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Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

Can someone define the term "Hindu Zionist"?

Hindus are followers of Hinduism.

Zionists are people who advocated the creation of Zion(homeland in Land of Israel) for Jews. Before the creation of Israel, there was immense lobbying by Jewish elite all over the world to convince leaders and political figures to approve the idea of Zionism. After creation of Israel this is being used for people who support the existence of Israel.

The term Hindu Zionist is misleading in the sense that it sometimes conveys the incorrect meaning that all Hindus are Zionists.

The friendly gestures of Indian Government towards Israel are regarded as Hindu-Israeli co-operation and hence Hindu-Zionists. Added to this the suport of radical Hindutva organizations like RSS for Zionism created such an impression among Islamic countries who regard RSS's view as majority Hindus' view.

Among popular culture, Zion also refers to the last human city in 'The Matrix' series.(No relation whatsoever to the Jewish Zion).

Please point out any factual errors.
don't divert thread please

Sincere apologies.
That was in response to someone above saying that he would like a momin to become Pak's leader. Damn!! I should have quoted.

@ rest
so what about Qureshi?
Araz, you are absolutely right, I may add, under him our relations with Karzai’s government have also improved tremendously, which we all know had been at its very low point.

Now how he revives the economy and corrects the trade imbalance that I think will be his real test.

bhai . i wish i could be as optimistic as you. The problem with pakistan's economics is one of correcting its inherent short comings and reestablish it on sound footings which may mean taking politically unpopular decisions. he may have one good aspect but the rest of him is absolutely corrupt to the core. it is this aspect and the fact that his cronies are as useless as they come. We might eventually see some progress but not in this decade.
My 2 Paisas worth
i think i will opt certainly for a mullah, most notably Qazi. I am no fan of mullahs but i have had it with these so called liberals and moderates, our foreign policy needs a major shift and no moderate, be it Musharraf or zardari or even perhaps NS has the will or the gutts to do so.

Qazi Sahib is as much a Mullah as i am. If you have had the opportunity of seeing him up close you would not have said this. Same goes for Fazlu BabaAKA Maulana Diesel. One of the worst things we could have done is to hand over the Quran as a domain to the Mullah just as the clergy had control over Christiandom and the Bible. it is high time the Ummah started reading the quran again and understanding it instead of relying on Pseudo Mullahs. Additionally qazi saheb cant run a small party efficiently, and you expect him to run a country? I dont think so!!!!! Nawaz Sharif is a confirmed moron,who did nothing when he had absolute power to do everything. Shahbaz Sharif may be a better choice being a better administrator, but that is not likely to happen unless Mian Saheb is given the nudge!!!!!!!:lol::D
Same goes for Fazlu BabaAKA Maulana Diesel.

its not good for farmers mulana diesel will love agricultral land.he wana take all of our land.
seriously speaking we need to get rid of pml n and ppp.
coalition of imran khan and qazi hussain will be gud for the country. they speak for pakistan and we can also proudly call them muslims.

most of the other parties are puppets in the hand of americans.
As best as I can tell, the following are the votes:

1) Gen. Musharraf (Z9-ec, Neo, saadahmed, TOPGUN, bezerk86)
2) Zaid Hammid (Thunder777, Silverfalcon)
3) Zardani (araz, Rabzon)
4) Some mullah (IceCold, Haider)
5) Imran Khan (raheel1, thorosius)
6) Nawas Sharif (Asim Aquill)
7) Gen. Kiyani (imran khan)
8) Shah Mehmood Qureshi (rubyjackass)

So, General Musharraf is the most favored, so far.
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A mullah leader coming to power would lead to the occupation of Pakistan by NATO/US forces.
That's not what Icecold or Haider would want, I'm sure.
As best as I can tell, the following are the votes:

1) Gen. Musharraf (Z9-ec, Neo, saadahmed, TOPGUN)
2) Zaid Hammid (Thunder777, Silverfalcon)
3) Zardani (araz, Rabzon)
4) Some mullah (IceCold, Haider)
5) Imran Khan (raheel1)
6) Nawas Sharif (Asim Aquill)
7) Gen. Kiyani (imran khan)
8) Shah Mehmood Qureshi (rubyjackass)

So, General Musharraf is the most favored, so far.

This is an insult to my intelligence!!!!!!!!
Musharraf all the way. If he promises to stop comprising everything for the sake of United states.

Other than that, i seriously hope Kayani steps up and arrests Zardari for treason.
This is an insult to my intelligence!!!!!!!!

Mr. Araz, sir! I am not trying to insult your intelligence with my summary. Just trying to sort through the posts and back-and-forth ^^^. Or, are you saying that the sum total of your fellow Pakistani "voters" is insulting your intelligence? For that, alas, I cannot apologize. I am surprised, somewhat, that there are no good "young new leader" suggestions on the list. Mostly the same old, same old, methinks......

P.S., is "rubyjackass" really an Indian or a Pakistani adopting an insulting name?

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