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Why are we accusing the COAS?

I am disappointed to state that I was wrong in my expression above. I could not imagine that certain powers within armed forces would have been actively behind this.

Unfortunately, I have to regret that I was wrong. PA did play a role and it was not positive. I wanted to make sure I spoke to enough people in the know to establish this view instead of jumping the gun.
I have done so (and though not unanimous view), and it is with a deep heart that I must say (with a preponderance of feedback, views, and facts) that the Pakistani Army establishment did not play a positive role in this debacle. Now they are in up to their eyeballs and confused on how to deal with this. I hope in the days and months to come Imran Khan's health (heart) and life stay healthy and protected.

It is a very troubling day for me today. Pakistan is in for very troubling and dangerous days ahead.
What section of the PA played the role? was it an entire Corps? Division? Brigade? Platoon? 3 men?
I am disappointed to state that I was wrong in my expression above. I could not imagine that certain powers within armed forces would have been actively behind this.

Unfortunately, I have to regret that I was wrong. PA did play a role and it was not positive. I wanted to make sure I spoke to enough people in the know to establish this view instead of jumping the gun.
I have done so (and though not unanimous view), and it is with a deep heart that I must say (with a preponderance of feedback, views, and facts) that the Pakistani Army establishment did not play a positive role in this debacle. Now they are in up to their eyeballs and confused on how to deal with this. I hope in the days and months to come Imran Khan's health (heart) and life stay healthy and protected.

It is a very troubling day for me today. Pakistan is in for very troubling and dangerous days ahead.

Everyone stop blaming COAS and listen to this
Nations are built on ideology, there was an extreme level of miscalculation from establishment regarding the vision of Imran Khan (same as Quaid, Iqbal, Syed Ahmed Khan)

When the people have decided to be free from the shackles of slavery, you cannot stop them.

You can make TV serials, movies, create songs, but if your actions don't match your words, it's all in vain.


People of Pakistan & Imran Khan might have faced a temporary setback, but in the broader picture, A "roohani-inqilaab" (spiritual revolution ) has started. The true vision of Pakistan, the prophecies are going to be fulfilled. In sha Allah.


Leadership (Khilafat) was given to Arabs then it was taken back, then it was given to Turks, and now, if Allah wills, the next capital of Muslims could be the Khurasan region (Afghanistan/Iran/Pakistan)


Initially I was sad that PM'ship of Imran Khan is gone, but now I realize that he strengthened the vision, the foundation of future Pakistan.


Remember my friends, Khilafat/Leadership of Muslim ummah is given as a gift by Allah, it comes by struggle, practical actions that match with your words.

Asif ghafoor all his hard work of years of image building going down the drain in 1 night

Must have been difficult for him
I had a gut feeling from the beginning that this current DG ISPR doesn't deserve to be in that post. Loved Asif Ghafoor a lot. He picked the nation up from dark times and also kept India on its toes. A simple criteria to guage how effective and good any particular person is to Pakistan. Just check the Indian state sponsored media and against whom they are spewing venom a lot. Indians haven't yet forgotten the Asif Ghafoor and his surprises.
@blain2 @The Eagle @HRK @Imran Khan @PanzerKiel @akramishaqkhan

If IK is lost or some drone atatck occurs in Pakistan then it is confirmed that regime change is a minute goal. The main is civil war.
What about if Mc Donalds stops selling Mc Arabia? That could be a sign too!

Point being, IK being lost happens how?
He is assassinated? In that case chaos will reign for a few days and then all calms down

He “dies” naturally… social media trend for a week.

Drone attack .. no one will care

Civil unrest may not have been a goal but people are happy to exploit it. What matters is where the unrest is directed towards; the political sell outs or the judiciary or the military?
At this point, technically no one is “running” Pakistan and the best place to direct the anger is at the corrupt both within political class and judiciary. If criticism must be done of the army leadership then do so but clearly differentiated from the rest who may or may not be as or more frustrated with the situation
What about if Mc Donalds stops selling Mc Arabia? That could be a sign too!

Point being, IK being lost happens how?
He is assassinated? In that case chaos will reign for a few days and then all calms down

He “dies” naturally… social media trend for a week.

Drone attack .. no one will care

Civil unrest may not have been a goal but people are happy to exploit it. What matters is where the unrest is directed towards; the political sell outs or the judiciary or the military?
At this point, technically no one is “running” Pakistan and the best place to direct the anger is at the corrupt both within political class and judiciary. If criticism must be done of the army leadership then do so but clearly differentiated from the rest who may or may not be as or more frustrated with the situation

Imran Khan is not a person, but an ideology that represents the common Pakistani.

Ideas cannot be killed.
I think it was inevitable. Where vested interest clash with country direction and slaves mentality prevail, it is bound to happen. The Army top brass always nurtured the filth, while the the 'b** of riches' judiciary protected them. Knowingly that Pakistani bureaucratic system is rotten and corrupt to core no one did anything. Now the system has collapsed its own. They made sure NS runs to UK, filth like Mohsin Dawar and other prevail and now they left IK? Even if they wanted to remove what were they thinking? Bring back the filth? Dont they realise this is the same USA who killed thousands of Pakistanis including army men via clandestine operations? Forgot Abottabad, Sala, Haqani, Raymond Devis? CIA instigated the ouster of Musharaff in 2007? Direct facilitated NRO to bring back bibi and NS? I can bet they instigated India in 2019 to do Pulwama, just like instigating Russia in Ukrain. Where is the so called #1 spy agency ISI and their 5th gen warefare mantra & expertise? Any sane mind with take USA as a threat and enemy by now. I bet Indians will be watching and laughing ....

I must say the establishment which includes the army is to blame for this situation and instability. IK was going no were if they didnt interfered.
What if PDM pranks the Bajwa and make Mohsin Dawarh the Defense Minister. It would be a historic moment to watch Bajwa saluting him. And that MNA can certainly demand a ministry because that weird Govt is standing on very fragile foundations and every seat counts a lot for them.
As our soon to be FM said: "Jamhoriat hi behtreen inteqaam hai"
They can if they are weak - the focus should be sovereign Pakistan and corruption free Pakistan.
IK is but a man and a very flawed one at that.

The destiny (in sha Allah) of Pakistan is to establish Muslim unity.

Imran Khan has planted an idea inside heart of people, the shackles of slavery are being broken.


My friends & family who were non-political all their lives, are speaking up, taking part of protests against these foreign puppets.
The destiny (in sha Allah) of Pakistan is to establish Muslim unity.

Imran Khan has planted an idea inside heart of people, the shackles of slavery are being broken.


My friends & family who were non-political all their lives, are speaking up, taking part of protests against these foreign puppets.
Being indebted to IMF more is not breaking the shackles of slavery but being enslaved.
What about if Mc Donalds stops selling Mc Arabia? That could be a sign too!

Point being, IK being lost happens how?
He is assassinated? In that case chaos will reign for a few days and then all calms down

He “dies” naturally… social media trend for a week.

Drone attack .. no one will care

Civil unrest may not have been a goal but people are happy to exploit it. What matters is where the unrest is directed towards; the political sell outs or the judiciary or the military?
Excuse my brevity, I meant he is assassinated.
Drone attack will create vengence in Tribal area and their sympathiser in Punjab this time. Punjabis will buy the narrative that is all due to army.
At this point, technically no one is “running” Pakistan and the best place to direct the anger is at the corrupt both within political class and judiciary. If criticism must be done of the army leadership then do so but clearly differentiated from the rest who may or may not be as or more frustrated with the situation
The target will be the military as it is the main face, at least according to public. I will be happy if it were politcians, then judges, and lastly civil servants.
I am disappointed to state that I was wrong in my expression above. I could not imagine that certain powers within armed forces would have been actively behind this.

Unfortunately, I have to regret that I was wrong. PA did play a role and it was not positive. I wanted to make sure I spoke to enough people in the know to establish this view instead of jumping the gun.
I have done so (and though not unanimous view), and it is with a deep heart that I must say (with a preponderance of feedback, views, and facts) that the Pakistani Army establishment did not play a positive role in this debacle. Now they are in up to their eyeballs and confused on how to deal with this. I hope in the days and months to come Imran Khan's health (heart) and life stay healthy and protected.

It is a very troubling day for me today. Pakistan is in for very troubling and dangerous days ahead.
So you are saying they are planning an assassination in shape of an induced heart attack! 😳🤯
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