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Which is the most successful civilization of human history?

Did you see any mention of me saying Pakistani civilization being ancient. There is no such thing as indian or Pakistan civilization as it was like gandhara and harappa civilizations that existed long before any mention of india. I am not the one boasting about ancient india.

There is no such thing as indian or pakistani civilizations. Do you even understand the word civilization. Do some research before making absurd comments.

Gandhara was most vulnerable part of Vedic civilization . Harappa was early form of vedic civilization
There is no such thing as indian or pakistani civilizations. Do you even understand the word civilization. Do some research before making absurd comments.

Indic or vedic both mean the same the civilization which represents people in Sub continent.

It is you people who are confused with the word civilization.
Did you see any mention of me saying Pakistani civilization being ancient. There is no such thing as indian or Pakistan civilization as it was like gandhara and harappa civilizations that existed long before any mention of india. I am not the one boasting about ancient india.

There is no such thing as indian or pakistani civilizations. Do you even understand the word civilization. Do some research before making absurd comments.

It's idiot comment , Indian civilization is existed not Pakistani...i was kidding about it.
Phail thread :omghaha:

Waste of time. Every civilization is unique...

The topic of the thread is not a fail - but the opening post is a fail.

Wrong assumptions to begin with and he hasn't defined the criteria for calling a civilization successful. Many civilizations were quite successful but are dead in this time and age.
Guys, why are you trolling over a stupid topic.
Every civilization had a peak and downfall so will the rest of the current civilizations.
Lets not mud sling on stupid topics
Agreed. I don't understand how people can get worked up about a topic like this either.

I consider myself an individual first. Civilization, culture, country, race and everything else in between doesn't have much meaning. Does it mean I hate Chinese culture or hate being Chinese Canadian? Absolutely not. I love and appreciate most things about it. If it could actually be proven that Chinese civilization was somehow more successful than civilization B, I still wouldn't care. I didn't really do anything to contribute to it other than exist so it's not worth trolling or getting into arguments about it.
stupid thread....

look at the choices..only the chinese civilization is real...rest are all loose terms with no actual existence...

for example there was no western civilization..there was a greek civ, then roman civ and then the various germanic, frankish and anglo-saxon cultures....combinedly they contributed to the western values we have today..

then islamic civilization...lol..that was nothing but arab imperialism + persian civilization...only the arabs, persians and turks ruled/contributed to it and so it should either be called perso-turk-arab civilization...

Chinese civilization agreed...

where is the persian civilization.. ??

where is the indian civilization... ??

also the criteria for measuring the greatest civilization is idiotic..by the measure mongol civilization must have been the greatest..the measure should be about the contribution to human endeavor in terms of arts, philosophy, spirituality, science, mathematics, inventions etc..

so in the end I would pick the chinese, indian and western civilization..

chinese for the early inventions and continuity

indian for various advances in ancient science,mathematics, philosphy and spirituality

western for advances in modern science, industrial revolution, concepts of governance like democracy, war fighting capabilities.

Btw if there is any religion which which emerged from a civilization and not from the teachings of any particular individual, its hinduism. IMO this article is crap.


1...Most Successful -- Western Civilization

4...Most Violent ....................Islamic Civilization

no....the western civilization maybe the most sucessful and definitely THE most violent......
Well if we look at the military point then the Mongol civilization was very successful as it had conquered the widest territory in the world. But if we look at the Roman civilization it was very advanced. Or the Islamic civlization where a lot of inventions took place in medicine and science and maths and astronomy. Then we have the Chinese civilzation who also were respobnsible for many inventions.
So it is vague to judge which civilzation benefited the people most. Everyone was unique and had positives and negatives. So no one can claim only one civilzation as the best.
Naswaristan. Online civilization in the making. Thank you.
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