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Why Are Poverty Rates in Pakistan Lower Than India, Bangladesh?

simple charts about complex stuff can be misleading :lol:

As I say all the time

This $tupid @rse BS between Pakistan and India is just pathetic.

We both could be doing 100 times better if we learn to respect each other and work with each other.

Please explain that to Mr.Riaz Haq who is so selective in his analysis. :D
simple charts about complex stuff can be misleading :lol:

As I say all the time

This $tupid @rse BS between Pakistan and India is just pathetic.

We both could be doing 100 times better if we learn to respect each other and work with each other.


Easier said than done.

Indians dont buy into the poverty numbers of India - remember the brouhaha against Montek Singh Ahluwalia's statistics? he was forced to change it in the end - but OTOH, it seems every Pakistani is wholly sold on the data about its poverty rates except a select few. lol.
Agriculture value added per worker.

Agricultural was well developed in Punjab before partition with emphasis on irrigration by British and they also established the feudal order on these newly fertile land which was worthless once. So, don't think that Pakistan's post independence government did it.
What are it's units?

No idea - I just right clicked on the image - no idea what the source of it is as well.

Agricultural was well developed in Punjab before partition with emphasis on irrigration by British and they also established the feudal order on these newly fertile land which was worthless once. So, don't think that Pakistan's post independence government did it.

it's still a majority agrarian society.
HUMANDEVELOPMENTINDEX. Pak better than India on poverty. WORRISOME India ranks lower than Pak on gender equality too. Chetan Chauhan.

Agricultural was well developed in Punjab before partition with emphasis on irrigration by British and they also established the feudal order on these newly fertile land which was worthless once. So, don't think that Pakistan's post independence government did it.

yaar. INdic bhai

you talk like my Unkils from Bihar. :lol:

British build infrastructure throughout the subcontinent. Bridges, rail lines, factories and yes canals.

So please do not spread constipated conspiracy theories. Thank you.

British just made agreements with local landlords when they overtook Punjab in 1860s. They did not establish any feudal meudal order. Landlords have existed before British, as even when Maharaja Ranjeet Singh and Mogals ruled Punjab.

Not that I favor feudalism, I cannot, but I also do not like anyone spreading ignorance.

yaar. INdic bhai

you talk like my Unkils from Bihar. :lol:

British build infrastructure throughout the subcontinent. Bridges, rail lines, factories and yes canals.

So please do not spread constipated conspiracy theories. Thank you.

British just made agreements with local landlords when they overtook Punjab in 1860s. They did not establish any feudal meudal order. Landlords have existed before British, as even when Maharaja Ranjeet Singh and Mogals ruled Punjab.

Not that I favor feudalism, I cannot, but I also do not like anyone spreading ignorance.


Feudal order in newly fertile land. Feudalism in the subcontinent was continuation of jagirs of Mughal Dynasty.

I mentioned because many Pakistanis always claim they inherited nothing after partition forgetting that Punjab was richest province of British India due to same irrigated system they created.
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