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Why Chennai can't and won't speak Hindi

The argument is not just for Tamil but for all 20 recognized languages of GOI.

The other regions don't hate Hindi the way you do. We're comfortable learning a new language and still know how to retain our local language, culture and customs. Don't try to include others to your cause, which is actually an exercise in incompetence.
Better learn good English then and don't crib about English invading your culture and what not.
This is about equality.
The Hindi written coin reaching remote places of South India where they don't speak Hindi..so now you got it? This is how it feels.

That makes as much sense as those in N.India protesting about English. Even those S.Indians(non-Tamils) who can understand Tamil almost certainly can't read it. If anything, Hindi is far more common in atleast two(now three) of the states of S. India - Karnataka & Andhra (now 2) than Tamil. This has always been a TN issue and has no real resonance anywhere else. (btw. most people in other parts of S.India think of Tamils like Tamils think of the N.Indians; that they expect you to speak their language and can be unnecessarily chauvinistic about it. So, there is far more in common between a N.Indian & a Tamil than you realise.:D)
Tamil can be the oldest language in the world and it would still make no difference.
There are hundreds of languages in India, if Tamil is included in the coins, then the tribal languages have just as much right of being included..

If you agree that Tamil is the oldest (native language) of India unlike English or Hindi, then India has all the reasons to incorporate Tamil as a primary language in recognition of Tamil's roots - Dravidian, but that India's choice.

I repeat Tamil is an international language unlike Hindi or some tribal Indian languages, so your comparison of Tamil with other Indian languages is baseless
Wonder where is Tamil in Indian currency..... (Tip look closely towards left)





Rs. 1610/- :o::o:
The other regions don't hate Hindi the way you do. We're comfortable learning a new language and still know how to retain our local language, culture and customs. Don't try to include others to your cause, which is actually an exercise in incompetence.
So its like learn Hindi to be better Indian?
and you don;t include everyone...I know lot people from Karnataka, Andhra and most of NE who don't feel this way. Speak for yourself
why this discussion??
ppl r taking this north vs south too seriously.....
btw,,,,south rocks:p:

Why not?? Indians here are more than gleeful jumping on bandwagons when internal fractions of neighboring countries are discussed.. Insecure much ??
This is about equality.

There's nothing unequal about this. If you're in Tamil Nadu, nobody's preventing you from learning or using Tamil alone in all facets of your life. When you go to a region other than Tamil Nadu, you either need English or Hindi to communicate. What about this sounds unfair to you?

So its like learn Hindi to be better Indian?
and you don;t include everyone...I know lot people from Karnataka, Andhra and most of NE who don't feel this way. Speak for yourself

And I know lots who don't think your way. So speak for yourself too.

Learn Tamil alone, who cares? But don't expect to go outside Tamil Nadu and expect others to understand and respond to you.
There's nothing unequal about this. If you're in Tamil Nadu, nobody's preventing you from learning or using Tamil alone in all facets of your life. When you go to a region other than Tamil Nadu, you either need English or Hindi to communicate. What about this sounds unfair to you?
But most of thing even inside Tamil Nadu is based on Hindi imposition as I stated ex: COINS.

There's nothing unequal about this. If you're in Tamil Nadu, nobody's preventing you from learning or using Tamil alone in all facets of your life. When you go to a region other than Tamil Nadu, you either need English or Hindi to communicate. What about this sounds unfair to you?

And I know lots who don't think your way. So speak for yourself too.

Learn Tamil alone, who cares? But don't expect to go outside Tamil Nadu and expect others to understand and respond to you.
I never said don't learn Hindi..I myself can read, speak and write in Hindi.
My argument is for quality to all..when a simple coin holds a inequality.
But most of thing even inside Tamil Nadu is based on Hindi imposition as I stated ex: COINS.

Stretching it a bit far. Imposition? How exactly? If you don't know hindi, you wouldn't understand it anyway & you do have the option of looking at it in English alone.
The Hindi written coin reaching remote places of South India where they don't speak Hindi..so now you got it? This is how it feels.
Hindi is taught all over India.
But most of thing even inside Tamil Nadu is based on Hindi imposition as I stated ex: COINS.

I never said don't learn Hindi..I myself can read, speak and write in Hindi.
My argument is for quality to all..when a simple coin holds a inequality.

Coins are issued by the same Government which has also mandated English and Hindi as our Official Languages. In return, it has made universal education compulsory and English mandatory at least till 5th standard. If in spite of this, you fail to understand simple terms like one, two etc written in English, I request you to kindly attend school again.
Hindi is taught all over India.
Not in Tamil Nadu though. The Government there hasn't implemented Hindi as a mandatory language.
Stretching it a bit far. Imposition? How exactly? If you don't know hindi, you wouldn't understand it anyway & you do have the option of looking at it in English alone.
This is not about understanding or knowing a language.
I'm just asking why can't be COIN in some other language..just as show of unity?
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