---------- Forwarded message ----------
Rene Veerman <rene.veerman.netherlands@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 4:21 AM
Subject: Re: news from the frontlines of the war on terror : defence.pk forums : re : Why America will not leave Afghanistan for many decades or ever!
To: NOS <reacties@nos.nl>, CIA <info@cia.gov>, NSA <nsapao@nsa.gov>,
info@whitehouse.gov, Mossad <info@gov.il>,
d66@tweedekamer.nl, Donna Marrozos <redactie@3fm.nl>,
redactie@parool.nl, "Team Nieuws.nl" <redactie@nieuws.nl>,
typo-correction posted to
https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/why-...ny-decades-or-ever.525323/page-4#post-9981859 :
want more nice distraction while you absorb all this? just search youtube with search-terms / search-keys starting with
'dbz amv',
'naruto amv', or
'ah my goddess amv' or
'final fantasy amv'
Eventually USA will have to leave Afghanistan.
depends on what the Afghans do in their tribal regions.. ISIS is moving into Africa too. Eventually they'll be "addressed" there too. When we have capacity and African leaderships the stomach strength-levels to deal with a couple of years of terror strikes in their moderate main capitals as retaliation for letting the US 'prune' the growing number of just-too-idioticly and stubbornly *unjustified-ly* violent people there. Regardless of skin color by the way.
Eventually USA will have to leave Afghanistan.
depends on what the Afghans do in their tribal regions.. ISIS is moving into Africa too. Eventually they'll be "addressed" there too. When we have capacity and African leaderships the stomach strength-levels to deal with a couple of years of terror strikes in their moderate main capitals as retaliation for letting the US 'prune' the growing number of just-too-idioticly and stubbornly *unjustified-ly* violent people there. Regardless of skin color by the way.
youtube auto-play being truly cute for a change
must be doing something right..
Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal
Jackie Chan's got a very interesting movie coming up with a very serious tone :
Which will be a great addition to his earlier work as super-badass growing up in the 1960s i believe, all of his humerous light movies without any serious violence in them at all.. Moms, it's perfectly to raise your kids, male and female, with respect and a desire to at least learn some warrior skills. And i really dont think all the rings of kungfu sub-sets (sub-types) can be combined to form a really evil superhuman. God prevents such bullshit. Allah probably does too. I can safely say that here..
But for your kids and teenagers, this one's *great*
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0290095/?ref_=nv_sr_1 Jackie Chan in 'The Tuxedo'. One of his best movies for kids growing up in a techy modern world
Yes, i know kungfu. Wing Chun, some kickboxing, no thai boxing, tai-chi (chen and quan and qi-gong), bagua circle step, russian systema (which evolved around the same time as tai-chi Chen i think). I've even posted a youtube list of myself explaining kungfu. But it's just not too smart for me at times like these (or ever actually) to go posting my own face on forums like these. My real enemies do not need encouragement to 'take me out', or 'kick me into Heaven'. no thanks. i'm forty with a good chance of reaching 121 (a-hundred-twenty-one) years of age.
did you know tabacco contains cancer-inducing chemicals? probably. but did you also know weed is by some pharmaceutical companies and western doctors known to have *anti*-cancer powers? do your own googling
here's the cure / defense against the 'Zero Dark Thirty' movie scenario, for muslim warriors.
in effect giving them the chance to heal from sleep-deprivation with western *bad* hardrock.. you have your own opinions of us white guys, me included no matter what i tell you, and i respect that.
so use the strength by these white guys (hardrock singers) to very publicly and to the exact right audience[1]
[1] {us here on this forum, among other groups of beings (mostly humans possibly along with their Guardian Angels and/or guardian demons) }
so check
https://imdb.com for the content description of that movie 'Zero Dark Thirty', this not for everone absorable.. just turn it off if it gets too heavy. immediately. why infect yourself with fear or dizziness or despair?
see also "The Last Samurai" searchresults at
https://imdb.com (
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0325710/?ref_=nv_sr_1 )