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Who Killed Zia ul-Haq?

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If I started speaking in favour of MQM, this thread will be hijacked so I will just state that foundations for MQM were laid by by bigots and intolerant of our ethnic society as early as 1960's! You may speak ill of Zia but it was a Sindhi Bhutto who sliced Pakistan in half and the act was supported by a Punjabi General and it was and still is the single worst act of terrorism since creation of Pakistan!

As far as public flogging is concerned, Saudi Arabia hardly witnesses any crime....why is that? Ponder over it and then question the Islamic tradition of public punishments!

Everything else that you have posted is just as crap! AK-47/Drugs and so on are gifts and thanks of the ungrateful Afghans that have been our biggest and sincerest enemies. And when we were forced in that war, we had no other.

I may be misguided on occasion but most of my liking and disliking have factual bases. Let me give a few concrete examples:

MQM came about as a development of All Pakistan Mohajir Student Organization (APMSO) which was formed by Altaf Husain, Imran Farooq, and Afaq Ahmad among others in 1978. MQM originated in 1984. Initially there was not much support for MQM however the famous ethnic riots of 1986 between Pathan and Biharis really gave it popularity. It is possible that many forum members have forgotten this dark event in Pakistan history. Here is what happened.

Operation ‘Clean-up’ was launched by the military to tackle Sohrab Goth, an area infamous for drugs and arms market. On December 12, army trucks surrounded the area and bulldozers destroyed houses in order to remove the residents and stop arm and drug dealing.

Just before this operation, the police entered Orangi township, a predominantly Urdu Speaking community area, and seized arms and bombs. Thus residents of Orangi town had no arms to defend themselves.

On December 13, several hundred Pathans armed with Kalashnikovs, in a retaliatory move to Army Operation, attacked the Urdu speaking residential areas of Qasba, Aligarh and Sector I-D. From 10 am till 4.30 pm, Pathans and Afghans killed hundreds of Urdu speaking people and burnt several houses, business, shops run by Urdu Speakers in what is remembered as the “Aligarh Colony Massacre”. Police were called but did not respond ostensibly on the orders of the Sind Governor Lt Gen Jehandad Khan, a crony of the bigot Zia.

The day after, violence spread all over Karachi. Mobs of men armed with rifles charged into houses of other communities and left only when everything was destroyed. In counter-attacks, armed marauders on bikes and cars resorted to random killing on the roads, machine-gunning, burning and looting. Biharis in Orangi were attacked by Pathans. Non-Pathans then started killing people on the streets. During these five days, at least 200 people were killed in the riots.

Pray tell me who is responsible for the death of these Pakistanis if not the devil Zia ul Haq and Lt Gen Jehandad Khan?
This event made MQM a major political force. I personally don’t dislike MQM or ANP as both are middle class secular parties, but with their ethnic connotations it would be difficult for me to vote for either of these.

Fazle Haq was appointed the Governor of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa then NWFP in 1978 and remained until December 1985 when the martial law was lifted in the country. He was considered one of President Zia-ul Haq's closest confidantes. It was no secret that Fazle Haq profited and lent support to major opium and heroin traffickers through the NWFP. He allowed setting up of hundreds of heroin refineries throughout the province. Zia ul Haq was therefore indirectly responsible for the spread of Drug mafia and Kalashnikov culture in our beloved country.

Sepahe Sehaba was formed in 1985 with blessing of Zia ul Haq and ISI in an effort to stem the influence of Khomeini on Pakistani Shias. The result was a cycle of ethnic violence and tit for tat killing between Shia & Sunnis of Pakistan that continues to this day.

I am partial to Sufi Islam. Most of the original population of this region become Muslim thru practice of love and forgiveness by Sufis such as Data Sahib, Chishti Ajmeri, Baba Farid and Bahauddin Zakaria. Where this Takfiri and Salafi culture of hate took root if this did not have the implicit support of Zia and ISI? IMO Zia shares the blame for the blood of hundreds of innocent Shia and Sunni Pakistanis who lost their lives as a result of Jihadi culture.

Needless to mention the manipulation of the Supreme including premature retirement of Justice to get a split decision of the court so that ZAB could be executed.

I therefore call Zia ul Haq bigot of all bigots and pray that he rots in hell till eternity. However I don’t deny that you have every right to love Zia and his evil deeds and are welcome to call my post nothing but crap. Nothing however will change the fact that Zia ul Haq was directly and indirectly responsible for the disrupting the fabric of Pakistan society.
Zia was probbly trying to share nuclear technology secrets with Gulf states and he had to be killed - CIA rule of engagement is when you deal with someone you eliminate them before you leave so no one can trace back to you
I may be misguided on occasion but most of my liking and disliking have factual bases. Let me give a few concrete examples:

MQM came about as a development of All Pakistan Mohajir Student Organization (APMSO) which was formed by Altaf Husain, Imran Farooq, and Afaq Ahmad among others in 1978. MQM originated in 1984. Initially there was not much support for MQM however the famous ethnic riots of 1986 between Pathan and Biharis really gave it popularity. It is possible that many forum members have forgotten this dark event in Pakistan history. Here is what happened.

Operation ‘Clean-up’ was launched by the military to tackle Sohrab Goth, an area infamous for drugs and arms market. On December 12, army trucks surrounded the area and bulldozers destroyed houses in order to remove the residents and stop arm and drug dealing.

Just before this operation, the police entered Orangi township, a predominantly Urdu Speaking community area, and seized arms and bombs. Thus residents of Orangi town had no arms to defend themselves.

On December 13, several hundred Pathans armed with Kalashnikovs, in a retaliatory move to Army Operation, attacked the Urdu speaking residential areas of Qasba, Aligarh and Sector I-D. From 10 am till 4.30 pm, Pathans and Afghans killed hundreds of Urdu speaking people and burnt several houses, business, shops run by Urdu Speakers in what is remembered as the “Aligarh Colony Massacre”. Police were called but did not respond ostensibly on the orders of the Sind Governor Lt Gen Jehandad Khan, a crony of the bigot Zia.

The day after, violence spread all over Karachi. Mobs of men armed with rifles charged into houses of other communities and left only when everything was destroyed. In counter-attacks, armed marauders on bikes and cars resorted to random killing on the roads, machine-gunning, burning and looting. Biharis in Orangi were attacked by Pathans. Non-Pathans then started killing people on the streets. During these five days, at least 200 people were killed in the riots.

Pray tell me who is responsible for the death of these Pakistanis if not the devil Zia ul Haq and Lt Gen Jehandad Khan?
This event made MQM a major political force. I personally don’t dislike MQM or ANP as both are middle class secular parties, but with their ethnic connotations it would be difficult for me to vote for either of these.

Fazle Haq was appointed the Governor of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa then NWFP in 1978 and remained until December 1985 when the martial law was lifted in the country. He was considered one of President Zia-ul Haq's closest confidantes. It was no secret that Fazle Haq profited and lent support to major opium and heroin traffickers through the NWFP. He allowed setting up of hundreds of heroin refineries throughout the province. Zia ul Haq was therefore indirectly responsible for the spread of Drug mafia and Kalashnikov culture in our beloved country.

Sepahe Sehaba was formed in 1985 with blessing of Zia ul Haq and ISI in an effort to stem the influence of Khomeini on Pakistani Shias. The result was a cycle of ethnic violence and tit for tat killing between Shia & Sunnis of Pakistan that continues to this day.

I am partial to Sufi Islam. Most of the original population of this region become Muslim thru practice of love and forgiveness by Sufis such as Data Sahib, Chishti Ajmeri, Baba Farid and Bahauddin Zakaria. Where this Takfiri and Salafi culture of hate took root if this did not have the implicit support of Zia and ISI? IMO Zia shares the blame for the blood of hundreds of innocent Shia and Sunni Pakistanis who lost their lives as a result of Jihadi culture.

Needless to mention the manipulation of the Supreme including premature retirement of Justice to get a split decision of the court so that ZAB could be executed.

I therefore call Zia ul Haq bigot of all bigots and pray that he rots in hell till eternity. However I don’t deny that you have every right to love Zia and his evil deeds and are welcome to call my post nothing but crap. Nothing however will change the fact that Zia ul Haq was directly and indirectly responsible for the disrupting the fabric of Pakistan society.

Totally agree with what you have written above but Zulfiqar's case was genuine. He really ordered the killing of Ahmad Raza Kasuri and by mistake got his father...
Totally agree with what you have written above but Zulfiqar's case was genuine. He really ordered the killing of Ahmad Raza Kasuri and by mistake got his father...

No, he didn't. The so-called 'evidence' was circumstantial--much pressure and incentives were exercised by the Martial Law Regime of the damned Zia. The final verdict was 4-3 in favor of execution--with three judges OUTRIGHT acquitting ZAB.

Fact is: Zia had to hang Bhutto.

As to who killed Zia--I don't care! Good riddance. He ruled Pakistan with absolute authority for a full 25% of Pakistan's history and single handedly turned Pakistan from a Sufi-oriented society in up to 1977 into a much more fanatic and hypocritical'Muslim' society by 1988--a mere 11 years of social engineering.
Zia's sins are so bad that even his political heirs like Nawaz Sharif have disowned him. People still manage to admire Ayub Khan--more than forty years after Ayub is gone; but not many takers for Zia. People are not total stupid.
No, he didn't. The so-called 'evidence' was circumstantial--much pressure and incentives were exercised by the Martial Law Regime of the damned Zia. The final verdict was 4-3 in favor of execution--with three judges OUTRIGHT acquitting ZAB.

Fact is: Zia had to hang Bhutto.

As to who killed Zia--I don't care! Good riddance. He ruled Pakistan with absolute authority for a full 25% of Pakistan's history and single handedly turned Pakistan from a Sufi-oriented society in up to 1977 into a much more fanatic and hypocritical'Muslim' society by 1988--a mere 11 years of social engineering.
Zia's sins are so bad that even his political heirs like Nawaz Sharif have disowned him. People still manage to admire Ayub Khan--more than forty years after Ayub is gone; but not many takers for Zia. People are not total stupid.

FSF killed Kasuri's father. Everyone is aware of that. And everyone is aware that under who's authority was FSF at that time....
I would admit that there was circumstantial evidence against ZAB and I would not rule out that he ordered the killing. Nevertheless ZAB had been President of Pakistan as well as the Prime Minister. Not forgetting that Zia owed his position to ZA Bhutto as he was promoted out of turn.

Besides, there were pleas for clemency from China and also from Sheikh of Abu Dhabi. On this basis decision to hang was clearly not the carrying out of justice but act of a vindictive ungrateful SOB. In my view you don’t hang your Prime Minister on a split decision.
FSF killed Kasuri's father. Everyone is aware of that. And everyone is aware that under who's authority was FSF at that time....

So if those Rangers who killed the man in Karachi in cold blood a few months ago were under direct orders from Kayani then to kill?

FSF may have been under ZAB but FSF was also full of people some of whom may have thought of proving their 'loyalty' to ZAB but knocking out one ZAB opponent. Not only was the evidence highly circumstantial but even the highest level of Pakistani judiciary was manipulated by Zia to eliminate/promote judges based on his preference to see a likely outcome.
ZAB had no need to kill a two-bit Kasuri when ZAB was at the height of his power. In fact, it was ZAB himself who allowed an FIR for murder to be registered against himself.
Fact is: Like all coup-makers, Zia had to get rid of Bhutto--physically. As Zia is famously quoted: 'There is only one grave but two bodies'. There is nothing surprising about it. All coup makers and revolutionaries tend to physically eliminate not only the previous leaders but often their close relatives as well--sometimes even women.
I may be misguided on occasion but most of my liking and disliking have factual bases. Let me give a few concrete examples:

MQM came about as a development of All Pakistan Mohajir Student Organization (APMSO) which was formed by Altaf Husain, Imran Farooq, and Afaq Ahmad among others in 1978. MQM originated in 1984. Initially there was not much support for MQM however the famous ethnic riots of 1986 between Pathan and Biharis really gave it popularity. It is possible that many forum members have forgotten this dark event in Pakistan history. Here is what happened.

Operation ‘Clean-up’ was launched by the military to tackle Sohrab Goth, an area infamous for drugs and arms market. On December 12, army trucks surrounded the area and bulldozers destroyed houses in order to remove the residents and stop arm and drug dealing.

Just before this operation, the police entered Orangi township, a predominantly Urdu Speaking community area, and seized arms and bombs. Thus residents of Orangi town had no arms to defend themselves.

On December 13, several hundred Pathans armed with Kalashnikovs, in a retaliatory move to Army Operation, attacked the Urdu speaking residential areas of Qasba, Aligarh and Sector I-D. From 10 am till 4.30 pm, Pathans and Afghans killed hundreds of Urdu speaking people and burnt several houses, business, shops run by Urdu Speakers in what is remembered as the “Aligarh Colony Massacre”. Police were called but did not respond ostensibly on the orders of the Sind Governor Lt Gen Jehandad Khan, a crony of the bigot Zia.

The day after, violence spread all over Karachi. Mobs of men armed with rifles charged into houses of other communities and left only when everything was destroyed. In counter-attacks, armed marauders on bikes and cars resorted to random killing on the roads, machine-gunning, burning and looting. Biharis in Orangi were attacked by Pathans. Non-Pathans then started killing people on the streets. During these five days, at least 200 people were killed in the riots.

Pray tell me who is responsible for the death of these Pakistanis if not the devil Zia ul Haq and Lt Gen Jehandad Khan?
This event made MQM a major political force. I personally don’t dislike MQM or ANP as both are middle class secular parties, but with their ethnic connotations it would be difficult for me to vote for either of these.

Fazle Haq was appointed the Governor of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa then NWFP in 1978 and remained until December 1985 when the martial law was lifted in the country. He was considered one of President Zia-ul Haq's closest confidantes. It was no secret that Fazle Haq profited and lent support to major opium and heroin traffickers through the NWFP. He allowed setting up of hundreds of heroin refineries throughout the province. Zia ul Haq was therefore indirectly responsible for the spread of Drug mafia and Kalashnikov culture in our beloved country.

Sepahe Sehaba was formed in 1985 with blessing of Zia ul Haq and ISI in an effort to stem the influence of Khomeini on Pakistani Shias. The result was a cycle of ethnic violence and tit for tat killing between Shia & Sunnis of Pakistan that continues to this day.

I am partial to Sufi Islam. Most of the original population of this region become Muslim thru practice of love and forgiveness by Sufis such as Data Sahib, Chishti Ajmeri, Baba Farid and Bahauddin Zakaria. Where this Takfiri and Salafi culture of hate took root if this did not have the implicit support of Zia and ISI? IMO Zia shares the blame for the blood of hundreds of innocent Shia and Sunni Pakistanis who lost their lives as a result of Jihadi culture.

Needless to mention the manipulation of the Supreme including premature retirement of Justice to get a split decision of the court so that ZAB could be executed.

I therefore call Zia ul Haq bigot of all bigots and pray that he rots in hell till eternity. However I don’t deny that you have every right to love Zia and his evil deeds and are welcome to call my post nothing but crap. Nothing however will change the fact that Zia ul Haq was directly and indirectly responsible for the disrupting the fabric of Pakistan society.

It's not reasonable to say sifiism is better than others, because now it may be all fun and games, but some day it may evolve to become extremist like the ones u oppose
Although I on the other hand follow the Islam that can never be wrong, the Islam of the Quran
After working in pakistan for some time I learned two lessons about our personality

1. some one said we are half emotional and half irrational. This holds very true.
2. Our normal modus operendi once we fail to deliver is to blame the predecessor not withstanding the thought that our feet might be too small for the shoes we opt for.

Every one has one theory or another as to what happened.

Looking at the posts here, almost every one has found a way to vent some hate,
be it their particular brand of Islam
be it some qadyani etc etc etc.

Who killed the General, I guess we will never know for sure for a very long time.

Ref: http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-history/465-israelis-killed-zia.html#post4343
Indeed General Zia ul Haq was a cooperating ruler of Pakistan for America, but it was due to their common interest that is defeat of USSR in Afghanistan. When this interest was achieved america has less benefits and more clashes with General Zia ul Haq. This caused the american attempt to remove Zia from its way. Americans knew that the person who is developing nuclear missiles secretly and has succeeded in deceiving us from this program, will be very dangerous for our interests in Pakistan. So they plotted the drama of giving Pak Army some tanks etc. and they used one general to convince Zia to come from his greenzone(GHQ) to Bahawalpur for viewing demo of tanks so that he may be assassinated, and it worked.
1.Gen Zia died along with US victims but these US victims had to come through another plane

2. Before the plane crash an anonymous caller asked the air information about Gen Zia's death before the crash about two hours

3. Gen Mirza Aslam Beg stopped the investigation because some of the CIA officer's were involved
1.Gen Zia died along with US victims but these US victims had to come through another plane

2. Before the plane crash an anonymous caller asked the air information about Gen Zia's death before the crash about two hours

3. Gen Mirza Aslam Beg stopped the investigation because some of the CIA officer's were involved

------- QED ---------
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