I don't agree with that notion. The essence of freedom is more or less (in most cases) the absence of negative consequence. So for example, if we were to analyze rather traditional societies which enforce their rather conservative dress on people (yes both men and women) ... on a side note you can ask guys here about experiences where they get in to trouble for western clothing in mosques etc. in more traditional areas. According to one of my teachers, until the late 80's wearing jeans for guys in the Pakistani society was frowned upon. And we all know the negative consequences women have to face in certain areas for not dressing a certain way ...
So the question now would be ... Is there an absence of negative consequences associated with the act of being 'un-trendy' i.e. freedom? The answer would be big fat NO. There are quite alot of negative consequences or product of those negative consequences which can be associated with that particular decision. For example, bullying in school age. Not being able to form friendships or friendly terms with people from a particular clique. Heck, those who take brand management a bit too seriously, or atleast scholars from that particular branch of marketing might argue that the choice of your clothing will portray certain personal values which will affect your perception, especially professionally. So, when the fashion industry paints what is 'desired' for a season, just cuz you have the choice to say 'NO' doesn't exactly make you free.
While it might be much more difficult to grasp the concept of how ideas are 'enforced' to dupe people in to buying and in turn making profit for the respective companies ...
you shift a little and turn to body image ... and such dictation can be seen alot more easily. With the ideals being the Victoria Secret models, how many girls feel compelled to strive for such and such body because THAT is the perfect body, and anything less is imperfect and not desirable, and the negative consequences associated with that can go as far as health repercussions. So like I said, if women feel compelled to call out someone for dictating what they should wear or not ... the number one on the list should be the fashion industry ..