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Why China is FAR Superior to india!!

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An alternative approach was to compare national IQ’s, in which China usually scored 100-105 and India scored in the low 80′s.

The recent results from the international standardized PISA tests in math, reading and science will make this an increasingly untenable position. Shanghai got by far the best results out of all the OECD countries (never mind the developing ones). Now while you might (rightly) argue Shanghai draws much of the elite of the Yangtze river delta, the Financial Times has more: “Citing further, as-yet unpublished OECD research, Mr Schleicher said: “We have actually done Pisa in 12 of the provinces in China. Even in some of the very poor areas you get performance close to the OECD average.””:tup:

Also in December 2011, but unnoticed by myself until now, PISA released additional information on nine countries*. Critically, this included two Indian provinces, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh. How did they do relative to China?

On math proficiency, Tamil Nadu scored 351 and Himachal Pradesh scored 338. On science, they scored 348 and 325, respectively. Literally no other country did worse.

In comparison, even the poorest Chinese regions performed close to the OECD average of about 500. The better off Chinese regions will have presumably done better, perhaps similar to Australia or Japan, while the most developed Chinese region, Shanghai, blew every other country out of the water with a mean score of 600 in math and 575 in science.

Note that Tamil Nadu is fairly developed by Indian standards, while Himachal Pradesh is about average. One simply shudders to imagine what the results would be in a poor state such as Bihar or Uttar Pradesh.

the test scores confirms their iq.

but wait for the indians to say the PISA test scores are ccp propaganda. :lol:
Please find a better reason to start a thread. The "my D*** is bigger than yours" argument is very childish, and unoriginal.
far superior cos the chinese are good at following orders, forming efficient assembly lines, but smart as a population? they got pawned by so many countries through number of centuries, still a small bunch of CPC owns the over a billion chinese. the CPC with thier trillions of $ have influence over only Pk & NK, if India had those trillions we would have run riot around the world.
the test scores confirms their iq.

but wait for the indians to say the PISA test scores are ccp propaganda. :lol:

why do u think its true? look at the comments of indian and chinese posters here. isnt it obvious who has the higher IQ?

besides do u know what einstein said about india?

We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made

what did einstein say about china?

we gota save them from the japs
PISA Sample Questions

This is the link to PISA test sample questions. I doubt my 9 year old sister will have any problem answering these. LOL the chinese are so proud of this crap.
Here's a link to the full paper , the questions are , well , what to say........ check them out
Test questions - PISA 2006

Now i know why india scored low, everyone took it as a joke
Is that the reason that you little tiny brown Indian disguise yourself under the flag of China?

The reason they do that, is because the Indians here can't win any arguments the normal way. :lol:

So they resort to calling us "chink faggots". :rofl:
The reason they do that, is because they can't win any arguments the normal way. :lol:

So they resort to calling us "chink faggots". :rofl:

Defiantly he was calling Pakistani's Porkistanis and Us Chink Faggots Don't know anyone other then an Indian who would do that. :lol:
PISA Sample Questions

This is the link to PISA test sample questions. I doubt my 9 year old sister will have any problem answering these. LOL the chinese are so proud of this crap.
Here's a link to the full paper , the questions are , well , what to say........ check them out
Test questions - PISA 2006

Now i know why india scored low, everyone took it as a joke

This is piece of cake even for 5th grader !!
Is that the reason that you little tiny brown Indian disguise yourself under the flag of China?

So u not more hurt that ok your own people hurting you. Tiny just see urn people rights first.

---------- Post added at 06:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 AM ----------

Is that the reason that you little tiny brown Indian disguise yourself under the flag of China?

So u not more hurt that ok your own people hurting you. Tiny firdt see ur own people are they of 5 foot. Its only priviledge of Pakistan toshow flag of china.
but for an indian with 80 iq.....yea, not a piece of cake anymore.

Dear, My IQ is less than 50 and I can solve all of these questions with 100% guarantee. If a IQ lvl 50 guy can solve these test (testimony of inelegance as per Chinese members), I'm sure a guy with IQ >120 (whole China population) can do wonders.

But it still puzzles me why Chinese (being the best brains) need to copy??
Dear, My IQ is less than 50 and I can solve all of these questions with 100% guarantee. If a IQ lvl 50 guy can solve these test (testimony of inelegance as per Chinese members), I'm sure a guy with IQ >120 (whole China population) can do wonders.

But it still puzzles me why Chinese (being the best brains) need to copy??

the same way the japanese copied- to catch up. indians cant even copy if you tried, which is why you will always be at rock bottom. PISA scores also show you guys at rock bottom and it's not surprising.
So you were saying it only takes $2 to have your mother? I didn't know indians in the states are so cheap.

$2 The duplicating all things made ur mind so cheep that u think to make everything cheep like every thing like other. Even duplicating will be cost infinitive. Sorry u cant bare. Leave with ur cheap mother and father u seems pakis.
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