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Who are Pakistan's good friends in the Future?

Saudi Arabia is a good friend. Remember in the 90's when US placed sanctions on Pakistan, Saudi Arabia helped Pakistan with oil and our economy.

We need to keep Saudi Arabia as a friend.


[MOD EDIT: Watch your language please, raise the quality of your posts]
And all the other Arabs too, they might give us Oil, but whats oil good for if they support extremist wahabbi groups that operate on our soil?
I have to agree with your post. Pakistan received plenty of aid from us. Sometimes I think Pakistan is pretty ungrateful, and don't appreciate what we give them.

[MOD EDIT: Don’t rant. AirforcePilot's feelings can easily be addressed with the proper references, instances and context. Go along that constructive route.]
**** the Saudis, And all the other Arabs too, they might give us Oil, but whats oil good for if they support extremist wahabbi groups that operate on our soil?

What good is oil? Without Saudi oil, there wont be anything running in Pakistan.

Think before you speak, Saudi Arabia is a good friend. They helped Pakistan a lot especially in the 90's when US backstabbed us after we helped them in the Cold War. Without Saudi help in the 90's, Pakistan would've been one of the poorest nations on earth.

Get rid of your hatred towards Arabs, some of them help us much more than our Central/South Asian Muslims do.
What good is oil? Without Saudi oil, there wont be anything running in Pakistan.

Think before you speak, Saudi Arabia is a good friend. They helped Pakistan a lot especially in the 90's when US backstabbed us after we helped them in the Cold War. Without Saudi help in the 90's, Pakistan would've been one of the poorest nations on earth.

Get rid of your hatred towards Arabs, some of them help us much more than our Central/South Asian Muslims do.

I'm not denying that Saudi didn't give us oil. I'm just saying that a TRUE friend wouldn't support insurgents in his ally's territory :cheers:
I'm not denying that Saudi didn't give us oil. I'm just saying that a TRUE friend wouldn't support insurgents in his ally's territory :cheers:

Even so many proofs that Afghan's, CIA, RAW are supporting TTP and BLA, still you think KSA is a problem?
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Even so many proofs that Afghan's, CIA, RAW are supporting TTP and BLA, still you think KSA is a problem?

CIA? Why would the CIA support the TTP? The TTP are against the American Occupation in Afghanistan, that would be like giving money to your greatest enemy.
CIA? Why would the CIA support the TTP? The TTP are against the American Occupation in Afghanistan, that would be like giving money to your greatest enemy.

Actions speaks louder then words. Do you know pak army arested BM, and send him to US, and he return from Guantanamo with million $$ in his hands. No, drone attack happened on baitullah masoud or fazullullah, only killing those who had agreement with pak army? What weapons they are using? Chinese? Russian or Americans. TTP has better (hand to hand combat) weapons then pak army. Also, when TTP began? prior to 2003 there was no TTP, and what change happen in the region.. USA invade Afghanistan, and now ruling that land. Even pak army knows it, BUT they can't do anything since their leaders are hiding this!!
There are no friends or enemies of countries. Only interests. The countries that figured in most posts are China, KSA, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and not to mention USA (Love Hate).

This list is understandable. Most of these countries are Muslim, a uniting common factor. But, more importantly, Pakistan currently benefit economically of hope to benefit economically from the said list of Muslim Countries. Other Muslim countries did not figure at all. USA of course, the can’t live with can’t live without country. Till benefit outweighs in the cost - benefit analysis, USA stays in the list. Sri Lanka’s perceived threat from India ( Tamil insurgencies ), uses enemy’s enemy my friend.

I am surprised, Indonesia, did not figure in the list.

So my friends listed out the countries, with one common factor, Islam and secondly benefit able.

China is unique in this list. China has interest to maintain Pakistan as a strategic partner. Not only, does Pakistan promises a market size but it can also keep pinching India, it strategic rival in Asia, and the world “Book of War “ Pakistan, on the other hand can expect much financial and military support, as reward. I am sure, if a Sri Lankan comes out with a similar list, China will figure on the top seconded, maybe by Pakistan, today.

For India, Israel was accepted; even though, we did not have diplomatic relationship till the recent past, as enemy’s enemy my friend logic stood, with Islamic militancy taking off in Kashmir. India managed pretty well with a negative USA till Bill Clinton’s second term. Then economics scored over history.

Today, I see, Pakistani interest and Indian Interest meeting. Talibans and neo talibans, threaten Pakistan as well as India.....
I am an indian muslim and my humble request to all pakistani friends not to consider India as a country of 'hindu beniya'. Number of Indian muslims r almost equal to total population of Pakistan and in some places in India Muslims r majority. yes, here we have RSS, VHP, Shivsena who creates problems and we also have our own Mullahs who r no less than their hindu counterparts in spreading communal hatred....but we are happy here. India is also a country of APJ Abdul Kalam, A R Rahman, Md Rafi, Dilip kumar (hope u know his real name Yousuf khan). Yes, there r people in India who r thirsty of Pakistani blood..(do not u have people there who r thirsty of Indian blood? even in this forum..) ....But remember one thing if anywhere in this planet you have people who are most similar to you....that is in India.
60 years ago world witnessed the biggest human migration ever took place on earth....millions of muslims rushing towords pakistan and millions of hindus and sikhs rushing towords india....I have one more question ..were all these essential....do you honestly think it was practically possible to shift all muslims to pakistan and all non-muslims to india.........do you support anything that uproots millions of people.....
I dont know when we will open the glasses of hatred from our eyes..(both of us)..or, when we will stop acting as the puppets of our polititians...(we all know how dirty they are in both sides of the border and we forget all as soon they bring out the pakistan or hundustan cards....we forget everything...our poverty, illetaracy,hunger...everything)
dynasty comes and goes, borders are depicted and rubbed off by times....who knows what will be our relations after hundred years (of course if we dont annihilate each-other by nuclear weapons)
we will buy weapons ..we will poison the mind of our children...but we will never be able to disagree one simple truth .........60 years or 100 years or 200 years....is a very small period to refuse a relation that we had for 10,000 years.
Thanks Sabir! For putting forward an ( Indian who is also an Muslim) point of view. For appreciating any thing, basic benchmark is required. Today’s generation in Pakistan, specially the net savvy, may not have had the opportunity to understand a multi cultural, multi racial and multi religious society. But, people who connect with Sufi Islam, in Pakistan would surely understand. Maybe

It is difficult to explain, the society, You and I live., even to another so called citizen of multi racial society, other than India, as most these society, Ghetto - sization exists. Some personal example. The apartment building, I stay has four flats in each floor. All my three neighbors, in my floor are Christian. The Flat bang above my flat, lives a Muslim Family.

The Guy, I share/have lunch with everyday is a Muslim. We wait for Bakri Id may be more eagerly, them him, for the lovely biryani and sweets. When I was in collage, Ramzan was the time to hit the street late night for some of the best non-vegetarian delicacies and malpowas.

In collage, and during my bachelor days, when I shared a Bachelor Pad, with two other, one of them was a Christian and today, my close friend. When I was around five, my father told me the story of Karbala, when I saw a Muharram procession enquired. (I do not know wheather it is a shia or sunni version). I can go on and on about my personal experiences and interactions with different religion. May of my fellow countrymen will have similar experiences in their lives.

Sure, we had our Gujarat, we had Babri, , Khandermal. Etc. It is sad and condemnable. But then again, when a billion and more people go about living their lives, in a not so rich country, where resources are scare, opportunists both Indian and non-Indian, are going to take advantages, to further their narrow goals. We have Hindu opportunists, we have Muslim opportunist as well as Christian opportunists. We also habe opportunist, who would like to take advantage of linguistic differences, racial differences and so on…

One question, I have for the forum. Show me one country, anywhere in the world, at anytime of history, where, person of ‘so called” minority community, ever been publicly choosen by the majority to govern them and lead them. Manmohan Singh, is a Sikh. No one in India ever talk about him being of this religion or that religion. Not too long back, we had a Muslim President, loved and adored like no other president in Indian history… It is not very easy to appreciate something, which is alien. Indian society to understand would not be to easy, for anyone, without suitable experiences. Thanks Sabir!
I understand what the original poster's question is but it is important to remember:
"My country has no friends, it has adversaries, and those which may one day be adversaries."

Friendly diplomatic relations are often useful, sometimes not. A country is a an ever shifting tapestry of millions of individuals, sometimes connected by geography alone (Although usually by language and culture to varying degrees). Such a being has no friends, it has few end goals. Those goals mostly concern the physical and mental well being of its constituent individuals. A country is a dangerous and primal beast, thirsty for land, resources, and the mental energies necessary to insure it continuity(National Pride). When dealing with one, you should "Speak softly and carry a big stick", because you never know when it will turn on you.
her is my list
i know many will disagree with it
1. china (known and trusted ally )
2. north korea (will be helpfull in high end technology transfer ahemmm.....)
3. ksa (will help in case of funding if setting up of any militia will be required).
4. myaanmar(will have close frienship to counter US HEGEMONY ,well another pearl..... )
5.turkey (deeply economic ,for marammat (maintenance )of fighter fleets)...
6 azarbeizan (as per the face value of the post mentioned earlier)
7 iran (sometimes hot and cold weather may be stirred)
8 libya (why did every body forget it along with n korea)

others will certainly have diplomatic relation .as no country can remain aloof unless it north korea or burma. but then it depends upon you how you categorise them on your scale
There are no friends or enemies of countries. Only interests. The countries that figured in most posts are China, KSA, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and not to mention USA (Love Hate).

This list is understandable. Most of these countries are Muslim, a uniting common factor. But, more importantly, Pakistan currently benefit economically of hope to benefit economically from the said list of Muslim Countries. Other Muslim countries did not figure at all. USA of course, the can’t live with can’t live without country. Till benefit outweighs in the cost - benefit analysis, USA stays in the list. Sri Lanka’s perceived threat from India ( Tamil insurgencies ), uses enemy’s enemy my friend.

I am surprised, Indonesia, did not figure in the list.

So my friends listed out the countries, with one common factor, Islam and secondly benefit able.

China is unique in this list. China has interest to maintain Pakistan as a strategic partner. Not only, does Pakistan promises a market size but it can also keep pinching India, it strategic rival in Asia, and the world “Book of War “ Pakistan, on the other hand can expect much financial and military support, as reward. I am sure, if a Sri Lankan comes out with a similar list, China will figure on the top seconded, maybe by Pakistan, today.

For India, Israel was accepted; even though, we did not have diplomatic relationship till the recent past, as enemy’s enemy my friend logic stood, with Islamic militancy taking off in Kashmir. India managed pretty well with a negative USA till Bill Clinton’s second term. Then economics scored over history.

Today, I see, Pakistani interest and Indian Interest meeting. Talibans and neo talibans, threaten Pakistan as well as India.....
yes.there is only interest...no friendship....that is true even for China...China is an economic super power now....had they extended their support beyond strategic and military aspects..( industry,health care.....) pakistan would have become much prosperous economically.
I am an indian muslim and my humble request to all pakistani friends not to consider India as a country of 'hindu beniya'. Number of Indian muslims r almost equal to total population of Pakistan and in some places in India Muslims r majority. yes, here we have RSS, VHP, Shivsena who creates problems and we also have our own Mullahs who r no less than their hindu counterparts in spreading communal hatred....but we are happy here. India is also a country of APJ Abdul Kalam, A R Rahman, Md Rafi, Dilip kumar (hope u know his real name Yousuf khan). Yes, there r people in India who r thirsty of Pakistani blood..(do not u have people there who r thirsty of Indian blood? even in this forum..) ....But remember one thing if anywhere in this planet you have people who are most similar to you....that is in India.
60 years ago world witnessed the biggest human migration ever took place on earth....millions of muslims rushing towords pakistan and millions of hindus and sikhs rushing towords india....I have one more question ..were all these essential....do you honestly think it was practically possible to shift all muslims to pakistan and all non-muslims to india.........do you support anything that uproots millions of people.....
I dont know when we will open the glasses of hatred from our eyes..(both of us)..or, when we will stop acting as the puppets of our polititians...(we all know how dirty they are in both sides of the border and we forget all as soon they bring out the pakistan or hundustan cards....we forget everything...our poverty, illetaracy,hunger...everything)
dynasty comes and goes, borders are depicted and rubbed off by times....who knows what will be our relations after hundred years (of course if we dont annihilate each-other by nuclear weapons)
we will buy weapons ..we will poison the mind of our children...but we will never be able to disagree one simple truth .........60 years or 100 years or 200 years....is a very small period to refuse a relation that we had for 10,000 years.

Tell me something what exactly has your request got to do with the topic at hand or your intention was simply to troll?:rolleyes:
Tell me something what exactly has your request got to do with the topic at hand or your intention was simply to troll?:rolleyes:
i think i have mentioned in first two lines....If you read the earlier posts where some members discussed whether to consider India as a future friend..(one mensioned India as a country of Hindu beniya..)...you will find the reason of my post.
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