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Why does India still play second fiddle to China? | The Telegraph

Individual item is not the best indicator for the performance of a economy, since we can always find opposite example to defeat your argument. How about Double 11 sales? Jumped from 9.4 billion to 14.3 billion?

People doubt everything. When India changed the base year to calculate GDP, the whole word doubt.

Yes, it may not be. But the whole is the sum of parts. So, the problem here is that the parts don't agree to the whole picture. China's industrial sector is in deep trouble. Manufacturing PMI has been in contraction zone for months now.

The consumption is good, but nowhere as good as reported everywhere. You can look at many numbers for this.

You made a point here. I just want to tell you, Chinese Government can not give Chinese this kind of buying power by "massaging" numbers.

I am not claiming that they always did this. But, they are indeed doing it now.

Tell me, do you think that China is in deflation?

And if you really think so, then it is a big trouble for China. Deflation essentially hollowed Japan completely.
Yes, it may not be. But the whole is the sum of parts. So, the problem here is that the parts don't agree to the whole picture. China's industrial sector is in deep trouble. Manufacturing PMI has been in contraction zone for months now.

The consumption is good, but nowhere as good as reported everywhere. You can look at many numbers for this.

That is exactly what the world economists said about India, when Modi's government bumped GDP growth rate from 5.5 to 7.4% with this new calculation.

Talking about industries, Indian's manufacturing growth is only 3.6%, your monsoon is bad this year, your export down 17% in Oct, but I did not see you doubt your 7.4% GDP growth rate.

I am not claiming that they always did this. But, they are indeed doing it now.

Tell me, do you think that China is in deflation?

And if you really think so, then it is a big trouble for China. Deflation essentially hollowed Japan completely.

I don't know if there is a deflection in China right now, I don't live there. Can't tell you.

You worry about China a little too much. Sometimes, you give people an impression that a rickshaw puller is always worrying his next door neighbor can not afford a new BMW anymore. No offence, just telling you my impression about you.
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India should surpass Sub-Sahara Africa first before talking about China.
To surpass SSA, it must focus on how to achieve double-digit growth continuously beginning in 2016
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