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Why do people believe that Western media is biased against Muslims?

Bull said:
In a war scenario 400 dieing over a period of 20 days is way too low :-)mad: ), 3000 died in less than half an hour on 9/11, more than 200 died in less than half an hour on 7/11 and so on.

Okay, we can see that you want all nations to stoop down to the level of AQ and scrap the rules of war. When nations are free to act as they will, you start getting millions gassed and nuclear bombs dropped on cities. Maybe such a scenario appeals to you.
Sid said:
400 too low? I'm sure you're talking with regards to cluster bombs being used? I'm sure that people here understand what 'precision guided munitions' and 'missiles' are.

By your statement, I'm also sure you have no idea the blast radius of a 250lb warhead.
The U.S Air Force CBU-87 (cluster bomb unit 87) contains 202 bomblets with an overall blast radius of about 800 yards x 400 yards (3 football fields). Each of the 202 bomblet produces up to 2,000 high-velocity shrapnel fragments when it detonates
Blaming HB for using guerilla tactics sounds weird. Their are less well armed. Less intell. They just act according SunTzu (art of war). They would be extremely stupid if they fight in the open. You expect them to do it with stones while opponent has high tech toys?

Blaiming them kidnapped Israeli soldiers... Well Israel has kidnapped lots of HB. For a kidnapped soldier Israel kidnapped more then a few ministers of the Palestinians. Let us say that there is a lot of blaiming possible but please look at both sides. I think we should refrain from blaiming anyside. It is a war. Probably it is political motivated. Let us not go political. The way both parties act is as they should (cause the want to survive).
A.Rahman said:
The U.S Air Force CBU-87 (cluster bomb unit 87) contains 202 bomblets with an overall blast radius of about 800 yards x 400 yards (3 football fields). Each of the 202 bomblet produces up to 2,000 high-velocity shrapnel fragments when it detonates
The smallest MAVERICK warhead (125lbs) got a lethality radius of 100 feet. This is not a scaple but a sledge hammer. There is no way to avoid collateral damage in an urban environment using these tools.

You can blame the Israelis for not sending in sniper teams to reduce casualties but you cannot blame the tool for doing what it's designed to do.
We can blame the Israelis for a lot. And I frankly don;t think its beyond them to attack civilians for all this.

Now the Lebanese Army is actually asking them not to hit them. I am no military man, but I doubt the there is any army which asks for that.
It is ridiculous to talk of lethality of bombs when a war is on.

Obviously, it is not a picnic nor a church Sunday school.
Ok what are we discussing here, Israel-Lebo issues or about western media.

Western media is biased or unbiased, its a different issue. The westerns have the control over their media, they own their media and there's no doubt its strong and powerful as people watch and listen them all over the world. And there's no doubt as well that they can show whetever they want or like to. How come your own media can go against you if you own it. And thats not it, people believe what they see on different channels. And that is why, it is one of the biggest weapon of all time.

Pakistani media including different newspapers and different local channel are controlled by the government. It changes its colours with the change of government. Before musharaf the whole media was praising N.Sharif & co. Then came musharaf and the same media who was praising sharif turned against him. The very night Army took control of different local TV stations. Why......:confused: .

Hope you all know why:coffee:
I saw a TV clip on Al Jazeera where an Arab woman very candidly spoke of the Clash of Civilisation and in fact, it would be taken as blasphemy in any Islamic country.

Therefore, I was rather surprised that even an Islamic channel as Al Jazeera allowed the transmission even thought the anchor, who appeared to be a Mullah (though attired in western clothes) called her a heretic.

The aim of that transmission by an Arab channel surprised me.

I am not giving the link since it would hurt Islamic sentiments. I can privately give the link if someone is curious. Though one rather avoid seeing the same.

That much for there being restricted media freedom in Arab nations I presume. If such a thing can be aired, then there is quite a lot of freedom I must say!
Salim said:
I saw a TV clip on Al Jazeera where an Arab woman very candidly spoke of the Clash of Civilisation and in fact, it would be taken as blasphemy in any Islamic country.

Therefore, I was rather surprised that even an Islamic channel as Al Jazeera allowed the transmission even thought the anchor, who appeared to be a Mullah (though attired in western clothes) called her a heretic.

The aim of that transmission by an Arab channel surprised me.

I am not giving the link since it would hurt Islamic sentiments. I can privately give the link if someone is curious. Though one rather avoid seeing the same.

That much for there being restricted media freedom in Arab nations I presume. If such a thing can be aired, then there is quite a lot of freedom I must say!
Al Jazeera has no policy of censorship and it's owner is not interested in making money from it, so if it is news they will play it. The only bias is in the bias of the reporters themselves which is of course unavoidable. Just quietly, it's the leading edge of news channels and has been for at least 3 years, I just wish they'd go more global in their issues.
Why are we even discussing it in the STRATEGIC ISSUES section??

Shouldnt this be in the socio political forum? Mods ..??
I've removed the thread to International Affairs - Middle East subsection.
Happy..? :angel:

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