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Why do many pakistanis love Saudis?

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New Recruit

Jun 8, 2013
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I really dont understand why many pakistanis have such fascination with Saudis and gulf arabs in general? why do many of them view these arabs as above them? it's such a shame to see pakistanis degrading themselves and treating Arabs (Saudis) as superior to them as if they are some God sent people.

Pakistanis, wake up! stop worshiping people who treat you so bad like dirt. The amount of Haram going on in these gulf countries is unbelievable, most of you pakistanis have no idea. you think that arabs are some religious people. That is the biggest joke in history.
I really dont understand why many pakistanis have such fascination with Saudis and gulf arabs in general? why do many of them view these arabs as above them? it's such a shame to see pakistanis degrading themselves and treating Arabs (Saudis) as superior to them as if they are some God sent people.

Pakistanis, wake up! stop worshiping people who treat you so bad like dirt. The amount of Haram going on in these gulf countries is unbelievable, most of you pakistanis have no idea. you think that arabs are some religious people. That is the biggest joke in history.

Kindly shed some light about the bold bit... without bashing arabs. Be neutral and tell us what is going on.
^ you name any thing forbidden by Islam, they will do, anything
I really dont understand why many pakistanis have such fascination with Saudis and gulf arabs in general? why do many of them view these arabs as above them? it's such a shame to see pakistanis degrading themselves and treating Arabs (Saudis) as superior to them as if they are some God sent people.

Pakistanis, wake up! stop worshiping people who treat you so bad like dirt. The amount of Haram going on in these gulf countries is unbelievable, most of you pakistanis have no idea. you think that arabs are some religious people. That is the biggest joke in history.

From my personal experience, the view of Arabs has changed amongst millions of Pakistanis in the past 10-15 years.
hindu guy

just a few examples: Interest/usury, Alcohol, prostitution, sodomy, rape, over eating, wasting money, being arrogant/ignorant, etc... so many more things

From my personal experience, the view of Arabs has changed amongst millions of Pakistanis in the past 10-15 years.

yeah probably, but still there are many I find who almost worship them, probably the salafi type people
We love them because they are Custodians of the Two Holy Masaajid and they're descendants of our Beloved Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-Alihi Was-Sallam and his Sahaba Kareem Radi'Allahu Ta'Allah Anhum.

It's been like that since 712 C.E.

Plus, there are 1.5 million Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia, the largest expatriate community of Pakistanis outside Pakistan.
hindu guy

just a few examples: Interest/usury, Alcohol, prostitution, sodomy, rape, over eating, wasting money, being arrogant/ignorant, etc... so many more things

yeah probably, but still there are many I find who almost worship them, probably the salafi type people

tell me a single country where it does not happen. Are you implying its well above other countries? Also, you are in dubai, a known vice city, how do you know about saudi. Did you live there too?
^ hahahhaha nice, sure they are, building 7 star hotels in Makkah and turning it in to Las Vegas. Pakistanis who worship saudis like you would never even say anything if they one day decide to break the Kaaba itself, that is your loyalty to them, no wonder they treat you like dogs on leashes, because that is what you are

and who said they are descendants of the prophet? these fat *** American worshiping people are descendants of the prophet? you are joking

tell me a single country where it does not happen. Are you implying its well above other countries? Also, you are in dubai, a known vice city, how do you know about saudi. Did you live there too?

Yes lived in Saudi for 10 years and these things happen in these countries on a epic level, the so called muslim countries
We love them because they are Custodians of the Two Holy Masaajid and they're descendants of our Beloved Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wa-Alihi Was-Sallam and his Sahaba Kareem Radi'Allahu Ta'Allah Anhum.

It's been like that since 712 C.E.

Plus, there are 1.5 million Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia, the largest expatriate community of Pakistanis outside Pakistan.

then they dont deserve to be the custodian of mecca and medina. + american boots are firmly in arabia.
I really dont understand why many pakistanis have such fascination with Saudis and gulf arabs in general? why do many of them view these arabs as above them? it's such a shame to see pakistanis degrading themselves and treating Arabs (Saudis) as superior to them as if they are some God sent people.

Pakistanis, wake up! stop worshiping people who treat you so bad like dirt. The amount of Haram going on in these gulf countries is unbelievable, most of you pakistanis have no idea. you think that arabs are some religious people. That is the biggest joke in history.

You must have been brought up in Dubai by some Mullahtic parents, and thus your knowledge about Pakistan and Pakistanis is limited to the desi grocery stores of UAE.


Many among Pakistani Sunnis look up to Saudi and Arab Mullahs $hit.


Many among Pakistani Shias are slaves to Ayatullah $hit.

And off course Pakistani Ahmadis have ditched both Mullahs and Ayatullahs. Because they got their own damned Khalifa.

Now the Pakistani Sunnis who suck Saudi Mullah $hit, do they love "Saudis" who are NOT Mullahs.

Answer: No.

And you are a prime example of your hate for Arabs who are not Mullah $hit.

Similarly Pakistani Shias who suck Irani Ayatullah $hit, do they love "Iranis" who are NOT Ayatullahs

Answer: No.

In this type of mad house Sunni-Islamists and Shia-Islamists,

your original post and its subject line is just plain $tupid little $hit that is pretty common in little kids.

Please avoid these type of threads.

They simply reflect your intellectual gravitas the size of a pea.

Thank you
@FaujHistorian, notice the number of posts of op and that will tell you why this troller who has recently been banned has come back with a new ID to troll some more.
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tell me a single country where it does not happen. Are you implying its well above other countries? Also, you are in dubai, a known vice city, how do you know about saudi. Did you live there too?

I don't think he has ever left his hometown (in Pakistan) forget abroad.
The trend has changed....I really doubt if Pakistanis care about Arabs anymore and offcourse we have our reasons for this change of heart.
I really dont understand why many pakistanis have such fascination with Saudis and gulf arabs in general? why do many of them view these arabs as above them? it's such a shame to see pakistanis degrading themselves and treating Arabs (Saudis) as superior to them as if they are some God sent people.

Pakistanis, wake up! stop worshiping people who treat you so bad like dirt. The amount of Haram going on in these gulf countries is unbelievable, most of you pakistanis have no idea. you think that arabs are some religious people. That is the biggest joke in history.

Pakistanis only respect Saudis because they take care of two most holiest places in Islam other wise they are also very close to USA but at least they don't sell their own people to USA like what our leaders did
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