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Who will Sikhs Support?

The First Name when i Think of Indian Army : Kuldeep Singh
( The Loangewala Hero : 1971 )

Kuldip Singh Chandpuri held the post of a Major in Indian Army's 23rd Bn, Punjab Regiment during the time of 1971 war when Pakistan army attacked the Longewala post in the state of Rajasthan (India). Kuldip Singh Chandpuri and his company numbered 120 soldiers and were responsible for defending the post of Longewala in Rajasthan, India. Kuldip Singh Chandpuri and his men were at considerable odds against the 2000-3000 strong assault force of the 51st Infantry Brigade of the Pakistani Army- backed by the 22nd Armored Regiment. Despite heavy odds Kuldip Singh Chandpuri and his company did not abandon the post and held the 2000-3000 strong Pakistani Army at bay for the full night until the Indian Air Force arrived in the morning.

Major Kuldip Singh Chandpuri exhibited dynamic leadership in holding his men and command together against an incomparable attacking force and in leading his men to hold the attacking Pakistan Army from progressing ahead. Showing exceptional courage and determination, Kuldip Singh Chandpuri first decided not to abandon the command and he inspired his men moving from bunker to bunker encouraging them in beating back the enemy till reinforcements arrived. In this heroic defense, Kuldip Singh Chandpuri and his 23rd Bn Punjab Regiment (120 Soldier) inflicted heavy casualties on the Pakistani Army (2000-3000 Soldiers) and forced them to retreat leaving behind twelve tanks. In this action, Major Chandpuri displayed conspicuous gallantry and leadership and was awarded Maha Vir Chakra (MVC) by the Indian Army.

The entire battle was portrayed in the superhit movie "Border (film)" in which Sunny Deol played the role of Major Kuldip Singh Chandpuri. Major Kuldip Singh Chandpuri retired as a Brigadier from the Indian Army.
Sikhs have fought the moghul empires in india for 500 years.

Sikh religion is based around fighting muslim opression from 15th century onwards.

Sikhs will support their leader Prime minster Singh and their estimated 150,000 sikh soldiers in the indian armed forces today..

One of india,s proud warrior races
I see that the Sikhs living overseas (US, Canada, UK) are the ones who seem to hate India because of 1984 and demand Khalistan. The Sikhs in India seem to have gotten over 1984. I might be wrong, but this is based on my observations.
Sikhs have fought the moghul empires in india for 500 years.

Sikh religion is based around fighting muslim opression from 15th century onwards.

Sikhs will support their leader Prime minster Singh and their estimated 150,000 sikh soldiers in the indian armed forces today..

One of india,s proud warrior races

Looks like you have some misconeptions and fallen for the misconcieved idea of looking at history through communal eyes.

Sikhs(or Punjabis) were fighting against the Mughal(predominantly muslim)-Rajput(predominantly hindu) alliance who had become imperialist in nature. It is actually a Punjabi alliance fighting the forces against Delhi-UP and Rajasthan. A number of Punjabi muslims were part of the armies and part of the administration as well. Infct 60% of the artillery of the sikh armies was muslims including rebellious hindustani muslims as well.
This is an excellent book and reference on this.
The Sikh Army 1799-1849 - Google Books

About muslims, the Adi Granth says:
It is difficult to be called a Muslim; if one is truly a Muslim, then he may be called one.
First, let him savor the religion of the Prophet as sweet; then, let his pride of his possessions be scraped away.
Becoming a true Muslim, a disciple of the faith of Mohammed, let him put aside the delusion of death and life.
As he submits to God’s Will, and surrenders to the Creator, he is rid of selfishness and conceit.
And when, O Nanak, he is merciful to all beings, only then shall he be called a Muslim.
Allah is hidden in every heart; reflect upon this in your mind. The One Lord is within both Hindu and Muslim; Kabir proclaims this out loud.
Be kind and compassionate to me, O Creator Lord. Bless me with devotion and meditation, O Lord Creator. Says Nanak, the Guru has rid me of doubt.
The Muslim God Allah and the Hindu God Paarbrahm are one and the same.

To be Muslim is to be kind-hearted, and wash away pollution from within the heart. He does not even approach worldly pleasures; he is pure, like flowers, silk, ghee and the deer-skin.
One who is blessed with the mercy and compassion of the Merciful Lord, is the manliest man among men. He alone is a Shaykh, a preacher, a Haji, and he alone is God’s slave, who is blessed with God’s Grace.
The Creator Lord has Creative Power; the Merciful Lord has Mercy. The Praises and the Love of the Merciful Lord are unfathomable.
Realize the True Hukam, the Command of the Lord, O Nanak; you shall be released from bondage, and carried across.
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On topic, all religions are essentially ment to be universal in nature. Be it Islam, Chritianity, Hinduism or Sikh.

If the question will be who would Indian sikhs support? Then obviously India, but if its American sikhs for example, they would most likely support the US and so on.

Nationality defines loyalty to nation, and religion is loyalty to faith. As long as both are seperated (the basis of a secular state) there will be no clash between the twain.
Sikhs will support no one. They will let Pakistan and India duke it out, once all is done and settled, Sardarjis will rule the roost in Khalistan!!! ;-)

No offense to Sikhs or Pakistanis or Indians..
Sikhs will support no one. They will let Pakistan and India duke it out, once all is done and settled, Sardarjis will rule the roost in Khalistan!!! ;-)

No offense to Sikhs or Pakistanis or Indians..

I do not care what people think as long as that is not a reality, I believe sticking to India benefits Sikhs, they are doing well in entire country and confining to Khalistan will be a loss. The Khalistan movement is long dead and no chance of coming back.
I do not care what people think as long as that is not a reality, I believe sticking to India benefits Sikhs, they are doing well in entire country and confining to Khalistan will be a loss. The Khalistan movement is long dead and no chance of coming back.

Khalistan is dead for as long as the status-quo is maintained i.e. Pakistan and India remain the way they are. If due to a future conflagration, something changes then surely Sikhs, and others too, will take advantage of the situation.
Anyways they have a very good example of Pakistan when it comes to country on religious grounds and with a new country called Khalistan with all the Sikhs migrating into it will make it a country which will be in the conflict zone between India and Pakistan.

when you have to choose between a country where you are one of the most prosperous community to a new country I think we all know the answer.

As far as sikhs are concerned its been 25 years since the riots and people have moved on with that. there is no point of discussing it after such a long span of time.
I see that the Sikhs living overseas (US, Canada, UK) are the ones who seem to hate India because of 1984 and demand Khalistan. The Sikhs in India seem to have gotten over 1984. I might be wrong, but this is based on my observations.

Those in India, have gotten over it all. Simply coz they have seen what the Khalistan movement did to Punjab - it was brought to a standstill. It was an exercise in futility which did immense harm to Punjab.

Those who live outside are re living the past - fed by funds from various ' non state actors' from neighboring countries of India.
Upon living in Canada, I have noticed alot of Sikhs around with a symbol (see picture I don't quite sure what it means ), they really want independence, ahh! I remember, police arrested Sikhs for bombing Indian airplane.

Movie called "Singh is Kinng" by Ashkay Kumar:lol:


Read post # 87.
Upon living in Canada, I have noticed alot of Sikhs around with a symbol (see picture I don't quite sure what it means ), they really want independence, ahh! I remember, police arrested Sikhs for bombing Indian airplane.

Movie called "Singh is Kinng" by Ashkay Kumar:lol:


The image above is called a Khanda. Its the emblem of the Khalsa nation/community. Its posted atop tall metal posts (Nishan Sahib) in Gurudwaras, sort of a flag staff. The same emblem is also used by pro-Khalistan sikhs as the flag of Khalistan, which is a completely different thing. Link-http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Flag-of-Khalistan.svg/800px-Flag-of-Khalistan.svg.png

The Khanda in itself doesnt mean independence or creation of Khalistan. Its more of a coat of arms for a Khalsa or a Sikh. Its similar to the crescent and the moon in Islam. Now using crescent and the moon symbol by a Muslim doesnt mean he believes in a unified nation of Muslims in the world, does it?
Khalistan is dead for as long as the status-quo is maintained i.e. Pakistan and India remain the way they are. If due to a future conflagration, something changes then surely Sikhs, and others too, will take advantage of the situation.

Blain2, I seriously dont think that the demand creation of Khalistan has got anything to do with with the situation between India and Pakistan. Status Quo or not the demand for Khalistan in India would stay like it is right now, dead and buried.

The reason for that is simple. Creation of Khalistan depends more on internal forces-the Indian Sikhs themselves rather than the external ones-India, Pakistan, NRI Sikhs. As long as there is no strong demand internally, there is no reason for its creation.
I see that the Sikhs living overseas (US, Canada, UK) are the ones who seem to hate India because of 1984 and demand Khalistan. The Sikhs in India seem to have gotten over 1984. I might be wrong, but this is based on my observations.

Thats pretty much as it is! You got it!:cheers:
sikhs living in india will never want to leave indian nation in future.
For god sakes the indian Pm is a sikh......

I f at all there is any sikh in india or abroad who wants a khalistan, they must think about the following:
1. The prosperity of the sikhs is due to their agriculture.Khalistan if it comes into existance would be a landlocked country,with both the neighboring countries being net exporters of agricultural products. so to market their agri products the sikhs would have to depend either on india or pak to provide ports.:what::what:

2. More than the issue of Kashmir ,the vulgarity and the brutality of the partition is what tickles the hate cells of people of the subcontinent. And on the issue of partition pakistanis have more complaints against sikhs than hindus. wouldn't a nuclear armed islamic country whose people hate u with all their hearts be a big threat for u?:pakistan:

3. And on a much more serious :rofl:note wouldn;t the hindu india with RAW at the helm of affairs , try to destabilise your bowels 4 u thrashing their akhand bharath scheme by creating new 'khands' out of it?:taz:
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