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why do indians

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@OP - Why are you obsessed about Indians? I think you will not die if you stop thinking or caring much about the Indians. So why this Kolaveri di???
why people of both the nation are feeling strange when some people show cold shoulder towards each other...I think this is an expected behaviour....Rather people should get surprised if any Pakistan or Indian guy or chick do not show cold shoulder to each other....

I don't know why you guys have so much hatred towards each other. My best friend is Indian from Hyderabad and not only that but he is 16 years older than me. Also I have another Indian chic in my class and we get along just fine!
I had many indian friends, some Muslim indian friends were friendly but others were not. I still know one Christian indian friend and he is friendly.
Point to be noted--so you guys get mistaken for Indians? :lol:

nope, not short and dark and FYI i dont use fair and lovely. :azn:

I'm just saying this happens to me quite frequently after they know my name. typical indian infeority complex question, "where are you from?" Then they give me a dirty look.

I try to ignore it, but this happens on such a regular basis, that it makes me wonder how ignorant can people be from a certain country, even israelis who i meet who are born in israel find out I am Pakistani are friendly or Jews born in U.S. find out I am Pakistani are friendly (not all but most). But indians, is a whole different story. And seriously this severly irritates me. Very very few indians are friendly towards me after they find out my origins. Then they just put their nose in the air and act like they are better than me. WTF??
I had many indian friends, some Muslim indian friends were friendly but others were not. I still know one Christian indian friend and he is friendly.

Yeah right. Only certain religious people are good.
Lol. Rofl. Lmao. Hehe.
I don't know why you guys have so much hatred towards each other. My best friend is Indian from Hyderabad and not only that but he is 16 years older than me. Also I have another Indian chic in my class and we get along just fine!

Donot generalize man....I am putting the statement does not mean I donot like Pakistan friends...My point is that when 2 nations have such a bad history of relationship then how come we can expect that people will like each other...See hate is not the right word...but i can say ignore each other...
Maybe, but the Indians I've met are okay though.

Its just weird when the try to say that Pakistanis and Indians are the same people.

next time an indian says that, do me a favour and kick him in the b@lls
Well before joining in PDF, i had very positive view about Indians. I was expecting rough behave from Pakistanis which is completely opposite. It is true i had fight with Pakistanis here which is very rare comparing with fight with Indian. Most of the Indian come aggressively to mess when even the topic has nothing to with India. I also met some very good Indian here but their percentage around 20% only. On the other hand most of the Pakistanis are behaving good. Pakistanis whom i had fight with, i did not have fight all time, sometimes we made up messed issues and moved alone.
In the recent semester an Indian chick joined my class, i showed her around everything in good faith, bought her coffee etc. Until then she didn't know i was a Pakistani. Then my Chinese friend walked up and said hey have you met him [me] already?.. Then he said that do you know he is your neighbor, from Pakistan....her face just dropped and she gave the weirdest look, ever. She never came to me again :D

Advice: Show them their auqat!

Why that reaction? Indians, Pakistanis, etc. dont have such feelings here.
PDF should not be the right platform to judge any country.Indians are not aliens in this subcontinent so that their behavior will be too much different from a pakistani/Bangladeshi national.
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