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Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

Mr. All-Green asked me to recount his vote, so now:

1) Gen. Musharraf (Z9-ec, Neo, saadahmed, TOPGUN, bezerk86, opinion786, arsipk, TsAr)
2) Zaid Hammid (Thunder777, Silverfalcon, neo-revo, Omar1984)
2) Imran Khan (raheel1, thorosius, Lockheed F-16, All-Green))
4) Zardani (araz, Rabzon)
4) Some mullah (IceCold, Haider)
4) Gen. Kiyani (imran khan, Captain03)
7) Nawas Sharif (Asim Aquill)
8) Shah Mehmood Qureshi (rubyjackass)
Imran Khan is gaining BUT Mushy is still in the lead! Go Mushy!! :victory:

Ofcourse I dont have voting rights ..(indian :) ) but still my share of words

Pak should get rid of military folks and bring some brains in the cabinet. Pak need very good finance minister, technology miniter and Industry minisers. Pak has to reduce the importance to military (doent mean the military goes weak. only poletical influence). Pak needs someone like Manmohan singh, Chidambaram where they dont have any poletical power but leading the country in all development direction.

Pak need a brain now as president; not power
I would vote for Mushi, but i think Imran Khan would be good also, Imran Khan would really help the poor. These are the only 2 ppl that can save pakistan, the rest are just here for looting pakistan.
Pak need a brain now as president; not power
Well to run pakistan we need a president with brain and power. With the current political system, and the amount of corruption and the direct US influence in it, it is not possible to run pakistan as president without certain powers.
President Musharraf! He headed us in the right direction. He got us rid off IMF, improved education and boosted Economy from mere $80 bn to $170 bn.

I don't know if people read this article of Dr. Sachithanandam Sathananthan? That explains in detail why Musharraf was removed to bring in Zardari?
The Great Game continues

Dr Rehman tells AQ Khan he set up 47 new universities (during Musharraf tenure) and Musharraf was also trying for those NINE Engineering world class Universities, budget approved & land allocated, but that got delayed due to security concerns.

Even PPP PM Raza Gillani accepts our GDP has doubled to become $170 bn. Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
President Musharraf! He headed us in the right direction. He got us rid off IMF, improved education and boosted Economy from mere $80 bn to $170 bn.

Again folks It doenst matter if one person achieved in one stream; Mushrraf cant do work in all directions. What it matters is how much of brain and energy he can bring in to the cabinet; In India ex prime minister PVN got super cabinet members to improve the country; Today we can see the result.

In my view Pakistan should change its structure and first bring the brain on board and kick the military out to the border.
Again folks It doenst matter if one person achieved in one stream; Mushrraf cant do work in all directions. What it matters is how much of brain and energy he can bring in to the cabinet; In India ex prime minister PVN got super cabinet members to improve the country; Today we can see the result.

In my view Pakistan should change its structure and first bring the brain on board and kick the military out to the border.
Yep, i agree.Millitary should stay in Barracks but in Pakistan the politicians are so ******* corrupt that Army has to step in to save country.Musharraf had poor advisers in his last days of government so that's why he made bad decisions.He should have hired some top Chinese economist and make him defacto Finance Minister but Musharraf actually did something for country unlike Politicians who just loot and get the **** out of the country.
^^^ Excellent observation - chinese economist ....hahaha .... I'm all in favor! best regards!
how about MARVI MEMON....:smitten::p:D:partay:
Guys seriously think about it:rofl::rofl::rofl:
iahve seen her on lot of talk shows, she speaks well...:cheesy:
how about MARVI MEMON....:smitten::p:D:partay:
Guys seriously think about it
iahve seen her on lot of talk shows, she speaks well...:cheesy:

We need someone who not only looks well, speaks well but ACTS well
Shahbaz Sharif might be a good choice but minus the influence from Nawaz Sharif.
Imran khan ohhh my my!!!!! :rofl:

I think a leader who has both national and international recognition,can be the best choice for us.
//Pak should get rid of military folks and bring some brains in the cabinet. Pak need very good finance minister, technology miniter and Industry minisers. Pak has to reduce the importance to military (doent mean the military goes weak//

Yes,the brains which divided the country,the brains which ruined the country,the brains who sold the country should be brought to the federal and provincial cabinets very well said.It is our so-called ARMY dictators who have always saved our dear homeland and Pakistan has always lost under "democracy rule".
In my opinion, Imran Khan all the way.

Oh you beg to differ? Good for you.

NEXT question please ...

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