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Why does Kashmir only belong to Muslims?

So much nonsense in one post...I especially liked the gratuitous self-promotion of Israel. Keep the comedy coming.
No specific criticisms = empty name-calling.

You've found nothing to be proud of in your politics, have you? Why not change your mind, then?
No specific criticisms = empty name-calling.

You've found nothing to be proud of in your politics, have you? Why not change your mind, then?


Can't be bothered repeating the same old discussions ad nauseum, but I am sure the Indians will lap up anything you write about Pakistan...
Its all about frame of reference.. For us, basis our constitution, Kashmir is not any different from Punjab.. So you are not majority (looking at the whole population of india)

Punjab like the rest of the indian states joined india through there own free will and as such are obliged to follow the constitution of india.....the same can not be said about kashmir.
Does not matter. There will not be any favoritism. Only way to undo it is shed the Indian Independence Act 1947. Then Pakistan will legally cease to exist.
Punjab like the rest of the indian states joined india through there own free will and as such are obliged to follow the constitution of india.....the same can not be said about kashmir.
Punjab like the rest of the indian states joined india through there own free will and as such are obliged to follow the constitution of india.....the same can not be said about kashmir.

As I said, its all about frame of reference. You can think that and that's your prerogative, but from our POV, there is no difference between J&K and any other state of India.

Does not matter. There will not be any favoritism. Only way to undo it is shed the Indian Independence Act 1947. Then Pakistan will legally cease to exist.

ouch :) ......
Punjab like the rest of the indian states joined india through there own free will and as such are obliged to follow the constitution of india.....the same can not be said about kashmir.

Kashmir acceded to India just like Swat, Bahawalpur, Khairpur or Chitral acceded to Pakistan.
Then why Seperatists are playing victims card

Maybe a timeline of events will clear your confusion.

1987-Farooq Abdullah wins the elections. The Muslim United Front (MUF) accuses that the elections have been rigged.The MUF candidate Mohammad Yousuf Shah is not only cheated in the rigged elections, but also imprisoned and he would later become Syed Salahuddin, chief of militant outfit Hizb-ul-Mujahedin.

1990: In January, Jagmohan is appointed as the Governor. Farooq Abdullah resigns. On 20 January, an estimated 100 people are killed when a large group of unarmed protesters are fired upon by the Indian troops at the Gawakadal bridge. With this incident, it becomes an insurgency of the entire population. On March 1, an estimated one million take to the streets and more than forty people are killed in police firing.

when they started it doing with Pundits first??

1990:JKLF tries to explain that the killings of Pandits were not communal, the murders cause a scare among the minority Hindu community. The rise of new militant groups, some warnings in anonymous posters and some unexplained killings of innocent members of the community contribute to an atmosphere of insecurity for the Kashmiri Pandits. Joint reconciliation efforts by members from both Muslim and Pandit communities are actively discouraged by Jagmohan(Balraj Puri, Kashmir Towards Insurgency, Delhi 1993, pp.64-67.) Most of the estimated 162,500 Hindus in the Valley, including the entire Kashmiri Pandit community, flee the Valley in March.

Wait, probably they never thought even in their dreams before doing, that India will kick their a$$ hard after that.

The pakistanis knew what the indians would do but the kashmiris didnt.

They thought that their Mujahidins will come to rescue them from Afganistan, after withdrawl of soviet union but it didn't work. Rather it made seperatists life hell and more than 23000 militants got killed. History is gonna be repeated once again and this time they will remember India forever.

Sep 11th is what put the kashmir fight on hold...not the indian army.

PS: Besides this time no one from 'world community' except Pakistan(and India don't care Pakistan's position on Kashmir) care about them, not even China and Arab countries.

I think you find that the UN is classed as the "world community" and they still have the resolution on there "books".

Ha ha ha... Still many Pakistani's cry about Plebiscite which was promised in 1948's.... But the geniuses should also read what are the preconditions too!

please......... do enlighten us
I think no one said 'Kashmir Only Belongs to the Muslims' ! :unsure:

Kashmir is a Muslim Majority State & so naturally if the majority of the Muslims were asked to decide 'India, Pakistan or Independence' & were a Plebiscite to that effect be carried out, their vote would have the largest leverage in deciding the final fate of Kashmir.

Even todays BD was muslim majority part of Pakistan once ain't it ! And you never gave them plebiscite to decide their fate. Its India who had to intervene to give BD their rightful freedom
Really? Lmao source? And so that justifies the killing of others?

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights reports that there are roughly 1.5 million refugees from Indian-administered Kashmir, bulk of whom arrived in Pakistan-administered Kashmir and in Pakistan after the situation on the Indian side worsened in 1989 insurgency.

Kashmir is always going to be part of India whether you like it or not, it has holy places for Sikhs and Hindus and they have just as much right to it as Muslims so stop being a bigot. The world doesn't revolve around Muslims.:)

My answer was a response to karans remark about muslims should leave kashmir if they dont want to be part of india.
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