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Why Chennai can't and won't speak Hindi

You are just trying to ignore Aryan invasion. Which brought Hinduism and civilization to India.

Genes don't lie.The study was carried out by Harvard Medical School and the CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) in Hyderabad. The latest genetic studies show ANI and ASI started to mix during 4200 to 2000 years ago. Thus it put doubts about Aryan invasion at the time 3500 years ago. Moreover, the mature Harappan period shows lots of resemblances with modern Indian culture.

Study reveals origin of India?s caste system - Times Of India

You have 10,000 in every city in India? what are you, an Indian NBA player?

I never said so, but you can find more than 10,000 kids are learning Sanskrit in school in cities like Delhi alone.
I failed to see the logic of your reasoning. Pls stop trolling me.

That is your problem. I know logic is never a strong point for Mongoloid races and their robot like brains.
That is your problem. I know logic is never a strong point for Mongoloid races and their robot like brains.

Again, I failed to see you logic. Our ave IQ is ranked the highest.
Manchus were considered First class, Northern Hans as second Class and Southern Hans as third class citizens during Qing Dynasty.(1644-1911).

Wrong Yindoo, that was the Mongols who did that.

Your friend wholegrain told us Chinese script deviated leading different version in different region of China and it had to be standardized in China.

Chinese characters were invented over 3,500 years ago. They were called Oracle Bone script. 2,475 years ago, when the Zhou dynasty split apart in the Warring States period, the forms of the script deviated in the different states, the Qin dynasty reunited all the states 2,221 years ago and restandarized the characters so there was one version.

I really can't drill any facts into your 5 cm thick skull, if you want to troll about China, do it on another thread where it is related to the topic. This thread has nothing to do with China but everything to do with Chennai and India. I'm outta here.
Again, I failed to see you logic. Our ave IQ is ranked the highest.

Do you stupid Chinese trolls really expect that you will keep on making baseless derogatory comments against Hindus and it will go uncontested?
Do you stupid Chinese trolls really expect that you will keep on making baseless derogatory comments against Hindus and it will go uncontested?

You are trolling me by calling stupid chinese troll.
You are trolling me by calling stupid chinese troll.

So, you think Stupid Mongoloids have a copyright on trolling. You don't know the first thing about Sanskrit. What then entitles you to call the sacred language of millions of Hindus as a dead language.
So, you think Stupid Mongoloids have a copyright on trolling. You don't know the first thing about Sanskrit. What then entitles you to call the sacred language of millions of Hindus as a dead language.

So you are trolling me now?
@joekrish @Rajaraja Chola why you no speak hindi?? :pissed: :P

when did u come to chennai?? :woot:

Cos for us Hindi is not compulsory in schools :D even if they teach hindi in schools, people dont talk it.! only if some people talk, you can slowly speak hindi!!!
For some reason tamil and english have good roots here!!
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You are just trying to ignore Aryan invasion. Which brought Hinduism and civilization to India.

You have 10,000 in every city in India? what are you, an Indian NBA player?

14.000 sanskrit speakers as a 2nd language. This figure is from India's 2001 census. :coffee:
No, I m increasing the post count of a 50 cent Mongoloid e- warrior.

LOL, your IQ is as dead as sanskrit.
LOL, your IQ is as dead as sanskrit.

LOL...understanding Sanskrit is obviously far beyond the capabilities of low intellect zombie Mongoloids. Stick to the Hieroglyphic monstrosity which your language is.
LOL...understanding Sanskrit is obviously far beyond the capabilities of low intellect zombie Mongoloids. Stick to the Hieroglyphic monstrosity which your language is.

But Sanskrit is dead. Who knows what you have is real sanskrit or another indian fake. You were fooled by the brahmins :omghaha:
But Sanskrit is dead. Who knows what you have is real sanskrit or another indian fake. You were fooled by the brahmins :omghaha:

Increasing post count, eh! How much did you earn today?

How many of you Zombie Mongoloids are getting employment in this "Industry". I knew all that GDP data of China is fake and unemployment is rampant.
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