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Who says Chinese products are crap?

Chinese products are "crap"? 1 billion indians live in a steaming pile of it every day. Says enough about them. :)
Perhaps Indians wouldn't have to answer all your calls in your imaginary tale if your second rate stuff didn't break down so often in the first place.

Hence proves the theory, Chinese products are crap (as attested by a Chinese himself)

3G, B.T, and Virgin are not greedy cheap indians businessmen``they put their products reputation at first``and they'd be stupid to have second rate electronic kits to supply to their customers```interestingly they all bares Chinese brands' logos at least in my properties``

p.s one more interesting thing`` those companies start removing those core customer services call-centers back to local to ensure prompt and good quality support````well apart you guys are sh*t at making things but now bad at answering call too```what can you people really do apart from brainfart?
3G, B.T, and Virgin are not greedy cheap indians businessmen``they put their products reputation at first``and they'd be stupid to have second rate electronic kits to supply to their customers```interestingly they all bares Chinese brands' logos at least in my properties``

p.s one more interesting thing`` those companies start removing those core customer services call-centers back to local to ensure prompt and good quality support````well apart you guys are sh*t at making things but now bad at answering call too```what can you people really do apart from brainfart?

Did you know that 3G is a Hong Kong company?

Hutchison 3G - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It is owned by Hutchison which is owned by Cheung Kong (Li Ka-shing).

3G, B.T, and Virgin are not greedy cheap indians businessmen``they put their products reputation at first``and they'd be stupid to have second rate electronic kits to supply to their customers```interestingly they all bares Chinese brands' logos at least in my properties``

p.s one more interesting thing`` those companies start removing those core customer services call-centers back to local to ensure prompt and good quality support````well apart you guys are sh*t at making things but now bad at answering call too```what can you people really do apart from brainfart?

I was simply following your cool story. You seemed to have made a lot of calls yourself to assert that all were answered by Indians. So it's only logical to assume that Chinese inventory is pretty sad to use in the first place. See how that works out ?

China Brands Lose to Western Labels - WSJ.com

Chinese brands are loosing to western brands in their home ground. Seems like even the Chinese don't want chinese brands:lol:

You can wear Chinese brands if you don't want to get laid....ever.

Chinese dudes have so much working against them in the first place. They shouldn't take chances. :woot:
Did you know that 3G is a Hong Kong company?

Hutchison 3G - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It is owned by Hutchison which is owned by Cheung Kong (Li Ka-shing).

Hutchison Whampoa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i know``they used to have very cheap tariffs when they are entering U.K market```now not so much````the signal coverage not as good as O2 (the best ones I think)```it is said 3G spent billions just to build infrastructures and signal coverage in the U.K
i know``they used to have very cheap tariffs when they are entering U.K market```now not so much````the signal coverage not as good as O2 (the best ones I think)```it is said 3G spent billions just to build infrastructures and signal coverage in the U.K

HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) is also pretty big in the UK.

In fact I think they are the biggest bank in Europe.
Weren't you just the other day running around telling everyone that HSBC is not a Chinese bank:lol: What happened?

They are not. They were founded here, and they moved their headquarters to the UK before the handover (some people were really nervous back then). So now they are a UK-based company.

To be honest, this is india's best "product" image, like it or not, so stop let your jealousy of china blind your mind.

Super Indian, what on Earth are those things?
I was simply following your cool story. You seemed to have made a lot of calls yourself to assert that all were answered by Indians. So it's only logical to assume that Chinese inventory is pretty sad to use in the first place. See how that works out ?
nice try, but difficult to explain to simpletons``well let me try a bit`in U.K contracts are mostly on annual bases, only few years back the mobile contracts start to having 18month and 24 month ones``so for every year I have to call to switch/renew tariffs or internet contracts, considering i've been living there for a decade, for all the mobiles and routers and network kits I have, so yes```I have rich experiences of talking to Indians over the phones

They are not. They were founded here, and they moved their headquarters to the UK before the handover (some people were really nervous back then). So now they are a UK-based company.

What on Earth are those things?
delusional Indians```like some of here
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