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Who says Chinese products are crap?

The people who buy expensive army but fail in making indigenous products will say Chinese are crap . You buy cheap tab for Rs 1000 and ask of warranty
Where can I get decent chinese tab?(not rs 1000 one)
they are hyper active at cheerleading on forums though!

just a couple of days ago the pinoy president is cheerleading us for building an infrastructure project. what a lousy joke you are making!

Don't worry dude, we despise our president like we do to you
Still doesn't change the fact that the world shares the same idea as we do
Face the reality bro :lol:
Who does not say ..chinese product is crap :D

Chinese make crap product and try to fool world in the name of cheaper product .....learn from S korea, Japan and Taiwan they got world class products....
Products made in Korea and Taiwan were once viewed as crap back to the 1980s. Hyundai Cars were called running coffin at that time.
Say what you will....the perception is there. And yes, other nations had this percection about their products but managed to shake it...take lessons from them.
You are Owned :lol: :lol: :lol:
Kid I own an Indian desktop which is costly and better than your chini desktops.

oh boy you are badly hurt
lol``this is called delusion, a primitive country cant make basic machineries and bullets and you really believe that ?

probably that indian 'desktop' is same as all of your foreign made weapons
Chinese products are 'crapy' yet Chinese products are everywhere and all kinds, from toys to high tech machinery```western countries are not as cheap as Indians, they can afford for better quality stuffs for higher prices, yet again they buying the most from China```

if a person have a well developed brain would know the reality of Chinese products (you get what you pay for)```i guess the 81 slum wont understand it (financially, intellectually and emotionally)``which demonstrated very well here
There is no doubt that most of chinese products are not good in quality but the bottom line is that chinese products are popular all over the world. i think the world should thank china for producing cheap things, otherwise many ppl would not have afforded many things which they have in their kitty nowadays & china isn't forcing anyone to buy their products.
There is no doubt that most of chinese products are not good in quality but the bottom line is that chinese products are popular all over the world. i think the world should thank china for producing cheap things, otherwise many ppl would not have afforded many things which they have in their kitty nowadays & china isn't forcing anyone to buy their products.

I still remember those cheap baby milk powder with free melamine
Thank you CHINA

Maybe we should change the title to
"Why does China wants to imitate everything?"
There is no doubt that most of chinese products are not good in quality but the bottom line is that chinese products are popular all over the world. i think the world should thank china for producing cheap things, otherwise many ppl would not have afforded many things which they have in their kitty nowadays & china isn't forcing anyone to buy their products.

Comrade, I don't agree with you entirely but I see that you stand heads and shoulders above the rabble horde of Internet Hindus who have preceded you. The thing about 'common' sense (ie you get what you pay for) is that it is not very common in India.
Do you regularly eat dairy products from China?

I don't think I have ever eaten dairy products from China. In our part of the world; Chinese products usually includes electronics, clothing, & most recently vehicles too.

Look at his name retard chinese monkey jumping around

All members posting on this thread should cease posting insults & racist remarks towards each other. Such remarks serve no purpose besides hampering the discussion.
That's the thing. Pretty much all the manufactured products in this world have something to do with China.

So if you buy high-end electronics like expensive smartphones and laptops, there will be Chinese components in them (and many will be made in China entirely).

And if you buy cheap crap and it breaks, that will also have components made in China. Basically, you get what you pay for.

This ^

It makes no sense to blame China's products as crappy when almost every single high-end electronics are also made in China.
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