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Where is my father?


Jan 31, 2010
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Where is my father? | DAWN.COM

Today is October 26, 2012 and I am sitting in the examination hall amongst my classmates with a sheet of questions in front of me. The only difference between my classmates and I is that they are all fervently filling out their foolscap sheets, whereas I am just sitting, blanking staring at the wall in front of me. My mind silently fights to retain memories as I frantically search for something to start this essay with – an essay about a man who was taken away from me before I was old enough to say his name.

With no words coming to my rescue, I helplessly glance down at the title of the essay: “My Father”.

Since I do not have a clear recollection of him, I can only describe him on the basis of what I have heard from my mother and other relatives. They all told me that he was caring, hardworking, a man of his word and did everything to keep his family happy. But that is it. They stop talking about him as abruptly as he disappeared from our lives. He went to work one day and never returned. We looked for him everywhere. My mother ran from hospitals to police stations and his friends’ houses to mortuaries but found no trace of him. He was gone as if he never existed.

Whilst growing up I could never understand what actually happened to him but there were times when I heard people talking in hushed tones about how he was abducted by security forces because he was conspiring against the state with nationalists working to separate Balochistan from Pakistan. I do not know how far that is true but what I would like to know is how that is possible? He was no Mengal, Bugti, Marri or Magsi. He was an ordinary man who worked day in and day out to make ends meet and put food on our table. He was least concerned about the state of affairs in Pakistan, unless they affected how frequently his family was fed.

I understand that my teachers are probably expecting me to write flowery words about him but how can I be expected to write about a man who never existed? Perhaps, it would be unfair to say he never existed. He still does in my memories. And from them, I know that he was from Turbat, one of the most beautiful places in Balochistan. He was a fruit merchant and owned a shop, known for its dates. He had raven black hair, a thick moustache, and beard that he prided upon. Every evening he would return from work with Halwa, dates or sweets, his hands were never empty. I also remember that he took me to the Koh-e-Murad once; he told me that this was a very sacred place, asking me to fold my hands and ask Allah for whatever I wanted, and that it would be granted. I remember folding my hands and praying hard for every day to be a happy day. I learnt that day that not all our prayers are answered.

Ever since I have lost him, I have been faced with a profound sense of deprivation — a feeling which is difficult for me to describe in mere words. I am surrounded by faces that strive hard to maintain an impenetrable outward façade but I know the truth. I wish I hadn’t known the truth or that my life was different and normal like the other girls sitting around me in this examination hall.

This sense of deprivation gives me heartache and fierce emotions ranging from envy to intense hatred. I loathe the girls who are accompanied by their fathers to school; I despise children who boast about bed time stories narrated by their fathers and I absolutely resent the idea of festivities. These events constantly remind me of his absence and how different my life is from other girls of my age.

Oddly, I am just as hopeful as I am angry. Every knock on the door fills me with anticipation; I instantly picture him walking through the door, a box of dates in his hands. Families get together and talk about good times but in my house, when we get together, we all huddle in front of the television praying to catch a glimpse of his face. I follow every bit of news that could be remotely associated with his disappearance. I see politicians, social workers, barristers and other influential power brokers fighting over the issue of missing persons. But what do they really know. Do they realise that my family hasn’t celebrated Eid since the time he went missing? Do they know how long and tedious our days have become under the heavy burden of this constant hope to hear news about his return? Do they care that I have spent my childhood clinging to his sweater, to pacify my senses that my father actually existed and was not merely a figment of my imagination? I don’t think they do. I don’t think that they even understand that when he was abducted, I did not only lose him but I lost my mother as well. My mother, who does nothing all day but sit by the door in wait of his return, may as well have disappeared with my father that fateful day.

Sometimes when I see people from other countries on television living lives without the horrors that we go through every day, I ask God what sins did we commit for which he punishes us this way? Why wasn’t I born in some country where people live happily and the incidents of disappearances only happen in movies? Can anybody blame me for disliking people who live far better lives than me?

Most days I wish for his safe return. But when optimism exhausts me, there are days when I think it would be better if we just found his lifeless body somewhere; so that we could finally stop searching, so that we could finally find peace.
So wrong of those who have a PhD in Patriotism to think of rest of us as some traitors !! :angry:
A comment from the heart braking piece:

FC is the main cause of the problem and not a part of any solution. Even the chief justice of Pakistan had blamed and criticized FC for human right abuses, kidnapping and extra-judicial killings in Balochistan. As long as FC stays in Balochistan, the situation in Balochistan will not improve, but get worse, as FC is an anti-Baloch Pashtun force which has been involved in “kill and dump” of Baloch leaders and activists and been running a unconstitutional parallel Government in Balochistan.
FC has also been involved in creating the law and order situation in Balochistan to justify it’s illegal and unconstitutional use of powers and to maintain it’s parallel Government in Balochistan in the name of “defending the territorial integrity” of the country. All the killings going on in Balochistan are being carried out by FC and ISI agents as none of the killers have been ever apprehended or brought to Justice.
Curtailing FC’s power as author suggested, would not help the situation. Instead, the FC, must be removed from all Baloch cities and towns and replaced by local Baloch citizens to restore their confidence and trusts and ensure their safety and security. All the FC check posts must be removed and Baloch citizens must be allowed to move freely without any intimidation and harassment.
S tragic.
UN should step in to solve the Baluchistan Crisis for the sake of humanity.

Yes they should. But they won't. True story. You Indians should wish something more practical.
This will happen to any traitor of Pakistan I guess
^^ I think he who is not a punjabi, he who is not a military apologist, later being the compulsory trait, is a traitor..

Insaniyat tou hai nahi yahan kisi mien.... pata nahi kin janwar maan baap ki ulad hain yeh log jo dosro ko traitor kehtay hain or khud PhD samjhtay hain khud ko...
^^ I think he who is not a punjabi, he who is not a military apologist, later being the compulsory trait, is a traitor..

Insaniyat tou hai nahi yahan kisi mien.... pata nahi kin janwar maan baap ki ulad hain yeh log jo dosro ko traitor kehtay hain or khud PhD samjhtay hain khud ko...

And you with your these words of wisdom think yourself a product of well informed parents?

To the thread - Excerpts from a novel?
I don't think ISI or FC will arrest someone innocent. Makes no sense at all. I mean there are many Pakistanis here at PDF any one had been harmed? Obviously if any one will support RAW sponsered BLA terrorists than Security Authorities won't sit idle.

I don't think ISI or FC will arrest someone innocent. Makes no sense at all. I mean there are many Pakistanis here at PDF any one had been harmed? Obviously if any one will support RAW sponsered BLA terrorists than Security Authorities won't sit idle.
first question is

how does he know he was abducted by security forces on conspiracy charges when he doesnt even know who abducted him :agree:

it can be BLA, does he trust BLA so much??

but anyway you also never know what your father was hiding right?

as american pakistani said, it wont make sense to abduct somebody innocent from the streets, they have the support of intelligence who is not foolish enough to pick out some innocent and kill him for no reason

So only a traitor can recognize other traitor.....

ajtr, dont touch the boundaries you dont know much about, its time for you to keep discussing women rights
And you with your these words of wisdom think yourself a product of well informed parents?

To the thread - Excerpts from a novel?

you would only choose to take this plea if in your heart or through your tongue or expression you have called and labelled other fellow citizens as "traitors".

"Excerpts from a novel"

wow nothing to say mate, this speaks volumes !!
you would only choose to take this plea if in your heart or through your tongue or expression you have called and labelled other fellow citizens as "traitors".

wow nothing to say mate, this speaks volumes !!

That doesn't answer my question! Again, do you with your self-acclaimed lingo find yourself a product of informed parents?

Declaring others traitor is bad, fine! But is declaring others product of Janwar parents justified? Obviously not, and that merely is my point.

wow nothing to say mate, this speaks volumes !!

Did you even get what I implied there? I doubt you have even read the article, eh?
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