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Which faction of the armed forces would you join?


Apr 4, 2007
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If you were to join the armed forces of your country, which faction would you choose? and what exactly would you want to be in that faction?

State your country, the faction you want to join, the field in which you want to work in in that faction, and the reason you want to join that particular faction.

Here's my choice:

Country: India
Faction: Navy
Field: carrier-borne fighter pilot
Reasons: I have always been fascinated by fighter aircraft and aircraft carriers (probably coz of top gun). i prefer the IN to IAF coz IN is more efficient.
I always wanted to join PAF and wanted to be a front line fighter pilot. Back then F-16 really fasinated me. The reason to join PAF was i always wanted to be a pilot and PAF was like my dream but my father screwed me up. lol
I am a Pakistani, so I would join the PAF. I have grown up on various PAF bases around the country, as my father has been in the air force since way before I was born. I'd like to be a fighter pilot, of course.
My Choice :

Country :Pakistan
Fiction :Army
Field :Special Services Group
Reason :It was always my dream to join the SSG, i was impressed by them from my Childhood. i want to serve my country by the toughest means possible.
Country : Pakistan
Fiction :Army
Field :any group
Reason :It will give a chance to work hard and become Army chief and then President of Pakistan. in this way i can correct many wrong things of my country. :D
Country : China
Faction : PLA
Field : MSS
Reason : I always had an interest in strategy and intelligence.
Country: Pakistan
Service: Defence
Field: Procurements & Logistics.
Reasons: Pakistan needs to be second to none.
Country : Pakistan
Fiction :Army
Field :any group
Reason :It will give a chance to work hard and become Army chief and then President of Pakistan. in this way i can correct many wrong things of my country. :D

Lol so you would wana take place of musharraf. God bless pakistan:lol:
Well there is the branch that I am part of.
Country -Britain
Branch - Army
Field - infantry......cause I'm a really good shot and have phenomenal fieldcraft:azn:

But I would like to be a fast jet pilot if I could change.....:cheesy:
Well there is the branch that I am part of.
Country -Britain
Branch - Army
Field - infantry......cause I'm a really good shot and have phenomenal fieldcraft:azn:

But I would like to be a fast jet pilot if I could change.....:cheesy:

Any specific jet you want to fly? :cool:
Country : Pakistan
Fiction :Army
Field :any group
Reason :It will give a chance to work hard and become Army chief and then President of Pakistan. in this way i can correct many wrong things of my country. :D

If you are a patriot you better hope this is the very last time an army chief rules over Pakistan. A democratically elected public official should lead the country at all times.

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