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Which Book are you reading

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The Travels of Ibn Battuta (available free online https://web2.qatar.cmu.edu/~breilly2/odyssey/Ibn Batuta.pdf).

@Indus Pakistan , you might enjoy these parts:

Page 3
. I said yes; although I had at that time no intention of travelling into very distant parts. He replied, you must visit my brother Farid Oddin in India, and my brother Rokn Oddin Ibn Zakarya in Sindia, and also my brother Borhan Oddin in China ...

page 5
Five other rivers too maybe compared with them, namely, the river of Sindia, which is called the Panjab (or five waters); the river of India, which is called the Gung (or Ganges), to which the Indians perform their pilgrimages, and into which they throw the ashes of their dead when burnt: they say it descends from Paradise; also the river "Jim (or Jumna): the river Athil (Volga) in the desert of Kifjak, and the river Sarv ...

Ibn Battuta clearly makes a distinction between the Indus and Ganges regions. Thought you might find this information interesting :)
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I am reading Berserk from Volume 1 to 40.


I have to say it moves you emotionally and physically.
Essentials of Cell Biology
Edition 5
My god it is a pain in the a$$icle.
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Could anyone please suggest a good book on Roman empire which succinctly describes everything from rise to fall.
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