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Why Doesn't Pakistan Issue MMRCA Tender?

Due to Indian decisions to buy from US, Russia sold us the RD-93 engines,

incorrect sir business is done from the brain not from the heart
india did object so what? imagine getting into the market of a country how it helps business, as long as the jf-17 flies with russian engines Russia will have the bargaining power on their side
as long as the jf-17 flies with those rd-93 russia can have a bigger say in the region
SIR you underestimate the russians the approach is a strategic decision to influence southasia the hotbed in the coming decades
russia can influence india, china< because no western country is on chinese side russia-china relationship is very big in all terms>and now with rd-93 it can influence pakistan too to a very small extent but as long as the jf-17 flies with those engines the russians will grin
No one has answered my obvious question, what planes does Pakistan plan to get through said MMRCA tender, we can argue day and night about if and why. But lets get tot he items in question in here. MMRCA tender means medium aircraft. What are they ?. What aircraft do you want ?
No one has answered my obvious question, what planes does Pakistan plan to get through said MMRCA tender, we can argue day and night about if and why. But lets get tot he items in question in here. MMRCA tender means medium aircraft. What are they ?. What aircraft do you want ?

Or how about we close this thread because its simply useless, its quite clear that PAF will get the FC20's as their MMRCA.
No one has answered my obvious question, what planes does Pakistan plan to get through said MMRCA tender, we can argue day and night about if and why. But lets get tot he items in question in here. MMRCA tender means medium aircraft. What are they ?. What aircraft do you want ?

Pakistan does not need to have a competition because it is limited financially which fighters it can acquire unlike India.

Since Russian Fighters are off the table due to India-Russia friendship, and advanced American fighters off as well due to them being so expensive.

Pakistan needs to rely on it self and China for future fighter aircraft.
Pakistan does not need something like MMRCA tender. Indian government still believes in quantity and expensive equipment. Well, if that makes them feel safe then good for them. We don't need to imitate them. We have our OWN NEEDS and PAF will act accordingly to those needs. I don't think there will be any contract competition in near future from PAF. We'll just wait and see if J-10 gets inducted or not.
wel if paf is out of fule i think the fighter n refuller r flying with water in air n il78 refuling mirages with water that is the the joke of century
This is very informative thread but try not to derail it!
TaimiK posted few impressive things!

Why exactly do we need an MMRCA tender?

The F-16, JF-17 and J-10 are sufficient for our Air Force.

Pakistan cannot afford any of the aircraft that are bidding for India's MMRCA.

India is an economic power which is only growing while our internal problems is keeping us from rising and thus more countries are lining up to form strategic partnerships with India rather than us.

We are lucky that India has a rivalry with China because China helps us out.

If China-India establish good relations then we are doomed. India will continue to arm up and it come to a point when India can simply over run us and conquer Pakistan.
Why exactly do we need an MMRCA tender?

The F-16, JF-17 and J-10 are sufficient for our Air Force.

Pakistan cannot afford any of the aircraft that are bidding for India's MMRCA.

India is an economic power which is only growing while our internal problems is keeping us from rising and thus more countries are lining up to form strategic partnerships with India rather than us.

We are lucky that India has a rivalry with China because China helps us out.

If China-India establish good relations then we are doomed. India will continue to arm up and it come to a point when India can simply over run us and conquer Pakistan.

Soon you are going to be accused of being an Indian spy :P nice comments bro :cheers:
Why exactly do we need an MMRCA tender?

The F-16, JF-17 and J-10 are sufficient for our Air Force.

Pakistan cannot afford any of the aircraft that are bidding for India\'s MMRCA.

India is an economic power which is only growing while our internal problems is keeping us from rising and thus more countries are lining up to form strategic partnerships with India rather than us.

We are lucky that India has a rivalry with China because China helps us out.

If China-India establish good relations then we are doomed. India will continue to arm up and it come to a point when India can simply over run us and conquer Pakistan.

where u got the idea,that we,India,want to conquer u.....
yes we r enemies due to kashmir,apart from that why would india be interested in pakistan......
Why exactly do we need an MMRCA tender?

The F-16, JF-17 and J-10 are sufficient for our Air Force.

Pakistan cannot afford any of the aircraft that are bidding for India's MMRCA.

India is an economic power which is only growing while our internal problems is keeping us from rising and thus more countries are lining up to form strategic partnerships with India rather than us.

We are lucky that India has a rivalry with China because China helps us out.

If China-India establish good relations then we are doomed. India will continue to arm up and it come to a point when India can simply over run us and conquer Pakistan.


Thnx god finally i got superb joke !!! thnx!

PS: my grandfather = > my father > me (sstill listening this) let see my upcoming child > his child > his child > soo on! will listen same thing :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You forget to add (in bollywood movies) sentense in your statement lol
Why exactly do we need an MMRCA tender?

The F-16, JF-17 and J-10 are sufficient for our Air Force.

Pakistan cannot afford any of the aircraft that are bidding for India's MMRCA.
India is an economic power which is only growing while our internal problems is keeping us from rising and thus more countries are lining up to form strategic partnerships with India rather than us.

We are lucky that India has a rivalry with China because China helps us out.
If China-India establish good relations then we are doomed. India will continue to arm up and it come to a point when India can simply over run us and conquer Pakistan.

Funniest shyt ever.
Yes right now our economic situations isnt tht good but just take a good look in the past u will see our economy which was faster growing as compaired to and PAF evaluating rafael in 2005.
Does it ring any bell?
Good and bad situations dont always remain....and even with such situation(WOT) we are surprisingly developing though slowly...but slow and steady wins the race.
Last time i checked indian media was crying about warming relations of USA-PAKISTAN.
And about china sir pak-china relations arent just buisness take a tour to china and u will see how people welcome u.
Also the so called numericaly superior india was used like a tissue in 48,65,71 air battle and kargil war where was the might????
Were we DOOMED?When china didnt help us in 71 or kargil,48 or any other skimish???
India will go on buying piles of weapons and we will be sitting on our *** doing nothing:hitwall::hitwall:
See the weapon purchases of Pakistan this year?ever wonder why we are developing,buying and in deals with weapons?do u strangely tink its for show?
P.S=Get a brain and alot of sense.
Why exactly do we need an MMRCA tender?

The F-16, JF-17 and J-10 are sufficient for our Air Force.

Pakistan cannot afford any of the aircraft that are bidding for India's MMRCA.

India is an economic power which is only growing while our internal problems is keeping us from rising and thus more countries are lining up to form strategic partnerships with India rather than us.

We are lucky that India has a rivalry with China because China helps us out.

If China-India establish good relations then we are doomed. India will continue to arm up and it come to a point when India can simply over run us and conquer Pakistan.

MMRCA does not only show that india has money...but it shows a failed, hasty and unplanned shopping of russian flankers in the past. and as far as strategic partnership goes...you know very well US never fights a able man...they r like the vultures they want a dead or dieing pray.....(china is the able man here ) and they want india to stand up for them...its the old watch dog story.

and by the way... India has Russian and Israel but still you r alive and breathing, so dont feel doomed at least your countrymen will stand by you...even if you dont stand up

and who has floated a tender........please tell the ministry of defense also
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MMRCA does not only show that india has money...but it shows a failed, hasty and unplanned shopping of russian flankers in the past. and as far as strategic partnership goes...you know very well US never fights a able man...they r like the vultures they want a dead or dieing pray.....(china is the able man here ) and they want india to stand up for them...its the old watch dog story.

and by the way... India has Russian and Israel but still you r alive and breathing, so dont feel doomed at least your countrymen will stand by you...even if you dont stand up

and who has floated a tender........please tell the ministry of defense also

I stopped reading at that point, you make so sense at all. India has the MRCA because it can have one, no other reason to it.
11 pages discussing a totally rhetorical question. Merc made a couple of real points in between (not about conquering pakistan) but got lost in all the drivel and chest thumping which is now moving into the realm of India bashing..

It's a simple answer to the question

Pakistan right now does not have the money to buy the class of planes that are in the Indian MMRCA deal. And with the restrictions, PAF has modified its doctrine to suite the JF 17 and J 10 planes that it will aquire over next 5 years...
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