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why doesn't pakistan army get rid of the Taliban?

There's this political problem with our war on TTP. Military goes in, clears the area and then what, they run to Afghanistan and come back with reinforcements and attack our border areas. The next problem is our judicial system, we've been too lenient on these low-lives. If this was Iran or Saudi Arabia, all the captured alive terrorists would have been executed publicly, which is needed here. See, TTP ruled with the help of the fear they managed to create in the general public, that's what's needed here, we should execute all the jailed terrorists ASAP, of course those who can't be rehabilitated.

Now the story is, they don't fear us, they know if they will be caught alive, maximum they will stay in custody for some weeks and then later on the Police will handle them and eventually send to Jails, and Bannu jail break incident must not be forgotten in this regard.

I'm very very harsh on this issue. People who don't understand their mentality speak **** about taking peace with them. Sorry, losers, but they martyred thousands of our Soldiers and civilians and now they are even targeting our daughters and sisters, have Muslims of Pakistan become so beghairat that they can't even protect the honour of this nation? Shame on people who wanna talk to them.

They should be dealt with just one thing. Sword. That's what our Prophet [S.A.W] taught us.
If this was Iran or Saudi Arabia, all the captured alive terrorists would have been executed publicly, which is needed here. See, TTP ruled with the help of the fear they managed to create in the general public, that's what's needed here, we should execute all the jailed terrorists ASAP, of course those who can't be rehabilitated.

I still don't get it that why people convicted of killing, terror activities and plotting to kill are not hanged in these times to make a symbol out of them, but kept in jail for sometime and then released.

The Lal Masjid nutjob got released, the Mush killer was still being kept in jail (not even for life), and countless others. Why not transfer a high profile terrorist to a better prison than Bannu???

Sad to see that parliament is more busy in fighting over dual-national than passing the new terror law. Couple this with SC and CJP concentrating on doing everything to stop FC and other folks from rounding up terror suspects, and you have a bad scenario.
Btw, what is the take on the Afgan Taliban? Are they good taliban or bad taliban as per the current standards?
Hill and mountains of most countries are underdeveloped and hence terror support grows there. Solution is to get them jobs in army as not much industry can be created on mountains.
If anyone thinks that Pakistan army cannot defeat Taliban then he is an idiot
the army cannot just go and attack Taliban because they have support of right wing mullahs and idiots from all over the country

if the army adopts "a bullet for taliban and their supporters policy" then there will be no such thing as taliban in Pakistan
Taliban are cowards and cannot fight in open, they hide and blend among population which is a very difficult problem for PA to find them and weed them out.

Hundred of thousands of U.S. Troops plus NATO troops in Afghanistan has not been able eradicate the Taliban in Afghanistan. In fact Taliban seem to be winning and are still strong in Afghanistan as they have brought U.S. and NATO to negotiating table.

You also have to consider the problematic terrain........

Although I am a very avid Musharraf supporter, one thing I highly dislike about him is we had a great chance to eradicate the Taliban during Musharaff early Presidency. But he sought to use them for political support and took no actions against them. Then they turned on him, and he tried to eliminate them using various means including "Scorched Earth Policy." But they were inneffective as it was too late.

But PA, ISI and PAF routinely destroy Taliban hideouts with F-16, and covert opearations. But as many as we eliminate more surface.

This is where drone strikes come in. Drone attacks in this area are very effective in helping to eradicating the Taliban. Although civillians do sometimes get caught in the cross fire, most of the times these drone strikes are effective. Even when Pakistan Army goes in after Talian innocent civilians do get killed. But it is less so with drone strikes as they are precision strikes with intel from ISI and PAK army. But civilians do get caught in the middle, mistakes do happen..this is the unfortunate reality of war.
why doesn't pakistan army get rid of the Taliban for good? I mean they are attacking your innocent children now, how long are you going to wait? what is stopping you? Where is the spirit of the army?

Get rid of every taliban and whoever supports them, their supporters are the biggest criminals, thats why they are there to begin with

First- have some courage to show your real nationality. Second- it's not as simple as sweeping your house. Third- This is an adult forum meant to for serious discussions.
Sir Pakistan Army is fighting against the Taliban for past 8 years and failed because their is not military solution to this battle whole American Power along with 33 other countries couldn't defeat Taliban you think Pakistan can Sir when ever they get rid of Taliban from an area they simply go to other area and the moment Army leave area they return they are motivated fighters and with lot of local support because our Armed Forces attacked our Tribal Areas on American orders in Musharraf time which resulted in anger and hatred towards Army and Pakistan and than allowed Americans to kill our own people and final blow came with Lal Masjid Operation now we need to talk to Taliban and Tribals win as many as on our side fulfill their right demands and than isolate those who don't listen to any thing logical and than take on them otherwise this war will never end for next 100 years

Sorry but I do not agree with several things you have said but I can only address a few. First question is how did the Taliban come into being? Who is financing them? Its not possible to maintain such a large army of fighters and training them without financial aid. Do you think they came into being just from Drone attacks by USA. As most would say their initial origin was during the Russian-Afghan war as a combined project of USA/Pakistan/ISI whatever combination you want. Then after the way we all know what happened in 2001 and America's move onto Afghanitsan. During this last decade these wars forced Taliban to move to Pakistan after America came to Afghanistan and tried to drive them out (and mostly failed). After Taliban came to Pakistan, there are many sympathizers for them among ISI and Pak Army and they wished to keep them as a weapon. Anyway, long story short, the poor and needy in Pakistan with nothing to live for and beaten down by worsening economy and quality of life, why wouldnt they join Taliban? They are easily convinced by their ideology. I am not sure about your claim about all Tribals supporting Taliban. I think initially they might have since Taliban claim to be devout muslims but later when they saw their savagery they might have turned on them as claimed by Icarus.

Where is the funding coming from for this ideology? The Taliban claim their brand of Islam in the best and all the rest are Kafir. Where else is this kind of Ideology? The truth is its in the Wahhabis of the middle east including Saudi Arabia. I know its not easy to "blame" your fellow muslims but the truth requires some courage. Look at their behaviour. Saudis do not tolerate other schools of thoughts of Islam. They have so much money from oil its easy for them to finance these Taliban. Infact they are buying many Mosques even in the Western World and trying to convert people to their ideology. I think they definetly have a role in financing Taliban. I cannot claim that I know the truth about the other sources cited for Taliban financing including drugs etc.

Everyone says we can get rid of Taliban with education? I agree with that. Its an ideology and to fight it you need to educate people. But how can you educate your people if they are KILLED if you send them to school? Taliban are scared that people who are educated will reject their ideology. Hence I feel in addition to education there has to be a military aspect to the solution as well to allow people to gain both religious and scientific education in a secure environment. Also I think its impossible to get rid of Taliban until we get rid of the SYMPATHIZERS as someone mentioned who come from all walks of life, but dangerous among them would be religious leaders, elements in Pakistan Army and ISI.
Taliban is really a big big issue for pakistan,killing people and politician of pakistan.....if they are killing politicians that means they gotta support from othere politicians of pakistan. .....too
From the Ghazis mouth himself, why the Taliban/LeT/Islampasand-gun carrying living entities are GHQ's blu-eyed boyz in the hood

To quote a senior retired general about non-state actor-militants: “The Pakistan Army cannot get such a force at such a low cost.”

As perverse as it may sound, it is in India's interest for pakistan's overlords at GHQ to invest in these organizations. The moment pakistan looks to go one up on India by adopting modern, progressive practices to strengthen self & pursue its territorial objectives, all contingency plans drawn up by Indian planners would fail.

They hinge on puppet organiations like the LeT/J ruling the roost in the pakistani society with the strings being held by the olives in GHQ.

India's international image of moderation rides on the back of current pakistani trend of displaying increasing levels of Yahooism by the day

Muhammad Bin-Qasim Paindabad
From the Ghazis mouth himself, why the Taliban/LeT/Islampasand-gun carrying living entities are GHQ's blu-eyed boyz in the hood

Lets learn to keep up with time and try to live a little out of the 90s.

As perverse as it may sound, it is in India's interest for pakistan's overlords at GHQ to invest in these organizations. The moment pakistan looks to go one up on India by adopting modern, progressive practices to strengthen self & pursue its territorial objectives, all contingency plans drawn up by Indian planners would fail.

India might want to draw up new plans in that case because the saga of proxy wars is over, with a lot of what we banked on coming up to bite us. I doubt there will be any more investment in such militant groups.

They hinge on puppet organiations like the LeT/J ruling the roost in the pakistani society with the strings being held by the olives in GHQ.

I don't think anyone has heard from an LeT operative in a decade.

India's international image of moderation rides on the back of current pakistani trend of displaying increasing levels of Yahooism by the day

You give yourself too much credit, India is a good place to do business for the world, that's about it.

Muhammad Bin-Qasim Paindabad

Whatever gets you your share of kicks......
Well NATO/US well equipped forces failed to eliminate them how can you expect this from sada kangaal army.
In areas where our soldiers need 20-30Tons MRAP's army use 4x4 pickups and call them Sadka, not to mention air support we are fighting this war from last 10 years and we don't have a single armed UCAV.

In the end you can't blame economy or politicians, USA gave 10 Billion$ to mush administration to eliminate them the money is gone and bastard enjoying life in London. The master mind behind Pakistani destruction are these two people Zia and Mush and i think we deserve this as long as we have soft corners for dictators aka 'useful idiots" we will continue to face same fate.
From the Ghazis mouth himself, why the Taliban/LeT/Islampasand-gun carrying living entities are GHQ's blu-eyed boyz in the hood


As perverse as it may sound, it is in India's interest for pakistan's overlords at GHQ to invest in these organizations. The moment pakistan looks to go one up on India by adopting modern, progressive practices to strengthen self & pursue its territorial objectives, all contingency plans drawn up by Indian planners would fail.

They hinge on puppet organiations like the LeT/J ruling the roost in the pakistani society with the strings being held by the olives in GHQ.

India's international image of moderation rides on the back of current pakistani trend of displaying increasing levels of Yahooism by the day

Muhammad Bin-Qasim Paindabad

Well friend I feel that we need to go beyond the usual blame on India for everything argument. If you are suggesting that India has top officials infiltrated into our GHQ then we are surely doomed. I am not saying it is not possible, but I doubt that is the only reason for out troubles. The feeling is that there may indeed be elements in GHQ who are supporting extremism but it may because of they argee with the brand of Islam promoted by the extremists and they have sympathies for them. As long as we dont realize that extremism is a problem from within and keep blaming outside forces for "ALL" our problems, we will never embark on the road to solutions.
what a silly thread...we've been fighting them for quite some time....

however those who are willing to cooperate with govt. and end anti-Pakistan activity are given amnesty in exchange for dropping their arms and rejecting violence

the real question is, why isnt NATO serious about going full on out against the talebs? They cant, because they know that talebs are more powerful and more influential than they (or media) would acknowledge. That's the bitter reality of the situation. If you believe otherwise, youre sadly naiive and dont know ground realities in Afghanistan.

there's a reason why even member-states of the international coalition (e.g. the Italians) literally PAY the talebs not to attack them.....Obama has already signaled he wants to end the afghan mission by 2014. The talebs will just wait it out.

as for TTP, the sectarian militant groups (like LeJ) it is in our interest to crush them and their sympathizers. That is what we're doing, though there's much work ahead. NOBODY said this fight would be a quick, easy one. There has to also be efforts and initiatives by the civilian government, which is more focused instead on vote-bank politics rather than the safety of Pakistani citizens.
If anyone thinks that Pakistan army cannot defeat Taliban then he is an idiot
the army cannot just go and attack Taliban because they have support of right wing mullahs and idiots from all over the country

if the army adopts "a bullet for taliban and their supporters policy" then there will be no such thing as taliban in Pakistan

you have to defeat their ideology....not just their foot-soldiers and backers - who breed them like rabbits.

if you solve the insurgency and if NATO heeds to Pakistan's concerns in Afghanistan, in Pakistan the war would be over much quicker and with a better conclusion......our enemies should also re-evaluate their policy of arming and backing those hell-bent on picking a fight with the Pakistani state (which they are doing to put pressure on us and hinder our development)
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