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Who murdered Benazir

no idea as no forensic expert, but eliminating or tampering with potential evidence is a crime anyway and shows being an accomplice.

The cell phone was the most important evidence----.

All the other needed evidence was collected from the scene---( whatever it was ).

It is a blast scene---the shooter got blown up during the blast along with the suicide bomber---plus countless others blew up as well---.
I believe it was the international establishment responsible for her killing in collaborations with the Pakistani traitors. Our media and official government statement is she was killed by hitting her head on the car when she fell but clear evidence is visible that she was shot in the head, this same statement was made by Asif ali zardari and also senior PPP leaders, the crime scene was cleaned straight away and I remember General Musharaff came on live TV and said he has no idea who has done this and why would the police do it.

We also need to study the Karachi bombing where a suicide bomber attacked Benazir and she luckily survived, she was then warned by General Musharaff to stop campainig and stay inside for her own safety but she did not listen, even General Musharaff was attacked many times and luckily survived. Who could attack General Musharaff despite army, MI, ISI, commandos protecting him. Our country was full of foreign agents and security contractors and I believe our agencies had no clue what was happening and they certainly are not as powerful as we believe they are.
East India Company killed her father & brothers, East India Company killed her too & East India Company shall kill any genuine political leader that may hinder its hold over these provinces.

Zardari, Nawaz, Fazlu, Imran, Altaf & the rest are just puppets.
Musharraf and Rehman Malik had her killed, they had her security pulled and gave her defective IED jammers for the rally she was killed at. And on top of that the police hosed the scene and destroyed all the evidence directly after, rumor has it that the order to wash the scene was given straight from the ISI HQ. Zardari likely knew of the plot but had no direct involvement in Benazir's killing. A prosecutor who worked for the FIA had evidence of Musharrafs involvement in her killing but was killed by gunmen on the way to the court where he was about to present the evidence.
Nothing happens in Pakistan without the permission of GHQ. Zardari is a convenient scapegoat. By now we should all know who actually killed BB.
It doesn't have to be one suspect or one group or country. It could be a convergence of ideas to remove her, and each group or country sought their own benefit.
I believe it was the international establishment responsible for her killing
why? she was the one who said that she would open the nuke program for the world to see, and provide access to AQ Khan. why would they kill their most valuable pawn? besides, she was corrupt to the core, and had stashed her money abroad. she would have danced to their tunes, or else risk loosing her ill-gotten money.

East India Company killed her father & brothers, East India Company killed her too & East India Company shall kill any genuine political leader that may hinder its hold over these provinces.

Zardari, Nawaz, Fazlu, Imran, Altaf & the rest are just puppets.
lol. murtaza was killed by her husband and the guys who killed him all got promotions; shahid hayat, shoaib suddle etc. shahnawaz was a druggie and a drunkard, may have easily OD'd.

both were terrorists anyhow.
Who else? It was her husband Asif Zardari. Because of that stunt a thief like him who use to sell cinema tickets in black became the president of this unfortunate country.
Musharraf and Rehman Malik had her killed, they had her security pulled and gave her defective IED jammers for the rally she was killed at. And on top of that the police hosed the scene and destroyed all the evidence directly after, rumor has it that the order to wash the scene was given straight from the ISI HQ. Zardari likely knew of the plot but had no direct involvement in Benazir's killing. A prosecutor who worked for the FIA had evidence of Musharrafs involvement in her killing but was killed by gunmen on the way to the court where he was about to present the evidence.
good going by ISI, for once. if it was indeed ISI. wish all the corrupt, greedy a-holes had been done away with.
Musharraf getting Benazir killed would have been an own goal. Musharraf knew a dead Benazir would mean end to his rule.

Musharraf assassination had people inside the army collaborating with the terrorists. Some were caught and court martialled.

It was Zardari and his cronies with Rehman Malik included who killed Benazir. There were simmering personal issues between Zardari and Benazir. Zardari being a cunning f-ck he is, decided to go ahead along with his people. Got her assassinated, took over the party through some cooked up will. The other guys related to this case were suspiciously murdered.

Zardari basically ran circles around the establishment. The establishment just went clueless. Became President with Kiyani as COAS. Probably the only time, the President had so much of indirect power that he could select his own PMs and give a finger to the Establishment.
Gotta say that Zardari’s fingerprints all over this one.

But the more pertinent question to ask is who killed Liaquat Ali? I think at this point, pretty clear that was establishment
When BB wanted to come back to Pakistan, i remember, news papers in Iran reported it with healines like, the first woman PM of Islamic world, a brave eastern leader, a self made woman etc is coming back to her fatherland Pakistan.

Problem was, Musharraf was the strongest political figure of Pakistan and some of analysts warned about challenging his undisputed power by BB. He was the one that threw NS out of Pakistan like a rat into his hole in Saudi Arabia. Hence, Musharraf wasn't someone to easily sideline.

Some accused Mushy, some other accused Zardari but all of those accusations were not backed by solid evidence.

I have no doubt that it was done by Pakistani branch of Taliban which is basically organized and backed by Saudi/USA axis of evil in the region. If we accuse only Taliban or Qaeda, still we are making same mistake. USA and Saudi leaders of terrorists ideology are the main suspects here.

Before elections, i always witnessed some Pakistani politicians raised this issue about lady Bnazir. I guess they do it for political points and i personally believe it is an insult to her memory. Using her for casting votes or provoking emotions of Pakistani people who are deeply bothered with her death.

Even her son Bilawal doesn't dare to introduce people with the main terrorist but he also uses her death in his own favor by shedding crocodile tears in his interviews.

I believe Bnazir was a true and a beloved leader by Pakistanis. Her death threw Pakistan into an endless cycle of political war which opened the way for foreign elements to abuse tge turmoil and make problems for Pakistan and Pakistani people.
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