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Why do Turks Like Pakistan?

I would say it is a mutual bond.
How it formed i don't know.
Somewhere science of reasons fails in real life.
We help them in there need and they help us in our need.
Turkey is good because she gives us stuff that goes boom at good prices with ToT. Once smart artillery amunition and platforms are designed along with an F-16 and eventually dual airforce netcentricity can we see our relationship truly blossom. Also, once Turkey transitions into the 120 + F-35 Lightening made in their own assembly lines, she will have at least 100 F-16 MLU that can be bought by Pakistan with a never ending spare supply and resources for upgradation to Block 52+ standards. If that is workable on soft loans over 20 years then I will love Turkey a little more.
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One reason Turks like Pakistan is that both of our founding fathers were secular leaders, and our countries were one of the few Muslim countries that were founded based on secular principles.
what do turks think of uyghurs? what do pakistanis think of uyghurs?

what do turks think of kashmir? what do pakistanis think of kashmir?

what do turks think of islamic republics? what do pakistanis think of secular democracies?

big big conflict of ideas there. the khilafat movement is the cause of the existing goodwill, but it is vastly untested in any serious situation.
what do pakistanis think of uyghurs?
Azad Turkistan i Sharqi Zindhabad

what do pakistanis think of kashmir?
Kashmir baney ga Pakistan

what do pakistanis think of secular democracies?
Viva Turkiye what ever they are

big big conflict of ideas there. the khilafat movement is the cause of the existing goodwill, but it is vastly untested in any serious situation.
We love them no matter what

I wished someone had mentioned about the KHILAFAT MOVEMENT, where young muslim men from the sub continent went to turkey to fight against the british---even though the british were ruling the sub continent at that time. That is one of the major reason that turks respected the muslims of our region---.

I read it in the history books and learnt it also from my grandparenst as well---the turks also heard it from their grandparents the same thing---though the younger generations maynot remember this---but but they would remember the affection that their grand parents showed towards each others nation.

I wished someone had mentioned about the KHILAFAT MOVEMENT, where young muslim men from the sub continent went to turkey to fight against the british---even though the british were ruling the sub continent at that time. That is one of the major reason that turks respected the muslims of our region---.

I read it in the history books and learnt it also from my grandparenst as well---the turks also heard it from their grandparents the same thing---though the younger generations maynot remember this---but but they would remember the affection that their grand parents showed towards each others nation.

I agree , my Grand Father gave me few The Comrade magazines of 1912 edited by Muhammad Ali Johar. That magazine gives u a great insight of how Muslim of India were collecting money and sending contingent to Khilafah.
Turks knows about it mates, sedat just missed to mention it. I'll send him a very angry letter asap! :azn:
Sağol kardeşim biz hep beraberiz.......Sizi seviyoruz.

üç hilal'a ve şerefe !!!!
what do turks think of uyghurs? what do pakistanis think of uyghurs?

depends who you ask. Turk ethnic nationalists? Mullahs....taleban....or just a neutral person.

I think the Uyghurs are Chinese first. And I hope they can integrate themselves into China society. It is in their interests.

what do turks think of kashmir? what do pakistanis think of kashmir?

Turks support us on our stance on Kashmir, as we support their stance on Cyprus. Diplomatically/officially, we do not recognize Southern Cyprus as "Greek" territory. It is entirely Turkish. Their stance on Kashmir it is disputed territory, but all indian occupied kashmir belongs to Pakistan.

what do turks think of islamic republics?

they are wary about it --but it depends where in Turkiye you are and whom you ask.

Their Constitution is secular, and the Army is seen as the guard of secularism.

Quite frankly, their leader Ataturk was wise beyond his years. He knew that religion and state DO NOT MIX!

what do pakistanis think of secular democracies?

Pakistanis are too stupid to know what secular means. You ask a mullah or some illiterate person, he/she thinks "secular" means kufr or atheist.

big big conflict of ideas there. the khilafat movement is the cause of the existing goodwill, but it is vastly untested in any serious situation.

maybe to you......not to most of us. Turkiye is a time-tested and probably one of the only genuine allies that we have.

did you know that the indian navy had repeatedly tried to begin tender with ASELSAN for the purchase of a large number of stabilized guns (STAMP) which were refused by Turkish Defence Ministry for the sole reason that such a move would not be good for Pakistan? How many countries would do that?

the indians made 3 attempts.....and i know this because i knew somebody who knew very well the military attache of india in Ankara --and he was "flustered" over this.

if you want to know who sold out the Khilafat (Osmanli) -- it was the Saudia wahhaby establishment.
what do turks think of uyghurs? what do pakistanis think of uyghurs?

what do turks think of kashmir? what do pakistanis think of kashmir?

what do turks think of islamic republics? what do pakistanis think of secular democracies?

big big conflict of ideas there. the khilafat movement is the cause of the existing goodwill, but it is vastly untested in any serious situation.
Do you mean Chinese Uyghurs?The so called East Turkistan is part of China and will remain so.It is an integral part of China and the insurgency is internal problem of China.Turkey should keep its butt away from this matter.
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1) Do you mean Chinese Uyghurs?The so called East Turkistan is part of China and will remain so.It is an integral part of China and the insurgency is internal problem of China.Turkey should keep its butt away from this matter.

the Uyghurs are ethnic Turks/Mongoloids.

Only nationalist groups like the 'grey wolves' make noise bout them

most people dont care

theyre Muslims, but theyre Chinese. Internal matter....we can only send scholars to perhaps 'cool' things down

its all media hype ;)
AOA allow me to give you the MOST VALID and the MOST IMPORTANT factor for the relations and Brotherhood between http://www.smileyshut.com/Smileys/Smiley-Huts-Free-Flags-Smileys.html & :pakistan:

Prophet Muhammad SAW has said "" Muslims are like one Body , if one part gets hurt the pain is felt by the whole body""

and let me assure you , this thing is Same with all other Muslim countires , not only the Turkey , Inshallah we will get them together one day!
There is no time for differences on Sectarian bases or having doubts in each other , this is Western way of thinking but we used to believe in a thing called IJMA'A ( collectiveness , oneness) do we still believe in it?

I think we share alot in common with Turks as we say we love them only because they are turks and they are Turks because they are Muslims !!

In Turkey There are those who speak of a Man who wants Muslims to get together and Form the Largest coallition on Planet , these efforts are supported by the fact that Europe does'nt want Turkey to be a Part of E.U so i think Turkey should Join Pakistan , Iran & Gulf to start this process & get all OIC members together in a Islamic idealogical Parliment make a Combined Millitary , Halal Banking system , Our own Educational system , and most importantly IF we do it , we can Ask UNO to give one of US the the right to VETO!

This is the Ultimate destiny of US.
( Admins Please Include Turkish Flag in Emotions )
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I would have though that the Khilafat movement would be a controversial issue for Pakistan, particularly because Pakistan's founders Muslim League and Mr. Jinnah's strict stand on it.

While leaders like Maulana Jauhar Ali, Dr. Ansari, Maulana Azad and Hakim Ajmal Khan forged close ties with Gadhiji and used Khilafat + Swaraj movement to forge Hindu-Muslim unity, the muslim league and Hindu mahasabha opposed it on grounds of mixing religion with politics and dismissed it as "religious frenzy".
Khilafat Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However, at that time ML was not so popular and it is true that a large number of people from present day Pakistan including Hindus took part in the Khilafat movement to forge Hindu-Muslim unity and pressure the British to stop its colonialist attitude. In India it is still regarded as a defining movement in Hindu-Muslim relations because of the massive following of the movement as part of the wider Civil Dis obedience movement.
we supported khilafat movement in its contemporary and downfall stages. But we also supported them during their war of independence. On other matters too we supported them and they supported us. Whether it was earthquake relief, military cooperation or just people to people and or trade contact, they are among the best for us. Turks like Pakistan more than some of the unpatriotic people in our country who don't uphold the values bequeathed upon us by Quaid e Azam the great. The younger generations on both sides are not as jazbati as the older ones. That's why younger generations must do the MOST to promote strong friendships with the Turks and the other few friends that we have. I lived there for over 3 years and those were some of the fondest days of my life. They really are like us in many ways.
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