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Who are Shia's and Sunni's? Are there any other sects apart from these two?

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Is there any differences between the Shia sects themselves or the Sunni sects themselves such as the manner in which they pray or is there just purely ideological differences ?

Google is your friend. Please respect the forum rules.
That's not completely true. If we follow the book ...After the death of Muhammad,

Muslims who accepted Abu Bakr - Called Sunni
Muslims who accepted Hazrat Ali - Called Shia!

Wow thank you so much for enlightning me my dear...

I never knew Hazrat Ali didnt accept Abu Bakr as first caliph...
But now I know, thanks for enlightning me with your birdseye knowledge on islam history...

once again, thanks.
Is there any differences between the Shia sects themselves or the Sunni sects themselves such as the manner in which they pray or is there just purely ideological differences ?

Yes there is. else there is no difference on basics.

As far as I studied, its mainly a political difference NOT religious
Do you guys realize that its a troll bait by Indians so we start Shia - Sunni fights for their amusement? Forum rules prohibit ANY religious discussions. Please refrain from posting anymore. The thread will be closed soon anyway.

Difference of ideology does not guarantee fights and not the main reason!!
Discussion with sane open mind will help to bridge the gap and bring people together no other way round
I just put Indian prespective and what Indian think...

I will delete my post. I don't want to Hurt Sunni.. (truth is always painful though)

LOL at the troll!! but low caste & high caste nonsense is in HINDUISM not muslims! their is no low caste or high in us! :omghaha:
Majority of Shia muslims in South Asia come from cities like Shiraz, Nishapur, and Isfahan.

Of course there are many converts as well.

You can keep thinking that.
The only Shias Ive seen that looked Irani are from the Iranic part of Pakistan...

Peer in Hyderabad India where Shia live they look exactly like Sunni
Wow thank you so much for enlightning me my dear...

I never knew Hazrat Ali didnt accept Abu Bakr as first caliph...
But now I know, thanks for enlightning me with your birdseye knowledge on islam history...

once again, thanks.

you are right -- i'll delete my post and request you to do same.
I just put Indian prespective and what Indian think...

I will delete my post. I don't want to Hurt Sunni.. (truth is always painful though)

Keep your caste based hatred to yourself plz. Islam dont follow that ideology.
Just because one person is blacker than the other doesnt mean God dislikes him


but I am not sure about differences of hindus. like what makes a hindu brahaman and what makes a hindu a dalit or achoout
this is for Indian members.

In your country Shias and Sunnis Look different?
It would have been better if poster had googled for the answer instead of discussing religious issues here
I asked my elders, what they said is

Shia: These ppl are descendant of first Muslims, they are relative of Muhammad.
Sunni: One who heard (Suna: Heard) Islam and followed it latter (New Born Muslims)

In India Shia are considered High caste while Sunni are low caste Hindu convereted to Islam, thats why Indian sunnis look like Indains. Sunni are backward (Kujra, Kabadi, Dhobi, Leather-worker etc)...

I just put Indian prespective and what Indian think...

I will delete my post. I don't want to Hurt Sunni.. (truth is always painful though)

Only if you knew what you were talking about, but in you case you should educate yourself before posting stupidities from your Hindu L/H cast elders.
I guess you are the farthest one to Islam from what you are saying from you own mind, since there are no casts in Islam.

Shias are the ones who voted for Sayduna Ali the cousin of the prophet to be his successor, and the Sunnis voted for Abu Bakr Seddiq the closest and most trusted friend and follower of The prophet Mohammad and were and still the majority ones, because mind you, Islam is democratic in nature.
And the prophet Mohammad did not chose his own successor although he liked Ali very much, he also liked and loved Abu bakr that much, and he was convinced of the democracy instilled in the Muslims in his days not to leave a will, and the confusion comes from the word Ahlo Al bait, which can mean the people of the house, that was interpreted as his own family, but it can mean also Mekka and its Muslim nobility (Albaiit al haram, or al Haram a Sharif), so he meant, the most able person in your opinion, and the majority voted for Abu Bakr, while the minority the Shia voted for Ali because they were convinced that Ahlo Al Baiit were the immediate family of the prophet So it was Ali the cousin and the husband of the daughter of the prophet.
They were both very able men, and the majority voted for Abu bakr by respect for his age, his wisdom and his most closest friendship with the prophet since the inception of Islam while Ali was held in the highest regards by all after Abu bakr for his devoutness, courage and invincibility in war and combat, he was younger, so wisdom played a very big role in the vote, both were very wise and the majority voted for the eldest by traditional respect.
Those are the factors that were considered for the vote (Shoura), and it was very difficult for the Muslims to decide between two most beloved and respected men of Islam in those days.
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