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Why don't/can't Arab nations intervene in Syria?

3 months - 6 months, nothing will change.

learn from recent history
Iraq Iran war 7 years 10 months of war, the world supported both sides, both sides get arms sometimes from the same country.
The war never ends, if Iraq gained power then they supplied Iran more, if Iran gains they supply Iraq, same with FSA/SAA.

Russia delivers all kinds of sht to Syria to make up for what the others do, Iran flies cargo to Syria everyday.
But do you not think that the fact that countries like Jordan or Saudi arabia have far more advanced equipment matters? It's not like Syria's battle experience was very successful. When's the last time Syria won a war?

Would Iran be able to do much though? Any concentrated missile strike would **** off the USA and conventionally since they don't share a border with the states that would be part of the coalition that leaves their weaker Navy and Airforce to do all the work. Not a good idea.

It matters but battle readiness and morale of the troops matter much more. Doesn't matter if the Syrians have won anything or not the fact that they have been fighting at all gives them an advantage, war games are fine but an army does not know its true strengths or weaknesses unless it goes out and really fights. I believe Iran will have no choice if Arabs invade Syria because if they do not do anything then they would lose whatever prestige they have in the middle east and they will also lose their main ally. How much would they really be able to accomplish however you are right is up for debate.

A) True but wars do happen and while the international community technically is against all "illegal" wars, the international community is also very subjective in its punishment.

B) International Law only matters to the point where a nation's interests are at stake enough to violate it. And when violated there are no consequences unless countries are willing to physically stop an "invasion" of Syria. Also, I doubt the USA and Russia could "agree on the wording" of a condemning UNSC Resolution. Basically a veto.

C) Just assure Russia that the base will stay after the regime change. Guantanamo Bay Naval Base is in Cuba, a country with frozen relations with the USA.

1- War and civil unrest are poles apart from one another, therefore, comparing them is utterly insane. While a group of countries support one side (Assad) and the others support the other side (the rebellion), the issue gets more and more complicated. For that reason, the US couldn't reach an agreement with Russia on the current claim the. As such, the two aforementioned states couldn't produce a draft to bring an end to the conflict. As for the so-called punishment, I don't think that the INTL community can do a thing about it. The hardest measure they can possibly take is imposing economic sanctions to bleed Assad's regime economy till it collapses.

2- It is too little too late to assure to the Russians that their naval military base will remain in Syrian no matter what happens. Interestingly, the Qatari's had already given some guarantees to the Russians regarding Tartus naval base, but the Russians can't count on anti-Assad countries anymore. They must have thought that, well, if these countries turned against Assad in one day or two, can they throw us under the bus too?
Guantanamo is totally different, basically the land of which the US naval base and the prison was built on used to be an empty land.
There would be consequences obviously. But much much less than if even a fellow Muslim country like Turkey invaded. As much as there are differences between regions, Arabs are Arabs.
That's a very dense approach.

Well, Sorry to disappoint you but I don't identify people upon their races, colors, languages, or faith, at the end we are all human beings.

However, we must stand with Turkey as well, Turkey has been nothing but a true friend and ally of ours.
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1- War and civil unrest are poles apart from one another, therefore, comparing them is utterly insane. While a group of countries support one side (Assad) and the others support the other side (the rebellion), the issue gets more and more complicated. For that reason, the US couldn't reach an agreement with Russia on the current claim the. As such, the two aforementioned states couldn't produce a draft to bring an end to the conflict. As for the so-called punishment, I don't think that the INTL community can do a thing about it. The hardest measure they can possibly take is imposing economic sanctions to bleed Assad's regime economy till it collapses.

2- It is too little too late to assure to the Russians that their naval military base will remain in Syrian no matter what happens. Interestingly, the Qatari's had already given some guarantees to the Russians regarding Tartus naval base, but the Russians can't count on anti-Assad countries anymore. They must have thought that, well, if these countries turned against Assad in one day or two, can they throw us under the bus too?
Guantanamo is totally different, basically the land of which the US naval base and the prison was built on used to be an empty land.

That's a very dense approach.

Well, Sorry to disappoint you but I don't identify people upon their races, colors, languages, or faith, at the end we are all human beings.

However, we must stand with Turkey as well, Turkey has been nothing but a true friend and ally of ours.
1. I think you misunderstood me, I was saying the INTL community could do little to punish the Arab Coalition intervening in Syria
2. This is true. Also, the degree of control arab states have on the new Syria is unpredictable. We wouldn't know if say, Qatar or the UAE would be able to force the new syrian government to hold on to their agreement.

Identifying people by race may be bad if you're doing it negatively, yes (Racism). But my own dieing to me is much worse than say, a Ukranian dieing. That's just my opinion, if you're big enough to view humanity as a whole, good for you, I'm not at that stage and I don't think 95% of the world is.
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Identifying people by race may be bad if you're doing it negatively, yes (Racism). But my own dieing to me is much worse than say, a Ukranian dieing. That's just my opinion, if you're big enough to view humanity as a whole, good for you, I'm not at that stage and I don't think 95% of the world is.

Firstly, please allow me to offer my deepest condolences to the Turkish people, I understand how much of a pain had many of them gone through, -especially those who aren't that far from the frontline- for the courage they had shown and the patience they demonstrated over the last two years of this conflict.

The comments that I have made was specifically related to the context of the Syrian conflict but nothing else. I don't believe that an X or Y state should save people for the sake of their race, that's why I prefer not to identify people upon their races in this upheaval. We all know that Syria is more or less the melting-pot of the ME, in which a multi-ethnical as well as religious groups have been living in peace and harmony, and I frankly find it a bit distasteful that a country should go and save the Arabs and leave the other to meet their fate, and all.
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tunisia is against any military intervention in syria unless he is UN mission
just stop funding the terrorists beheading people in syria and there will be peace

Sure there will be. If the Allies in WW2 stopped fighting Hitler, there'd be peace in Nazi Germany. You need unrest to bring freedom sometimes.

@Yzd Khalifa : Thanks, I appreciate it. I wish everyone thought like you. I personally would go out of my way to save Turks all over the world but more power to you if you can put race aside.
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* US isn't ready for intervention.

US is always ready for intervention. The simple reason they are not invading it are that they will directly be harming Russian interests including the naval base they have there which could seriously escalate apart from violating a VETO.

With Pakistan and Afghanistan to deal with, US cannot **** off Russia to that extent and risk a wider conflict.

* Iranian response is not calculated yet

Iranians will launch strikes if Arabs intervened or will supply arms to the Syrian Army. The rebels are being crushed by Assad's army and Putin's blessings.... the leaders of the rebels were somehow involved in Chechen separatism as well.. so it kinda rubbed the Russians bad.

* Russian naval base....the only foreign naval base they have.

One of the main reasons why NATO nations are not launching an assault. All hell would break loose if NATO jets accidentally bombed their base. It is too much a cost to incur at this stage.

* Arab military capability is unproven.

Arab Armies are good at defensive positions because that's what they are built for; self-defence. If they attacked Syria and Iran used this to strike the Peninsular Shield Force, it would destroy GCC economy in minutes as mass-migrations would occur from these countries.

GCC countries are growing and this will be economic suicide for them. Clandestine support and funding is much safer a bet than direct combat.

* Fear of blowbacks


* They want the Afghanistan model to be applied instead of intervention. [That will mean HUGE civilian death toll]

The only way to ensure GCC isn't attacked by Iran in retaliation
Aren't they already interfering? What better way to interfere than to fund terrorists so that they kill their own people?

Isn't this a great method of warfare these days replicated in every region that needs to be destabilized for strategic reasons?
Seen all the posts before,
It is not about Russian interests(naval base)or chinese or who ever.
A no fly zone over Syria would be enough,Turkey and Jordan(with help from the GCC)could both take their half of Syria.
Israel could take on Hezbollah,so all sides covered.
Who is going to intervene?Russia or Iran?
What happens if Russia or Iran does something?
Russia is never going to risk a war as well as Iran(if Russia attacks Turkey ,NATO comes in,if Iran attacks the US intervene)
So all in all,nobody cares about Syria.
There must be a bigger plan for Syria,lets be honest.
Where in the world where people die like flies evry day they didnt intervene?
I expected something from GB and France(i hate him but to be honest,Sarkozy would have) but they disappointed me.
We will just watch Assad kill a couple milions of Syrians,and all will be friends with him again.
Ball will get rolling soon.

my 2 cents....
Seen all the posts before,
It is not about Russian interests(naval base)or chinese or who ever.
A no fly zone over Syria would be enough,Turkey and Jordan(with help from the GCC)could both take their half of Syria.

Turkey can only intervene if it is directly pulled into combat through a war. As long as that Russian military base is there, you can't do anything to Syria unless and until Syrians attack you and you retaliate in self-defense. A unilateral attack would mean facing a very pissed off Bear.

Jordran won't even last a day in that scenario.

Israel could take on Hezbollah,so all sides covered.

Israel's concern is that the violence should not spill into its borders. It is not because IDF is not entering Syrian territory

Who is going to intervene?Russia or Iran?
What happens if Russia or Iran does something?
Russia is never going to risk a war as well as Iran(if Russia attacks Turkey ,NATO comes in,if Iran attacks the US intervene)

NATO won't come in even if you invoke your clause because no one especially not in this condition wants to wage a war with Russia. Remember when you approached NATO for a full force retaliation, they merely suggested you to do it yourself without their intervention.

Fighting against an invasion will justify NATO intervention; but you unilaterally invading Syria which results in neutralizing a Russian military base will certainly not be a justifiable action. This isn't Serbia where any action by NATO will work.

Not to forget a NATO entry would defy the UNSC resolution which 2 permanent members wielding the same rights as the US and UK, vetoed.

So all in all,nobody cares about Syria.
There must be a bigger plan for Syria,lets be honest.

Where in the world where people die like flies evry day they didnt intervene?

None of those countries had Putin's direct blessing. Remember that Kremlin is supporting Assad against the same group leaders that were once harrowing Russian forces in the Caucasus. This is why the Russians are hell bent on getting the militant forces out of Syria and preserving Assad. Unless of course US can offer the Russians something so lucrative that they abandon their support.

I expected something from GB and France(i hate him but to be honest,Sarkozy would have) but they disappointed me.
We will just watch Assad kill a couple milions of Syrians,and all will be friends with him again.

My friend, if the militants win and Assad loses, entire Middle including your borders would be in a hailstorm of salafist radicalism. GCC states will collapse like dominos and you will end up being pulled into combat and cleaning up entire Middle East.

Assad might be a dictator but under him, Syrians continue to be liberal and socially open minded.

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