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Why China can bark but can't bite?

funny, because even Indian government admitted Indian soldiers will move back out like a little bitch in a few days. Looks like Indian soldiers already got bitch slapped, war is always the last option for the Chinese, but if Indian keeps infringing upon Chinese territory, then Indian is just asking for it, despite the so-called MAD destruction, Chinese can easily put these Indians in their place, they look like little dark skinny bitches anyway.

Yeah, chichi-army can't build a road, and here chi-bots are blabbering.
Why can't China afford a war? China's economy is five times that of India.

Militarily speaking, China would be bombing well populated areas of India while India would be bombing sparsely populated areas of Tibet.

India would be running pillar to post within a week from the start of the war.

Hope better sense prevails and India gives up its pride.
..hahaha.. and Indians defence force would b in deep sleep.. Sometimes these small eyes with no guts are really funny

Yeah, chichi-army can't build a road, and here chi-bots are blabbering.
Indian soldiers are leaving the place(lol).. Dude stop watching globle times and try to watch some real news

The first missile that China fires would cripple India satellites. Indian Ballistic missiles are sitting ducks.
Small mind comes with small eyes
Hence proved.....so dude India has 7 dedicated satellites just for nevigation apart from GPS or missile Inbuild nevigation system

china see india as cockroach infested body but china is building itself up to counter USA which is the main concern.
And still 4 million strong chinese army couldn't stop these cockroaches..hmm must b a nasty patriotic cockroach group
..hahaha.. and Indians defence force would b in deep sleep.. Sometimes these small eyes with no guts are really funny

Indian soldiers are leaving the place(lol).. Dude stop watching globle times and try to watch some real news

Small mind comes with small eyes
Hence proved.....so dude India has 7 dedicated satellites just for nevigation apart from GPS or missile Inbuild nevigation system

And still 4 million strong chinese army couldn't stop these cockroaches..hmm must b a nasty patriotic cockroach group

Says a country even poorer than congo and nigeria on per capita basis, lol. Must be that dark mind comes from that coal looking dwarfs. These afroid looking people think they can take on China, lol. China can crush you like a bug, just because Chinese think war is the last option doesn't mean China can't crush you little retarded low iq dark creature.
Some Southern Monkeys from certain areas need to be nuked. The noises and pungent smell emitting from their body odor are torturous. Time to arm those MEGATONS and put them into good use. The World will thanks us for it.
huff and puff ...
Some Southern Monkeys from certain areas need to be nuked. The noises and pungent smell emitting from their body odor are torturous. Time to arm those MEGATONS and put them into good use. The World will thanks us for it.

Some Northern pigs eat unspeakable things and fart on the Internet. No balls to do anything militarily, only endless blabbering by these shameless chinis.
PR China has overtaken India in issuing warnings now. :enjoy:

Now we understand why IR Pakistan does not take us seriously enough.
seriously dont know why does china bark so much....it has become a laughing stock even for tiny countries....every other day they issue some kind of warning to other countries....not sure but could be an effect of eating a dog meat?
lol, the laughing stock that's even poorer than congo and nigeria is clearly India. Even Pakistan beats you numerous times, you dreaming of taking on china, lol.
The chinese have been shown their place and its intolerable for them to face that fact.Hence the verbal diarrhea.

says an Indian that's been cut down to size and put in their place almost 10 to 1 by the chinese, lol.
Trolling can be satisfying. But what is India's long term strategy here? Read here China's understanding of long-term US strategy of Dollar domination and China's counter-strategy - thesaker.is/pla-strategist-the-u-s-uses-its-dollar-to-dominate-the-world/. It shows Chinese long-term planning and is brilliant.
India set a bad precedent by acting on behalf of Bhutan. I think we will soon see Chinese-Bhutan contacts increasing. Then Indians will watch Bhutan slip out of their orbit like Nepal. OBOR is tempting after-all.
Trolling can be satisfying. But what is India's long term strategy here? Read here China's understanding of long-term US strategy of Dollar domination and China's counter-strategy - thesaker.is/pla-strategist-the-u-s-uses-its-dollar-to-dominate-the-world/. It shows Chinese long-term planning and is brilliant.
India set a bad precedent by acting on behalf of Bhutan. I think we will soon see Chinese-Bhutan contacts increasing. Then Indians will watch Bhutan slip out of their orbit like Nepal. OBOR is tempting after-all.

China cannot fight with all countries. They have to pick their fights. Is Bhutan worth the trouble ?
China cannot fight with all countries. They have to pick their fights. Is Bhutan worth the trouble ?
China maintains good economic relations with countries it has disputes e.g. Japan, Vietnam, South Korea etc. US is apparently very concerned about SCS but Trump and Xi just pledged to further enhance mutual economic relations(also remember Jack Ma promising a million jobs?). Chinese spin a complex web and are always dangling a carrot. We in sub-continent are charged-up people and like to go all out. So although China has its fair share of fights it manages them well.
Read M K Bhadrakumar's article on strategic-culture dot org (can't post links yet) on the border dispute. the question then is: Is this all worth the trouble for India?
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