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White House Petition for Law Against Blasphemy: Please sign now and spread

Its not about playing Nostradamus, I study the factors and understand possible scenarios, potential problems which I had to deal with in future.

I have to expect for the best prepare for the worst.

In one of the lecture given by one of the researcher I interacted with, he explained the conflict scenario and mathematical approach and after the presentation, he was approached by Railway authority members who needed his consultancy for their own problem with employees which just started. They needed his help for how to stop it before it causes huge loss. That's how you reach up to real problems in the world.

You can't let it leave on time. You study past cases, you draw common and different factors, construct a model, analyze, then predict future situation and hence prepare for it.

That's what I am taught. Learning from past and present conditions to avoid future problems.

Iraq's WMD was never there but entire war was fought over it. Wasn't WMD the started of that war ? Look what happened. A successful media campaign was launched for conditioning the people in US and around the world, they thought there will just sanctions, then Voila, war. Try to understand the conditioning of people.

Any strategists who know how US works, had predicted war on Iraq. You are seeing same thing in case of Iran and its nuclear program. Just wait for 2014 pull out.

I think we had enough of this discussion. You are right at your position. Its just difference in opinion.

Lets agree to disagree.

Religion has no place in Governments plus My prophet of Islam was very clear when he gave us this message to forgive

If Our beloved prophet can forgive who did wrong to him we are No body To challenge his decisions by going on destruction and killing spree you are doing exactly the opposite of his teachings.
Yes! You are absolutely right my brother.
Here this petition is legal right for the USA's Muslims , Jews and Christians to demarcate the boundaries for the liberties of their religion. So that nobody can try to exploit it in future. That can guarantee the respect for all the religions within the US as for as there is no harm to anybody there emotional or physical. I guess we should appreciate their peaceful endeavor for the protection of their basic right under their Constitution that guarantees their freedom of religions.......:smokin:

Of course, it is an inalienable right to be able to petition the government. That was never in doubt. You can petition on just about anything you want to:

So I can expect You are going to sign this petition to help the poor US citizens...???.....:)
Honestly, I couldn't care less about people mocking Islam. Why would I care? I only have a problem with their incredible hypocrisy. I want to be able to harshly criticize and sometimes MOCK "western values" like their fake "democracy", capitalism, "human rights", homosexuality, adultery, their immoral sex-obsessed hedonistic society, their materialist worldview, constant warmongering and aggressive imperialism, their corporations destroying the food supply and environment, insane western ideologies, their insane media propaganda, lies and so on. And of course the Lolocaust.

But that's the problem; they won't let you do what THEY do to YOU. They immediately call you a terrorist or start insulting you, if you don't agree with their worldview. So what happened to free speech then?

You see, by "free speech, they ONLY mean THEIR OWN freedom to insult YOU, your way of life etc. They most certainly DON'T WANT OTHERS to criticize them, or their ideologies, belief systems and societies. Absolutely not.. even more annoying is that they are often completely unable to notice their own hypocrisy and inconsistency.
Its not about playing Nostradamus, I study the factors and understand possible scenarios, potential problems which I had to deal with in future.

I have to expect for the best prepare for the worst.

In one of the lecture given by one of the researcher I interacted with, he explained the conflict scenario and mathematical approach and after the presentation, he was approached by Railway authority members who needed his consultancy for their own problem with employees which just started. They needed his help for how to stop it before it causes huge loss. That's how you reach up to real problems in the world.

You can't let it leave on time. You study past cases, you draw common and different factors, construct a model, analyze, then predict future situation and hence prepare for it.

That's what I am taught. Learning from past and present conditions to avoid future problems.

Iraq's WMD was never there but entire war was fought over it. Wasn't WMD the started of that war ? Look what happened. A successful media campaign was launched for conditioning the people in US and around the world, they thought there will just sanctions, then Voila, war. Try to understand the conditioning of people.

Any strategists who know how US works, had predicted war on Iraq. You are seeing same thing in case of Iran and its nuclear program. Just wait for 2014 pull out.

I think we had enough of this discussion. You are right at your position. Its just difference in opinion.

Lets agree to disagree.


You need to prepare for the worst but in this case(USA), you can't pinpoint it is the muslim religion due to its fast growth will change the culture of the US society (disclaimer - mind you or for anyone else who is reading this - I am not calling you Islamophobic and same goes for the readers as well - do not take this and jump to hasty conclusion about the discussions here - read our postings and subsequent discussions) .

The muslim religion has grown by 1 million in 10 years from 1.6 million to 2.6 million - the reason is mainly due to immigration - say for example, in 2005, there were 96,000 muslims who were granted permanent residentship and 115,000 in 2009. Most of the 96,000 were eligible for citizenship in 2010 and if you do the math, it will grow due to the immigration. But U.S is part of the new world and immigration is a major factor and that is reason for the growth in muslim population.

So if you do the math 1,000,000 by way of addition plus the birth factor of 1.8% will not carry the muslim population to more than 10 million in 50 years which is still a miniscule of the total U.S population.(rough US population 50 years later will be around 400 million)

And the link providing the data for the growth of Islam in USA for the past 10 years is provided here.

Mormonism Is The Fastest Growing Religion In Half Of U.S. States According To 2012 Religious Congregations And Membership Study

So you see, your reasoning is flawed in terms of this specific point - interference from Jewish and Christian lobbies for the petition - there will be no religious threat angle here.

I believe I have provided the necessary evidence. Lets bring down the curtain on this discussion here.
no offence but they just exploited the sucker attitude of muslims to such tactics. We usually get messages from friends saying campaign for removing xx facebook group as it insults islam. That is the first time we even hear about such a faltoo group. Or in otherwords muslims are the biggest advertisers for anti islam groups or movies. Now by campaigining for this nothing is going to happen except these anti islam groups or their intiatives get massive advertisement driven by the crowd mentality of islamists.
Atleast you all made the director of movie rich by youtube clicks.
Honestly, I couldn't care less about people mocking Islam. Why would I care? I only have a problem with their incredible hypocrisy. I want to be able to harshly criticize and sometimes MOCK "western values" like their fake "democracy", capitalism, "human rights", homosexuality, adultery, their immoral sex-obsessed hedonistic society, their materialist worldview, constant warmongering and aggressive imperialism, their corporations destroying the food supply and environment, insane western ideologies, their insane media propaganda, lies and so on. And of course the Lolocaust.

But that's the problem; they won't let you do what THEY do to YOU. They immediately call you a terrorist or start insulting you, if you don't agree with their worldview. So what happened to free speech then?

You see, by "free speech, they ONLY mean THEIR OWN freedom to insult YOU, your way of life etc. They most certainly DON'T WANT OTHERS to criticize them, or their ideologies, belief systems and societies. Absolutely not.. even more annoying is that they are often completely unable to notice their own hypocrisy and inconsistency.
Yes! the western world need some help to get over with their inferiority complex. I guess we are able to help them get rid of their mental and social problems....:)
Honestly, I couldn't care less about people mocking Islam. Why would I care? I only have a problem with their incredible hypocrisy. I want to be able to harshly criticize and sometimes MOCK "western values" like their fake "democracy", capitalism, "human rights", homosexuality, adultery, their immoral sex-obsessed hedonistic society, their materialist worldview, constant warmongering and aggressive imperialism, their corporations destroying the food supply and environment, insane western ideologies, their insane media propaganda, lies and so on. And of course the Lolocaust.

But that's the problem; they won't let you do what THEY do to YOU. They immediately call you a terrorist or start insulting you, if you don't agree with their worldview. So what happened to free speech then?

You see, by "free speech, they ONLY mean THEIR OWN freedom to insult YOU, your way of life etc. They most certainly DON'T WANT OTHERS to criticize them, or their ideologies, belief systems and societies. Absolutely not.. even more annoying is that they are often completely unable to notice their own hypocrisy and inconsistency.

Have you been arrested, received death threats, had your home looted, been killed, maimed, or otherwise been forced to watch as your family is raped and murdered because you spoke your mind with regards to your extremist views of Western society and government? No? Then your liberties aren't being infringed, but that doesn't mean people have to stay quiet when you spout your hate. Just as you cry at us, we are free to shout you down.

"even more annoying is that they are often completely unable to notice their own hypocrisy and inconsistency." the pot calling the kettle black.
Honestly, I couldn't care less about people mocking Islam. Why would I care? I only have a problem with their incredible hypocrisy. I want to be able to harshly criticize and sometimes MOCK "western values" like their fake "democracy", capitalism, "human rights", homosexuality, adultery, their immoral sex-obsessed hedonistic society, their materialist worldview, constant warmongering and aggressive imperialism, their corporations destroying the food supply and environment, insane western ideologies, their insane media propaganda, lies and so on. And of course the Lolocaust.

But that's the problem; they won't let you do what THEY do to YOU. They immediately call you a terrorist or start insulting you, if you don't agree with their worldview. So what happened to free speech then?

You see, by "free speech, they ONLY mean THEIR OWN freedom to insult YOU, your way of life etc. They most certainly DON'T WANT OTHERS to criticize them, or their ideologies, belief systems and societies. Absolutely not.. even more annoying is that they are often completely unable to notice their own hypocrisy and inconsistency.
So who is preventing you from doing so? Do not bother us with the lame argument that we do not like to be criticized or insulted or slandered. No one does, including you and us. But the point of 'free' and 'speech' seems to escaped you.

Free as in freedom.

Speech as in expression whether in print or oration.

So 'freedom of speech' for you and us mean both sides can criticize, insult, and slander.

So if our laws allows this two-way street, there is no hypocrisy. That hypocrisy exists only in your mind.
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