Except the very base of your argument is wrong.
Almost covers the whole populated planet? You're wrong, there are billions without internet access/with very slow internet access. Not all cellular networks are equal, most of the undeveloped world either has 2G or 3G networks at best, or no networks at all.
"At the end of 2017, 3.3 billion people were connected to the mobile internet, representing an increase of almost 300 million compared to the previous year.1 However, more than 4 billion people still remain offline and 1 billion of these are not covered by mobile broadband networks (the ‘coverage gap’). Some 3 billion people live within the footprint of a network but are not accessing mobile internet services (the ‘usage gap’), highlighting the importance of demand-side factors in connecting the unconnected."
And the situation isn't much better today.
There are also many places with no network connection in forests, deserts etc even in developed countries. SpaceX strives to fix that.
The second thing you're wrong about is Starlink being slow.
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You can clearly see that there are billions of people with 0-10Mbps internet speed.
Starlink gets 150Mbps, and it's going to get faster.
A large number of satellites in orbit is not a constant danger as long as they're visible and their orbits are known.
Don't say things you have no idea about.