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Who are the world's 10 most dangerous terrorists?

Who made him???

We all know the truth. All Pakistani know the truth, but they don't want it to discuss.

In 1947 Hindu Migrated in India, they have mixed into our society. While In Pakistan still Mohazirs live in Ghetto. The Punjabi police/government threat them. To save Mohazir they made the party. If This person wouldn't have come in front, who knows after Bengali and Ahmedia Mohazir would have been next target?

Altaf Hussain rose to power because of the sense of alienation among Muhajirs.
Its quite visible how much have Muhajir community assimilated as Pakistanis, you don't need to be an apologist.

Visible by what? We have a president born in Agra. We have started to grow beyond this kid. You are still stuck in sh!t of 90's.
Well you can take it as anyways. There are already many official and unofficial reports on conditions of Muslims in India. We all know the truth.

There are similar reports about Hindus/Christians and certain sects of Muslims in Pakistan as well .. Truth be told ;)

Who is this in your DP??? who is kissing Modi?? @RazPaK and @Areesh will be really sad :P

Nah! Its neither @Areesh nor @RazPaK :)

TTP had never been freedom fighters.

Its all about perspective. When Bhagat Singh can be a terrorist, in that context, TTP can well be freedom fighters..
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There are similar reports about Hindus/Christians and certain sects of Muslims in Pakistan as well .. Truth be told ;)

I think Pakistan's future is as a wahabbi /deobandi emirate in NWFP-kyber paktuna and nuclear punjab,sindh as one entity.Balochistan might be stabilised by iranian /chinese troops.

The way the deoband is going,I wouldn't be surprised if Darul-E-Deoband calls for jihad against Pakistan to create an islamic emirate. Then watch how many indian muslims will line up to fight against Pakistan ,though not in indian army ,but in the mujahideens. I think it will happen in a matter of time.

Just one question:- Why al-Qaeda finds no recruits in India? :flame: This is the difference between Indian Muslims and non-Indian Muslims.

some indian jihadis were killed in syria according to syrian ambassador. But if Darul Deoband declares jihad against pakistan you will find large number of indian muslims joining mujahideens to fight against Pakistan.
Well that's you always say to hide the sh!t you posted earlier. :D

Well, atleast you admit that your lack of comprehension is consistent, since I am saying the same thing to you over and over again and you still dont get it ;)

It is better to be blind then having eyes and burying your head in the sand. :)
That's how a blind man consoles himself while forgetting that the one with eyes (or eye) has a choice that the blind man does not... :)

It is simple. In Indian definition of secularism, it is OK to wage riots on your minorities. Got it. :)

Just manipulated it in a simple way for you.

I always thought you to be a simpleton, but never said it just so that it does not offend you.. But anyway, as always, Comprehension problem much :) ?
Visible by what? We have a president born in Agra. We have started to grow beyond this kid. You are still stuck in sh!t of 90's.

Being born has no meaning. Jinnah was born in Gujrat. wasnt he?
Thats what indian govt claimed .But I am of the opinion otherwise,because Deobandis have been calling for muslims to join the mujahideens fighting against Assad in Syria.
So, are you saying that some Indian Muslims may turn into terrorists in future?:what:
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