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who is the real threat for pak-taliban or india

1) A country should fear less the enemy from without than the enemy from within. For though the 'outsider' attacks from the outside and is clearly seen, the 'insider' rots a country from the inside silently.

2)The Taliban was a creation of Pakistan wasn't it? As long as Pakistan had Taliban on a leash everything was fine but now that the 'dog'has started biting it's 'master', people are saying "Taliban=India", "Taliban & India are one and the same". Very cute! Can someone explain why a hard-line Muslim group like the Taliban will accept support from a Hindu country like India?! Are you implying that the Taliban have now converted to Hinduism?!!

3)I'm a christian in India and there have been innumerable cases of attrocities against our groups as you have pointed out. But I'm still here in India and so are the rest of the minority groups against whom attrocities have been commited - Dalits, Sikhs, Muslims... WHY?! Because this country is still livable since it has the systems in place (however unjust & inefficient they may be) to support diverse groups of people. At the time of partition the explaination given for the creation of Pakistan was that it was a country specifically meant for Muslims. Muslims in India were given the option of going to Pakistan, can you tell me how many actually went? Can you tell me why the Muslims that chose to stay behind, did so? Why are the Muslims still here inspite of all the injustice they suffer here?

4)You folks have been making statements like this against us for the past 60 years. Look around and you'll see which country has been bogging down and which has been moving forward!!

let me be the teacher of history for u.

Muslim were oppressed and many many promise were made pre partition and broken, i can give you umpteen examples, so Mohammad Ali Jinnah a member of congress got disgruntled and joined Muslim league which by the way was created by and in now Bangladesh,

Knowing the nature of Hindu behavior he chose to opt for Pakistan, sooner Hindu leader heard this they started promising sky and moon as usual. But Jinnah knew their style, so his determination became stronger as he knew exactly what these people were up to, but alas some Muslim Leaders bought their promises and stayed back, and they preached Muslims to stay back as a rosy picture was painted for them, which has shown to be total lie as time has tested it. And Muhammad Ali Jinnah knew it.

so that is how some Muslim bought into Hindu promises and stayed back. First of those was Maulana Azad.

Now i have some very pertinent infor mation to share with you this will supersede all as this comes from a Pakistani think tank. this is real McCoy.


Now this the truth about India, and it is sad that some Pakistani traitors accepted the Attucks in Bombay as from Pakistan, Mr. Zaid Hamid totally refutes that.
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let me be the teacher of history for u.

Muslim were oppressed and many many promise were made pre partition and broken, i can give you umpteen examples, so Mohammad Ali Jinnah a member of congress got disgruntled and joined Muslim league which by the way was created by and in now Bangladesh,

Knowing the nature of Hindu behavior he chose to opt for Pakistan, sooner Hindu leader heard this they started promising sky and moon as usual. But Jinnah knew their style, so his determination became stronger as he knew exactly what these people were up to, but alas some Muslim Leaders bought their promises and stayed back, and they preached Muslims to stay back as a rosy picture was painted for them, which has shown to be total lie as time has tested it. And Muhammad Ali Jinnah knew it.

so that is how some Muslim bought into Hindu promises and stayed back. First of those was Maulana Azad.

Now i have some very pertinent infor mation to share with you this will supersede all as this comes from a Pakistani think tank. this is real McCoy.


Now this the truth about India, and it is sad that some Pakistani traitors accepted the Attucks in Bombay as from Pakistan, Mr. Zaid Hamid totally refutes that.

I dont think any reasonable person thinks the Pakistan Goverment was directly involved in the Bombay Attack,, there could be some indirect involvement by the Pakistan Military with the Pakistan Terrorist Organization that was involved the attack,, but any goverment people involved military or other wise would be renagades following their own agenda....

Pakistan knows its out manned and out gunned by India enough to know it would be suicide to start a war with India add to that the chaos of Pakistan economic and military situation at the present time. Pakistan is not stupid enought to start a war with India in this manner and it would mean all out war if Pakistan goverment was involved. \

hindu terrorism

The United States is looking more foolish daily. It faces Islamic terrorism. This is not going to go away. The US stance has encouraged Hindu terrorists and extremists in India. What US strategic planners do not realize is that the saffron clad (semiliterate and illiterate) sants behind the Hindu extremist movement spearheaded by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), the Bajrang Dal and such outfits have a deep hatred of the US and the West, as much as the Islamic fundamentalists. Sooner or later, the US and Europe is going to have to face Hindu terrorists operating out of their soil. Hinduism is violently opposed not only to Islam but also Christianity. The Hindu rightwing extremists want to destroy the secular fabric of India, eliminate Muslims and turn Christians into second class citizens and take the country back into the medieval dark ages of Hinduism. Much of this mad fervour comes from North India which is chockfull of illiterate idol worshippers now rallying under the militant banner of the god Ram. They seek to demonstrate their militant and violent intent by building a temple where the Babri Masjid mosque once stood in Ayodhya. The mosque was razed by these extremists on December 6, 1996. Now the Hindu terrorists want to build the mosque beginning March 15. The communal conflagration unleashed in Gujarat is but the beginning of the attempt by these extremist, fascist forces to impose a saffron code across modern India and take the land back to a caste-based, feudal set-up. The West may be concerned about the strengths of Islam, but Hindu extremism is as backward looking and inimical towards the West as the mullahs are. Let the US beware in dealing on friendly terms with the Hindu terrorists for short-term gains against the Muslim world. The Hindus will turn against the West sooner than later. A lot of Hindu terrorist/extremist fund-raising outfits operate out of the West, especially the US, spreading a subversive faith in idolatry and mind-altering techniques among Westerners. This will undermine the civilisation of the West in the long run. Who understands this.

Some see Hindu terroism as a counter to Islamic terroism,,,but so far Hindu terroism has been pretty insignificant. I would not call Hindu responses to Islamic perscution and attacks as terrorism...so far Islamic Radicals have driven more then 350,000 Hindus out of Kasmier region, of course there is going to be some consquences.
the hatred for india is more in pak and is institutionalised our text book are not only neutral but impart more glory than is deserved to muslim rule

ok and pak is created out of hatred for hindus it was based on assumption that muslim will not be safe in hindu majority if we are not the rulers so pak founders imposed thier fear of unknown as fact to future generation now u are hated across the region .
jo doosro ke liye gadha khodta hai usme gir jata hai

hope you guys the point
the hatred for india is more in pak and is institutionalised our text book are not only neutral but impart more glory than is deserved to muslim rule

ok and pak is created out of hatred for hindus it was based on assumption that muslim will not be safe in hindu majority if we are not the rulers so pak founders imposed thier fear of unknown as fact to future generation now u are hated across the region .
jo doosro ke liye gadha khodta hai usme gir jata hai

hope you guys the point

Looking at the brutal killing of Christians and Muslims at the hands of Hindu fundamentalists we do feel the creation of many more Pakistans out of India for non-Hindus will not be out of question.
The greatest threat to Pakistan is the internal conflicts and challenges it is facing.

Quite frankly if India wants to destroy Pakistan all they need to do is just sit back and watch with some popcorn.
I agree with JK here he is so right- Even now its known fact that -THESE SO CALLED JIHADI TERRORIST kills more Muslim than anybody else - Muslim are facing terrorism more than anybody else. So there is something seriously wrong in their head and their thinking.
As for India cant just sit and see with popcorn since some of the effect of pakistan failing will have to be faced by india too.
All though i wanted to keep away from such threats because they serve no purpose then to brew hate, however after today, i have no second opinion about who is the real threat to Pakistan and its existence. Its India and as long as this Country is there, it will keep doing what it does best, that is to destabilize its neighbors most notably Pakistan.
when u blame our Army u blame us, there are no two ways about it. u so cleverly single out our Army where as the whole source of trouble in subcontinent is Indian Army, it keep killing innocents in Kashmir, attack on smjhota trian, attacks in east Pakistan, training of mukti buhini, supplying arms to rogue elements in east Pakistan. even your police stood by when those ghundas (vagabonds) were taking the Babri mosque down.

For the life of me i cannot understand your Army for committing atrocities for 60 years and still continue to do it, we the Pakistan realized it in east Pakistan and let it go even at the risk of our soldiers becoming POW's, now that is a nation with a heart. Unlike India. 60 years and not stopping the atrocities. what a shame.

Kindly explain how Kashmir is related to terrorism in the Sub-continent ...
Pakistanis need to realise that India is not their enemy, terrorists who were created against India are. Kashmir is no longer an issue. You can only fight for Kashmir if you survive this rampant surge of terrorism within Pakistan. Nobody is going to listen to a failed state. Save your national life and your citizens before saving Kashmiris. If you are so concerned for the well being of Kashmiris you should be happy that they are in much safer Indian hands rather than live in a failing state.
For all of its 62 years, the government of Pakistan and its military have been obsessed with one thing: India, the enemy next door to the east with whom it has fought three wars. And every day for 50 of those years its soldiers at one of the border crossings have stared down their Indian counterparts, as their flags are raised and lowered.

But the biggest threat facing Pakistan today comes from within, from its lawless tribal territories on the western frontier, where the Taliban and al Qaeda were allowed to regroup and carry out attacks against U.S. troops across the border in Afghanistan, and now against the Pakistani government.

During the past year, Islamic extremists have launched more than 600 terrorist attacks inside the country, killing more than 2,000 people. One suicide bombing last September, at the Marriott Hotel in the capital of Islamabad, killed 60 people just minutes away from the presidential offices, now occupied by a very unlikely leader, Asif Ali Zardari.

Asked how important it is to stop extremism, President Zardari told Kroft, "It’s important enough. I lost my wife to it. My children's mother, the most populist leader of Pakistan. It's important to stop them and make sure that it doesn't happen again and they don't take over our way of life. That's what they want to do."

this is so funny my dear...have u ever notice that y taliban keep silence till now nd now they suddenly raised nd start atacking on army nd civilian..its so amazing..we know that india is our enemy nd we want to prepare ourselves every moment against India..this is our aim..now india wants to week the pakistani's n make a bad moral of pak army ..so definetly they will do something wrong..nd we have a good example of swat..i m from this province nd i can feel nd say better than others ...so plz keep in mind that we will not blame Taliban but "Indian taliban"...obviously india is involved in swat..i swear..swat is my village nd i have seeen what happened..

can u do a survey? make a try nd then tell me
I think for Pakistan the threat is India. As Taliban has declared recently to fight with Pakistan Army against India so Taliban are great friends of pakistan nad pakistan needs them to use them to gain strategic depth in Afghanistan.
I'd go with the phrase that an enemy not seen and faceless is more dangerous then an enemy infront of you.
another example of pakistani confusion - Talib enemy or India - it has to be either or - The very idea that they are both enemy is apparently just too much to digest.

India want a "tame" Pakistan - Talib want no Pakistan at all - Pakistanis don't know what they want - pathetic!
another example of pakistani confusion - Talib enemy or India - it has to be either or - The very idea that they are both enemy is apparently just too much to digest.

India want a "tame" Pakistan - Talib want no Pakistan at all - Pakistanis don't know what they want - pathetic!

How true...
After all what can India do with 'no Pakistan'?
But unfortunately some Pakistanis stopped seeing problems with India and started to see India in all their problems.
Like some blame India for Taliban, Baloch separatism, jihadi terrorism even those that should not bother them like hindu organizations.
Seriously, how many of these elements had proven involvement of Indian agencies?
let me be the teacher of history for u.

Muslim were oppressed and many many promise were made pre partition and broken, i can give you umpteen examples, so Mohammad Ali Jinnah a member of congress got disgruntled and joined Muslim league which by the way was created by and in now Bangladesh,

Knowing the nature of Hindu behavior he chose to opt for Pakistan, sooner Hindu leader heard this they started promising sky and moon as usual. But Jinnah knew their style, so his determination became stronger as he knew exactly what these people were up to, but alas some Muslim Leaders bought their promises and stayed back, and they preached Muslims to stay back as a rosy picture was painted for them, which has shown to be total lie as time has tested it. And Muhammad Ali Jinnah knew it.

so that is how some Muslim bought into Hindu promises and stayed back. First of those was Maulana Azad.

Now i have some very pertinent infor mation to share with you this will supersede all as this comes from a Pakistani think tank. this is real McCoy.


Now this the truth about India, and it is sad that some Pakistani traitors accepted the Attucks in Bombay as from Pakistan, Mr. Zaid Hamid totally refutes that.

From Brasstacks of all places.
Anyway with my respect for earlier stories by Farzana Shah as well, I would like to point out that the analysis was good. But living here, I also feel the situation is not so bad.
But Pakistanis have every right to be warned of a suicide squad(lol squad with poles) that was formed which may be able to attack their country.
Although the Indian military is in no way going to loose its secular character. Hell they even refused to count muslims among their numbers until the govt pressed them.
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