here like they have over taken world's economy :rolleyes:

Like the old Chinese saying goes "one man tells a lie, dozens repeat it as the truth":)

The Chinese regime understands no language other than the language of power, which a country like Bangladesh will take another generation to learn. In the meanwhile, all you can do is be rented out as proxies. You are beyond pathetic.

Which authority under the mandate of heaven did you decipher the doctrine, that the Chinese regime understand's no language other than the concept of power? Again your serve lack of comprehension on Chinese philosophy is amusing and truly pathetic. China throughout its history has always believed on the idea of having buffer zones from around the central kingdom, because it regarded all other civilizations as barbarians and most dynasties were prone to maintain the status quo of the current territorial framework of China. Under no circumstances can you label the Chinese nation with your murderous lunatic nation, because they don't send troops around the world and kidnap people and torture them in hidden cells. A country like Bangladesh does not need an American to preach the notion of power, because one day In'sha'allah they have every ingredient to become an economic powerhouse at least in Asia. All you can do is serve your customers in a taxi and whine, how the white man does not provide you will any respect and you probably spit shine his shoes as a typically serf.
The Shaolin Monks and the priest of Wudan School must have thrashed you thoroughly, when you attempted to make a pathetic dry joke:) Clearly you have never been to Dalian because its a famous summer resort city, where retired general often live there and pollution is not considered terrible. You cannot preach to the Chinese that their cities are polluted because the same accusation can be applied to America, which has some of the worst polluted cities in the world.
Well clearly your knowledge on India is severely lacking because their cities are also full of pollution where their citizens breath in harmful air. Lets also not forget the river Ganges, which is regarded as one of the most polluted rivers in the entire world. The development model of China has worked splendidly where 600 million citizens have arisen from poverty over a span of 30 years and the level of infrastructure development has been top class. 16000 KM of High Speed Railway, the amount of expressway's even eclipses America and in general the transportation system is in very good condition.
For your kind information I am a proud Pakistani:) One of the main differences between China and its western counter-parts during the financial crisis can be observed when the Chinese Central Bank changed the regulation of reserve ratios, which was a unique policy at the time. Furthermore the Chinese Government did major structural reforms in its economy by shifting its attention to 10 main industries to increase internal demand rather than the reliance on just external demand. In addition the Government of China initiated the internalization of the Renminbi in 2009-10, which had positive effects on the economy. The Chinese Government did fiscal expansion of $4 trillion Yuan in which most of it was allocated to construction projects instead of bailing out companies like in America and this generated millions of jobs. Most of the money was generated by local banks and provincial governments who used the money for appropriate project schemes. Well clearly the American's were interested to purchase export-driven products from China, because your government opted to buy from the Chinese and playing the hypothesis game is useless, because history clearly favored the Chinese and your whining did not change that particular outcome. Some of the biggest banks in the world reside in China and they generate good profits. In fact Agricultural Bank of China who I worked for previously had the biggest IPO in the world in Hong Kong and this was only eclipsed by Alibaba, which is also another Chinese company:) China Construction Bank, ICBC, China Bank and Agricultural Bank of China have the one best profit sheets in the banking sector. ICBC has a profit margin of 275.8 billion yuan in 2014.

I will try to deal with your endless nonsense/ Maoist apologetics in a consolidated post.

- Shaolin monks are not in the business of defending Mao’s acolytes. If there is anything you should know about China is how their culture was systematically erased by Mao during the Cultural Revolution, so the monks would have rather liked my Mao jokes.
- Dalian is an overgrown place like any other Chinese city, with dust from non-stop construction everywhere. I was told that for small mercies many projects were stalled at the time I went there due to the impending doom of yet another Chinese bubble, this time the one in real estate.
- Linking a site that lists polluted cities does not tell you the simple fact that these cities are NOWHERE as polluted as Chinese cities are. Very deceitful of you, but entirely expected.
- Yes, i have been to India, and it is also polluted as hell. But part of the blame lies in their misplaced enthusiasm in aping a development model (read: Chinese) whose time has long gone, and which is collapsing right in front of our eyes.
- As for the rest of your China-build-road and China-build-railway gobblygook, congrats for building some roads and railways 150 years past due date.
- I see you will not quit lying about Chinese lending practices. Chinese banks lend shadily to public enterprises that will never be able to repay these loans because they have over-invested so heavily that they will be out of business before the situation improves. Period. Do you know the exposure of Chinese Banks to real estate, steel and infrastructure companies? The first is a bubble about to burst, the second is an industry where Chinese over-production has caused the global steel industry to become a loss-making sector, and the third is a classic example of over-investment in things no one will need after the correction.
- How will Chinese steel companies or real estate companies repay loans when they make losses year after year? For how long will China be able to fudge its numbers and deny that it is collapsing under internal debt?
- The renminbi is still not free floating, and now the Chinese government is being forced to do the reverse of what it was asked to do prior to 2014. In the past six months, it has spent billions of dollars to save it from loosing further. One year everyone is piling on China to stop manipulating its currency, next year China is forced to buy its own currency to stop a fall. Get the picture?
- As the renminbi stabilizes, Chinese exports will become more expensive. Who will buy Chinese then, considering China makes very little of advanced goods and services with low demand elasticity. As if that was not bad enough, let’s see how this mindless drivel of “China is moving from an export-driven economy to a consumption-led economy” will play out. So China will up its consumption at exactly the same time when its bad debt situation will force the banks to zip up? Good luck with that.
- Admit it, China is a laggard that learns economic lessons 80 years after they stop being relevant. When the world economy was contracting in 2008, the Chinese Party of totalitarian dictators decided that Roosevelt’s New Deal was the way to go – create jobs and circulate money by investing in giant infrastructure projects. But they had already been doing it for a while before that, and are still continuing despite the painfully obvious fact that China’s push for infrastructure-building is not matched by a private sector agile or innovative enough to grasp the opportunity.
- What is this “fiscal expansion” you talk about? Have you no sense that Central Banks create money as and when they feel like, the only restriction being inflation and faith in the currency itself. How is the Chinese “fiscal expansion” any different than quantitative easing by any other Central Bank? And pray tell me, while at it, as to how the Chinese Government will “fiscally expand” itself out of the internal debt its banks have built up?
- The China Agricultural Bank script is trading at 3.08 today. It was 2.66 in Oct, 2010. That’s a 15.8% gain in 5 years. ICBC was trading at 4.11 in Oct, 2010 and today at 4.38 – 6.6% gain. China Construction Bank was at 4.67 and 5.26 respectively – 12.6%. Alibaba entered at 93.89 in September 2014, and today is down 39% since then, to 57.41 today. Basically it’s a case of book-building fraud. Don’t worry, that happens everywhere, except we don’t call them our star performers! So that’s it? That’s your yardstick for a stock market?
- As to the profit margin of Chinese Banks, who audits these banks? China adopted IFRS in 2006, but that means little because Chinese Banks are well-known for not declaring NPAs, as they are encouraged to do so until the situation becomes too obvious. There is no systematic writing down of NPAs by Chinese Banks – instead they adopt one-time write-offs to one of the four equally shady state-owned debt disposal companies like Huarong, as and when directed to do so. What sort of practice is that, anyway?

In my next post I will deal with the myths of the New World Order and your misinformed (hopeful?) view about the inevitability of China’s rise to global eminence. You know, your wilful ignorance and propaganda would be no concern of mine, had it not been for the cathartic nature of the delusion and the risk it entails. Too many people are going to lose their shirts over China’s fraud of an economy, and I don’t like that one bit.
You can also tell your shady Bangladeshi wingman and the pidgin-speaking Chinese to join in, if they feel like it. Now go read what the Little Red Book says about strategy when confronted with facts....
I will try to deal with your endless nonsense/ Maoist apologetics in a consolidated post.

- Shaolin monks are not in the business of defending Mao’s acolytes. If there is anything you should know about China is how their culture was systematically erased by Mao during the Cultural Revolution, so the monks would have rather liked my Mao jokes.
- Dalian is an overgrown place like any other Chinese city, with dust from non-stop construction everywhere. I was told that for small mercies many projects were stalled at the time I went there due to the impending doom of yet another Chinese bubble, this time the one in real estate.
- Linking a site that lists polluted cities does not tell you the simple fact that these cities are NOWHERE as polluted as Chinese cities are. Very deceitful of you, but entirely expected.
- Yes, i have been to India, and it is also polluted as hell. But part of the blame lies in their misplaced enthusiasm in aping a development model (read: Chinese) whose time has long gone, and which is collapsing right in front of our eyes.
- As for the rest of your China-build-road and China-build-railway gobblygook, congrats for building some roads and railways 150 years past due date.
- I see you will not quit lying about Chinese lending practices. Chinese banks lend shadily to public enterprises that will never be able to repay these loans because they have over-invested so heavily that they will be out of business before the situation improves. Period. Do you know the exposure of Chinese Banks to real estate, steel and infrastructure companies? The first is a bubble about to burst, the second is an industry where Chinese over-production has caused the global steel industry to become a loss-making sector, and the third is a classic example of over-investment in things no one will need after the correction.
- How will Chinese steel companies or real estate companies repay loans when they make losses year after year? For how long will China be able to fudge its numbers and deny that it is collapsing under internal debt?
- The renminbi is still not free floating, and now the Chinese government is being forced to do the reverse of what it was asked to do prior to 2014. In the past six months, it has spent billions of dollars to save it from loosing further. One year everyone is piling on China to stop manipulating its currency, next year China is forced to buy its own currency to stop a fall. Get the picture?
- As the renminbi stabilizes, Chinese exports will become more expensive. Who will buy Chinese then, considering China makes very little of advanced goods and services with low demand elasticity. As if that was not bad enough, let’s see how this mindless drivel of “China is moving from an export-driven economy to a consumption-led economy” will play out. So China will up its consumption at exactly the same time when its bad debt situation will force the banks to zip up? Good luck with that.
- Admit it, China is a laggard that learns economic lessons 80 years after they stop being relevant. When the world economy was contracting in 2008, the Chinese Party of totalitarian dictators decided that Roosevelt’s New Deal was the way to go – create jobs and circulate money by investing in giant infrastructure projects. But they had already been doing it for a while before that, and are still continuing despite the painfully obvious fact that China’s push for infrastructure-building is not matched by a private sector agile or innovative enough to grasp the opportunity.
- What is this “fiscal expansion” you talk about? Have you no sense that Central Banks create money as and when they feel like, the only restriction being inflation and faith in the currency itself. How is the Chinese “fiscal expansion” any different than quantitative easing by any other Central Bank? And pray tell me, while at it, as to how the Chinese Government will “fiscally expand” itself out of the internal debt its banks have built up?
- The China Agricultural Bank script is trading at 3.08 today. It was 2.66 in Oct, 2010. That’s a 15.8% gain in 5 years. ICBC was trading at 4.11 in Oct, 2010 and today at 4.38 – 6.6% gain. China Construction Bank was at 4.67 and 5.26 respectively – 12.6%. Alibaba entered at 93.89 in September 2014, and today is down 39% since then, to 57.41 today. Basically it’s a case of book-building fraud. Don’t worry, that happens everywhere, except we don’t call them our star performers! So that’s it? That’s your yardstick for a stock market?
- As to the profit margin of Chinese Banks, who audits these banks? China adopted IFRS in 2006, but that means little because Chinese Banks are well-known for not declaring NPAs, as they are encouraged to do so until the situation becomes too obvious. There is no systematic writing down of NPAs by Chinese Banks – instead they adopt one-time write-offs to one of the four equally shady state-owned debt disposal companies like Huarong, as and when directed to do so. What sort of practice is that, anyway?

In my next post I will deal with the myths of the New World Order and your misinformed (hopeful?) view about the inevitability of China’s rise to global eminence. You know, your wilful ignorance and propaganda would be no concern of mine, had it not been for the cathartic nature of the delusion and the risk it entails. Too many people are going to lose their shirts over China’s fraud of an economy, and I don’t like that one bit.
You can also tell your shady Bangladeshi wingman and the pidgin-speaking Chinese to join in, if they feel like it. Now go read what the Little Red Book says about strategy when confronted with facts....
Umm..Do you know a river in India catch fire?
Apologizes to you.I am sorry for writing incorrect sentence
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