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Why China can bark but can't bite?

Maybe its not a pose,


Eiesh ...perhaps your soldiers should be trained how to hold hands with the Chinese army...maybe those Chinese soldiers just require a reassuring hand :D
What sense? Bullying a small country like Bhutan or claim a ocean?No wonder one is ready to do hollow babble & other is to cheer lead.

Might is right in International relations.

India can keep crying but no one gives a damn.
Might is right in International relations.

India can keep crying but no one gives a damn.
Really?Is India giving damn to you..
Another hollow remark..
Nehru is long dead. Same as Mao.

A surprise attack with overwhelming majority on unprepared army with minimal defense. That's 1962.
If you never got out of that cocoon, you can never get a single piece of land without costing dearly.

In fact war is like opening a Pandora's box. China want's to project themselves as a sole world power. All with OBOR and CPEC, well good look with that ambition with a war on one front. :enjoy:
Doesn't stop you harping on about 1971 against a much smaller adversary [emoji23]
Chinese facts are as fake and Chinese copy of Gucci bag.. LOL

And coming form people who till about yesterday lived on American Bheek... how tables have turned.

china might be copy but atleast it can produce, what about modi make in india.
the difference is our leaders are cowards and corrupt but indians population loves kissing trump a ss.
china might be copy but atleast it can produce, what about modi make in india.
the difference is our leaders are cowards and corrupt but indians population loves kissing trump a ss.
Made in China started long before India came into existence as a country..Stop comparing yourself with us.
Made in China started long before India came into existence as a country..Stop comparing yourself with us.

Where am i comparing pakistan with india. china was set back from cultural revolution, still it made great progress and great speed.
During 1962 war china was plain lucky as India did not go full throttle.
Everyone should just already give India the worlds number one super powwa title already.
so we can all be at piece india will beat everyone at everything
today it is butan, tomorrow it will be us.. purge them if necessary.
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