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Who was the most influential person in the whole human history?

Muhammad cant be compared to budha .... Muhammed actions was opposite to teachings of Buddha. ...... Buddha preached about non violence ,peace, self evolution, good karmas n etc ........ He never asked or forced people to follow his path instead he Instructed his followers to chose the path their own....... Buddha never discriminate among people based on gender cast religion. .....
For me personally it is most scientific n logical religion in modern world......
Influence of Buddha is such that you can see his followers across world n none is misguided. ...... When taliban demolished the Baminan sculptures they criticise the action but refrained in retaliating ...... For me that is called influence of his teaching ....... Had it been Muslims or Christian or Hindus they would not have shown such maturity n would have issued fatwa n other things....

Now let me type for you my avatars tag line of Buddha - Conquer yourself than winning thousands battles than victory is yours n cant be stolen snatched by angels or demons. ....

Muhammad (pbuh) was also a meditator like Buddha. He meditated in mount Hira in Makkah for many years before he got God's revelation Quran.

Muhammad (pbuh) also preached non violence. God (Allah) said in Quran that good and evil are different. If you win over evil with something which is better than evil then you are a winner.

Muhammad (pbuh) was a warrior prophet but he only participated in wars which were waged by other groups. He tried his best to stop war but as a last resort he took part in war. He said to his cousin Ali (pbuh) that if you give a true message of Islam without any violence that is better than converting others by force because there is no compulsion in religion. Truth will always win over falsehood.

Muhammad (pbuh) said there were millions of messengers sent in the world before him and he is the final messenger of Allah to restore the original faith, Islam.

Buddha, Krishna may be messengers / prophets since Prophet Muhammad said there were prophets in every part of the world.
Muhammad (pbuh) was also a meditator like Buddha. He meditated in mount Hira in Makkah for many years before he got God's revelation Quran.

Muhammad (pbuh) also preached non violence. God (Allah) said in Quran that good and evil are different. If you win over evil with something which is better than evil then you are a winner.

Muhammad (pbuh) was a warrior prophet but he only participated in wars which were waged by other groups. He tried his best to stop war but as a last resort he took part in war. He said to his cousin Ali (pbuh) that if you give a true message of Islam without any violence that is better than converting others by force because there is no compulsion in religion. Truth will always win over falsehood.

Muhammad (pbuh) said there were millions of messengers sent in the world before him and he is the final messenger of Allah to restore the original faith, Islam.

Buddha, Krishna may be messengers / prophets since Prophet Muhammad said there were prophets in every part of the world.

May be what you said is right about Muhmmad but I think if had he sacrificed his life for non voilence & humanity than a inventing a religion called Islam in that case He would have become my ideal to follow...... Moreover buddha never made his teachings is part of a religion though it became buddhism later after his death..........
And I am Hindu not a buddhist but He is my ideal...... He left the the materialistic world to find the answer for miseries that causes pain to all human being is most righteous path..... He describes connection between Maya & human pain....
If I am not wrong about Muhmmad(I have less knowledge about his life) he married to many women & he ruled in Makkah or he killed jews too all are sign of weak man in this materialstic word.... All he left a legacy that many muslim till date hates jews but I dont know the reason behind this hate...... Plz dont get offended by my post... I hope you would clear my doubts.... I have no hate for islam & muslim believe me since buddha said Hatred is not worth keeping in your heart throw it way .....

And I appreciate you efforts to explain me about Muhmmad but few instances my muslim friend got angry on me questioning his teaching & islam.......
The Most Influential persons Will be Holy Prophet cz just bcz of this single person every thing about History Changed It changed the way of life of humans , Countries , Wealth , Food , Laws In every field if not directly by him but by his followers So No one comes close to Him
my vote goes to the Zaid Hamid
Bheem Rao Ambedkar or BRA. For uplifting the downtrodden.
some says Jesus never existed.

If its true then Christianity and Islam will be in serious crisis in its tenets.
May be what you said is right about Muhmmad but I think if had he sacrificed his life for non voilence & humanity than a inventing a religion called Islam in that case He would have become my ideal to follow...... Moreover buddha never made his teachings is part of a religion though it became buddhism later after his death..........
And I am Hindu not a buddhist but He is my ideal...... He left the the materialistic world to find the answer for miseries that causes pain to all human being is most righteous path..... He describes connection between Maya & human pain....
If I am not wrong about Muhmmad(I have less knowledge about his life) he married to many women & he ruled in Makkah or he killed jews too all are sign of weak man in this materialstic word.... All he left a legacy that many muslim till date hates jews but I dont know the reason behind this hate...... Plz dont get offended by my post... I hope you would clear my doubts.... I have no hate for islam & muslim believe me since buddha said Hatred is not worth keeping in your heart throw it way .....

And I appreciate you efforts to explain me about Muhmmad but few instances my muslim friend got angry on me questioning his teaching & islam.......

Muhammad (pbuh) married 11 or 13 women in his lifetime but except two namely Khadiza (45 years old middle aged woman who proposed him to marry her for social security when he was 25 years old young man) and Aisha (a young girl who was devastated when her fiance left her at last moment. Prophet took responsibility of this girl by marrying her. She was his best friend's daughter). All other women were very poor or divorcee or widows. He gave protection to them since nobody was ready to take them. He married them to give them shelter.

I have already said I have reservation about Prophet Muhammad's attitudes towards Jews. He hated Jews tribe Banu Quraiza so much that almost 600 to 900 Jews were slaughtered in one day. Thats harsh and barbaric in my opinion even if it was done according to Jewish Law. I am disappointed that holy prophet approved such harsh treatment to the Jews. He could have disapproved such barbaric punishment and showed some mercy to the Jews but its actually a highly disputed history. We don't know if its true or fabricated by Islam haters because Hadiths no matter its Bukhari are not first source of Islam. These are written 200 years after the death of the Prophet. So many Hadiths are false propaganda. Muslims don't give much importance to Hadiths.
This is not true.

Its Kufr (grave sin) to believe Hadith without any authentication. Hadiths are not as important as Quran. There are millions of Hadiths written over a period to thousand years after the death of the prophet. Hadiths are written 200 years after the demise of the prophet. So thousands of Hadiths are fabricated. Only a handful of Hadiths are passed as authentic after seeing the chain from which the narration came. If any Hadith contradicts with the teaching of Quran then the hadith is thrown out of the window.
Its Kufr to believe Hadith without any authentication. Hadiths are not as important as Quran. There are millions of Hadiths written over a period to thousand years after the death of the prophet. Hadiths are written 200 years later after the demise of the prophet. So thousands of Hadiths are fabricated. Only a handful of Hadiths are passed as authentic after seeing the chain from which the narration came. If any Hadith contradicts with the teaching of Quran then the hadith is thrown out of the window.

Sahih hadhiths are supposed to be the authenticated hadhiths.

Every Islamic sect has it's set of sahih hadhiths and they believe them and follow them. The vast majority of the Muslims depend on the hadhith for following their version of Islam.

In fact there are many basic aspects of following Islam that come only from the hadhith.
Sahih hadhiths are supposed to be the authenticated hadhiths.

Every Islamic sect has it's set of sahih hadhiths and they believe them and follow them. The vast majority of the Muslims depend on the hadhith for following their version of Islam.

In fact there are many basic aspects of following Islam that come only from the hadhith.

I said Hadiths are not the first source of Islam. Many 'new' Hadiths are 'created' to support any act of any group of Mullahs for their purposes. Lets don't mix Mullahs with Islam. Even you should not judge Muhammad (pbuh) by the act of Muslims.
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