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Why do some people hate Sonia Gandhi so much?

Varun Gandhi has raised 550 questions in Lok Sabha while Rahul Baba (Cons Future PM aka Bhudu) has raised zero.
Fact that most Indians believe- Modi DID riot

Any polls, surveys, research done on this matter ? Or is that your opinion masquerading as a fact ?

the americans aren't ready to look at things the way many of us would want to- they think this is serious and that's why, despite his spectacular rise as a PM candidate, they aren't ready to give hima VISA. .

American (the same america that as no qualms being best buddies with the stone age arab kingdoms) approval is the most important thing required for Indians to elect their PM. Not honesty, integrity ,efficiency or a proven track record in governance.

How would you feel if you were led by Rahul Gandhi?

I will feel like a rat being led by Pied Piper to a certain and inevitable doom.

dude on this forum many Indians have critized Pakistanis for this very attitude- we know that they will reject anything that India says, alongside, if the US says that ISI promotes anti-India activities, if the US says that LeT is a terrorist organization, Hafiz saeed is is terorrist, they blissfully ignore it like ostriches citing anti pak conspiracies. And when it comes to something that's inconvenient to us, suddenly, the US doesn't have 'credibility'?

Apples & oranges. There is no two opinions in India when it comes to ISI's anti India activities, neither about LET or Hafiz Sayed. US is only confirming what India has been saying ever since. But when it comes to MODI... opinion is divided in India. So called secular flag bearers of India has one thing to say.. while the others have their own.

Fact that most Indians believe- Modi DID riot, but he is just so goddamn good an administrator, after all the scams and the mess that we have seen, he would be the ideal PM. Hard working, efficient and very results oriented. We would like to put his past behind and forget what he did, but guess what- mature societies don't do that.

But his constituents seems to think otherwise though, including those to whom everyone seems to have unsolicited sympathy!


the americans aren't ready to look at things the way many of us would want to- they think this is serious and that's why, despite his spectacular rise as a PM candidate, they aren't ready to give hima VISA. This isn't hipocracy- they threw out one of their own presidents (Nixon) for crimes that are nothing in comparison to what is alleged of Modi. And this is not some 'anti BJP' conspiracy. Every other BJP leader, including gadkari can get a Visa today because the US wants to maintain good relations with the opposition. Hell, Hillary even went to meet Mamta while she was significantly lesser a figure than modi. If they have kept a view so strong that even now, knowing what kind of a mess congress in, they're unwilling to invite modi, that is an indication of the seriousness with which they look at his past. Denying that past is our hypocrisy, not the americans'..

There was lot of things America wasn't willing to look at. But when the time comes calling, even they have to compromise on their principles. Civil nuclear Deal.. does that ring a bell? They had to sacrifice quite a few of their principles to bring that one into effect. So let's not be under illusion that if Modi becomes India's PM tomorrow America will still refuse him Visa. There will be a beeline from US to woo Modi away from China. Perception changes in politics shamelessly..
Apples & oranges. There is no two opinions in India when it comes to ISI's anti India activities, neither about LET or Hafiz Sayed. US is only confirming what India has been saying ever since. But when it comes to MODI... opinion is divided in India. So called secular flag bearers of India has one thing to say.. while the others have their own.

But his constituents seems to think otherwise though, including those to whom everyone seems to have unsolicited sympathy!


There was lot of things America wasn't willing to look at. But when the time comes calling, even they have to compromise on their principles. Civil nuclear Deal.. does that ring a bell? They had to sacrifice quite a few of their principles to bring that one into effect. So let's not be under illusion that if Modi becomes India's PM tomorrow America will still refuse him Visa. There will be a beeline from US to woo Modi away from China. Perception changes in politics shamelessly..

I don't know why you're trying to prove that modi is a great administrator- I have accepted that in my own post. You really aren't giving me any reason why the americans should have a bone with modi anyway. Hell they're so savvy they'd like to invite him to their country and impress him so that in the eventuality he does become PM, they have a solid relationship. And why hasnt that happened? why have they taken the politically risky of antagonizing him even at this stage, when they know that the congress is in deep $hit. Don't give me any theories of of some conspiracy against BJP- they've had excellent relationships with the BJP leadershiip. After pokhran 2, despite the lip service sanctions they imposed, they proactively opened negos with jaswnt Singh and eventually led the way to India joining the nuclear club (the congress had come to power by the time the process was over). And during kargil, they went out of the way to weigh their godd offices into the game to get pak to withdraw. Surely, they aren't glad about this stand? And they haven't denied the visa only to him either. There really is no other reason is there? Sure, the US will not deny him a visa if he became PM, but that's no great achievement. All heads of state are given visas automatically- hell Fidel castro, Gadaff, KRUSCHEV & and ahmedinajad were also given visas. So you're talking about a guy who's gonna get a visa only if he becomes PM- at no other point. Nice credentials.

How would you feel if you were led by Rahul Gandhi?

I will feel like a rat being led by Pied Piper to a certain and inevitable doom.


You're that guy anish
I don't know why you're trying to prove that modi is a great administrator- I have accepted that in my own post. You really aren't giving me any reason why the americans should have a bone with modi anyway. Hell they're so savvy they'd like to invite him to their country and impress him so that in the eventuality he does become PM, they have a solid relationship. And why hasnt that happened? why have they taken the politically risky of antagonizing him even at this stage, when they know that the congress is in deep $hit. Don't give me any theories of of some conspiracy against BJP- they've had excellent relationships with the BJP leadershiip. After pokhran 2, despite the lip service sanctions they imposed, they proactively opened negos with jaswnt Singh and eventually led the way to India joining the nuclear club (the congress had come to power by the time the process was over). And during kargil, they went out of the way to weigh their godd offices into the game to get pak to withdraw. Surely, they aren't glad about this stand? And they haven't denied the visa only to him either. There really is no other reason is there? Sure, the US will not deny him a visa if he became PM, but that's no great achievement. All heads of state are given visas automatically- hell Fidel castro, Gadaff, KRUSCHEV & and ahmedinajad were also given visas. So you're talking about a guy who's gonna get a visa only if he becomes PM- at no other point. Nice credentials.

@Guynextdoor2 You'r still going on about that Visa thing, as if it's the be all & end all. It's not the only benchmark to measure Modi's credentials internationally.

It's like you saying to me again & again that I'm not invited to your party. C'mon.. first time you refuse me an entry... i wouldn't even bother asking you to invite me again. But if you keep repeating the same thing again & again while I'm not bothered the slightest..... it sounds like you are yearning for my attention. That's what is happening here.

US wants Modi to approach them, while Modi chooses to ignore. End of the day.. it's only going to embarrass US more than Modi.
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She is not worth the post that she is at . Marrying an Indian leader of the 80's should not gaurantee a throne for queen of India............. as it is she is very corrupt :angry:
First of all Modi did not ask for a Visa, so to say that Visa was not GRANTED to Modi is factually wrong.
@Guynextdoor2 You'r still going on about that Visa thing, as if it's the be all & end all. It's not the only benchmark to measure Modi's credentials internationally.

It's like you saying to me again & again that I'm not invited to your party. C'mon.. first time you refuse me an entry... i wouldn't even bother asking you to invite me. But if you keep repeating the same thing again & again while I'm not bothered the slightest..... it sounds like you are yearning for my attention. That's what is happening here.

US wants Modi to approach them, while Modi chooses to ignore. End of the day.. it's only going embarrass US more than Modi.

the logic applies to you and me just fine. Not the PM of India.
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At the end, BJP will not come to power this time. So nothing to worry.

I fear you might be correct...Although i love to see BJP coming to power..But by going by the trend...It may not happen...And BJP himself has to blame for their existing situation...

Lol at dumbo rahul Gandhi

Politics is in your pant and shirt.

Watch Rahul the dumbo part II - is this the PM material of India?

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The privilaged prince of Sonia aka Bhudu does it again

Rahul Gandhi to discuss nominations for Congress president in Mumbai : Maharashtra, News - India Today

Mumbai traffic paralysed due to this Bhuduram.

In a more tongue-in-cheek remark, Surya Ragunaathan tweeted, "Thank you Rahul Gandhi for inconveniencing millions in the commercial capital and for making my city ugly with hoardings all over it."

Read more at: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/rahul-gandhi-congress-vice-president-mumbai/1/252181.html

"Yes, I get it. As a mother myself, I completely understand. You are a doting mom. You think your son is a genius. Even when his teachers, your neighbors, their grand-aunts, in fact, the whole world tells you that your boy has an IQ of a doorknob, you do not agree. He is your son, and you are firmly convinced that he is destined for great things.

When he drops out of school, you blame it on the teachers. When he can't get a job on his own merit, you think it is the employers who are at fault. You get him a job using your influence, he fails miserably at that too. You curse the cruel world.

You cheer loudly at his smallest accomplishments. He takes a local train ride in Mumbai, you celebrate like he has summited Everest.

He is 44, unmarried. He has no degree nor does he have a job. In fact, he cannot list a SINGLE accomplishment of his own. Naturally, sonny boy is a bit depressed. He is tired of the robot you bought him some time ago. He wants a new toy.

When he asks for something, you never hesitate to give it to him. You will beg, borrow and steal, but you will get your precious boy what he wants! I totally get that. You are his doting mamma after all! Most mothers would have done that.

Only difference is, while other mothers might buy their sons a motorcycle or a car, you want to give your son a whole COUNTRY to run!

Lady, you certainly dream big!"

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