^i think you didn't explain enough. moar passages@chinatoday Why would america debate on friendly nation?.... Have u even seen what obama and romney debating about china? They insulting china.... Specially romney who warned china.... They even mentioned pakistan.... Romney said pakistan is ally of america but they not acting like one and we should add tough condition towards Aid to pakistan.... Btw chinatoday am bit dissapointed that you always here bashing india and at times america.... Other chinese are good here but you seems to me the one who works for money (internet army).... You know what i mean.... Sometime i feel u are here to promote china and downgrade india.... Why would obama and romney debate on a friendly nation like india? There are over 200 major nations and in that only hanful of nations been brought up and in that mostly were enemy nations.... China, pakistan, iran etc etc.... India not enemy of america. We were enemy since cold war but now america declared india as partner (not ally as we are powerful nation to be ally).... They always calls india a partner. Once they called us natural ally and indian prime minister said india too big to be a ally. Since than america always calls india partner.... My friend you are on PDF to spread negative energy.... You always brings something that makes othe users emit negative energy. People like u are favorite of reptilians, aggressive grays.... When we do bad karma than we go inside where the hell is situated.... It seems you dont believe in karma....