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Who are the world's 10 most dangerous terrorists?

Another strawman post.

Another idiot from India.

CRPF was sent in Muzaffarnagar .The riots cooled off. Now compare that with Pakistan where Army can do nothing to protect muslims and is said to be complicit with the terrorists like Taliban (good taliban,bad taliban ,what an oxymoron) who carry sectarian killings.Much more than any riots have killed in india.

Take your time. Its muzaffarnagar today. Would be some other district very soon. :)

Whats this wierd excuse you have of people dying in terrorist hands being OK? So if Hindus formed terrorists groups and started attacking others like Muslims in Pakistan have been doing, then it will be somehow a lesser crime? Pakistani Muslims like you and your govt are as much to blame for the terrorists as the taliban themselves. Its the mentality of the nation and people of pakistan that has caused it to become the terrorism centre of the world.

Not saying it is OK. Just saying you guys should have a look at your pathetic country before lecturing others. Simple. :)
And nearly all these 200 million non hindus have faced worst kind of communal violence at some point of time. Proud of it. Aren't you?? :D

They are at least still alive, unlike the non-existent minority population of Pakistan which was systematically and absolutely wiped out :D
As i said, since you are a Pakistani, your views on minority rights will be taken as seriously as a Chinese preaching on democracy.

India has close to 200 million non-Hindus. Come back and talk when you have close to 200 million non-Muslims in your country, or even a similar % of population like India does. Last time i checked, you guy spretty much killed them off or forced them to move to India.

200 million non Hindus is not the point the point is treatment of these non Hindus.

You are as worst as anything could be in this sector
Another idiot from India.

Take your time. Its muzaffarnagar today. Would be some other district very soon. :)

Not saying it is OK. Just saying you guys should have a look at your pathetic country before lecturing others. Simple. :)

I wil say it again, ordinary muslims in Pakistan like you have as much of those Christian (and Hindu and Ahmedi and Sikh and Shia) blood in your hands as the Taliban, its your mentality and islamist thinking which allowed terrorists to gain such a stronghold in your country. Simple :)
Pushtoons live in my area. A completely muhajir dominated area. What about muzaffarnagar. by the way. Have the r@pe victims recovered from the trauma?

I don't see boatloads of Indian minorities fleeing to Australia unlike the Shias of Pakistan.
Another idiot from India.

Take your time. Its muzaffarnagar today. Would be some other district very soon. :)

Don't worry about me.Statistically looking at the deaths toll you are more likely to be killed by your muslim sharia brothers by a magnitude of 4-5 times higher compared to me being killed in riots in India.

You should work for comedy central .You are pretty entertaining you know.

Another idiot from India.

Why? Because we indian muslims are not allowing you to be theekadars.
Another strawman post.

CRPF was sent in Muzaffarnagar .The riots cooled off. Now compare that with Pakistan where Army can do nothing to protect muslims and is said to be complicit with the terrorists like Taliban (good taliban,bad taliban ,what an oxymoron) who carry sectarian killings.Much more than any riots have killed in india.

1. CRPF was sent after Muslims were killed and driven out of their homes by Hindu militants.

2. During Muzaffarnagar riots, Hindus raped Muslim women.

ABOVE ALL the Hindu militants started these riots as always by spreading lies through a fake video claiming the two boys who were beaten to death were Hindus.

Whereas the fact is that the video was NOT at all from India in the first place.
200 million non Hindus is not the point the point is treatment of these non Hindus.

You are as worst as anything could be in this sector

It is very much the point, the point is they are ALIVE. Unlike the Pakistani non-Muslims who have been wiped out.
I wil say it again, ordinary muslims in Pakistan like you have as much of those Christian blood in your hands as the Taliban, its your mentality and islamist thinking which allowed terrorists to gain such a stronghold in your country. Simple :)

:) thank you we don't need to look into crusades ;)

secondly the same Taliban and same Al-Qaeda is in bed with US these days once again.

So you bharatis need not to burn your blood .
1. CRPF was sent after Muslims were killed and driven out of their homes by Hindu militants.

2. During Muzaffarnagar riots, Hindus raped Muslim women.

ABOVE ALL the Hindu militants started these riots as always by spreading lies through a fake video claiming the two boys who were beaten to death were Hindus.

Whereas the fact is that the video was NOT at all from India in the first place.

Says the pakistani 'journalist'.CRPF was sent in time to neutralize the riots .What initial riots were between Jats and muslims ,it could have transformed and taken new levels. Compare the death tolls of Hindu muslim riots in India and muslim on muslim sectarian killings in Pakistan in past five years.

Come on.
They are at least still alive, unlike the non-existent minority population of Pakistan which was systematically and absolutely wiped out :D

Yes, Shias fleeing to Australia, Hindus fleeing to India, Christians and Ahmedis fleeing to West.
They are at least still alive, unlike the non-existent minority population of Pakistan which was systematically and absolutely wiped out :D

They are lucky that they survived. Or shall I say Indian state couldn't afford to wipe them out. Last time they tried, India got divided.

Yes, Shias fleeing to Australia, Hindus fleeing to India, Christians and Ahmedis fleeing to West.

May be because unlike Indian minorities they have money to flee somewhere. Poor muslims back in India don't have that much money. :D
It is very much the point, the point is they are ALIVE. Unlike the Pakistani non-Muslims.


Hmmm Gujarat massacre of Muslims

Sikh massacre in 84

Christian massacre in orrissa

and so on at the hands of Indian Hindus.

And the remaining are in shambles so you call it alive?
They are lucky that they survived. Or shall I say Indian state couldn't afford to wipe them out. Last time they tried, India got divided.

May be because Indian minorities they have money to flee somewhere. Poor muslims back in India don't have that much money. :D

Funny because Gandhi and Nehru intervened. Had they done what Jinnah did ,there would no muslims in India.
Don't worry about me.Statistically looking at the deaths toll you are more likely to be killed by your muslim sharia brothers by a magnitude of 4-5 times higher compared to me being killed in riots in India.

You should work for comedy central .You are pretty entertaining you know.

Shias are my friends. Unlike your hindu neighbors they would always protect me. Remember Gujrat 2002 ;)

You are not even worth comedy central. Won't even advice you that. :D

Why? Because we indian muslims are not allowing you to be theekadars.

Comprehension issues? We don't want to be your thekedar. Just using you to shut up your countrymen.
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