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Where does Pakistan fit in the emerging US-Russia conflict in Afghanistan.


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Mar 4, 2017
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Where does Pakistan fit in the emerging US-Russia conflict in Afghanistan
Global Village Space

Abdul Rahim |
So far, despite all talk of President Trump’s coming would bring a difference to US-Russian relations, we still see both on different trajectories. Whether it comes to tensions in Eastern Europe, policy differences on the Syrian conflict or Afghanistan. The resurgent Russia wants a greater role in Afghanistan, independent of US and ISAF forces, where it is trying to court Taliban leaders to counter the menace of ISIS in Afghanistan.

Russia under Putin has been pursuing aggressive domestic and foreign policies. He crushed the Chechen insurgency with sheer brute force and militarily intervened in Georgia in support of South Ossetia. American media and Democrats in particular, have accused Russia of manipulating US elections results in favor of Trump through cyber-attacks.

More recently, the intervention of Russian forces in Syria has tilted the military balance in Assad’s favor, amply demonstrated by the fall of Aleppo. Moreover, Russia’s rapprochement with Turkey is indicative of it foreign policy goal of reclaiming its deserved status as a major power in the world politics. Then, there is the brewing tension between the two powers in Afghanistan

Read more: Are Russians using an unusual approach to regain their lost ‘global status’?

The recent statement “no negotiation from a position of strength” by Russian defense minister will further fuel the fire between US and Russia. In such a situation, President Trump will surely reconsider his policy towards Moscow, preferring to deal with Russia. In short, Russia and the U.S are again preparing for another proxy-war in Afghanistan. Islamabad will have to walk a fine thin line between Russian interests and American designs in Afghanistan.

Read Full Story: Where does Pakistan fit in the emerging US-Russia conflict in Afghanistan
From the article above:

"There are other convergences of interests between Pakistan and Russia. Pakistan needs foreign investment, access to vast reserves of Central Asia, once part of Soviet Union, and more importantly strategically important relations between Pakistan and Russia could buttress former’s position and bargaining chip vis-à-vis America. Moreover, Russia seeks a greater role in Afghanistan and it needs Pakistan to reassert its power in the region."

Grade A BS.

There is absolutely no reason or evidence to indicate that Pakistan can use a projected closeness to Russia as a bargaining chip to bolster its position with USA in Afghanistan, or that Russia seeks to re-assert itself in the region and needs Pakistan's help to do so.

To think that this might work is just another juvenile pipe dream.
From the article above:

"There are other convergences of interests between Pakistan and Russia. Pakistan needs foreign investment, access to vast reserves of Central Asia, once part of Soviet Union, and more importantly strategically important relations between Pakistan and Russia could buttress former’s position and bargaining chip vis-à-vis America. Moreover, Russia seeks a greater role in Afghanistan and it needs Pakistan to reassert its power in the region."

Grade A BS.

There is absolutely no reason or evidence to indicate that Pakistan can use a projected closeness to Russia as a bargaining chip to bolster its position with USA in Afghanistan, or that Russia seeks to re-assert itself in the region and needs Pakistan's help to do so.

To think that this might work is just another juvenile pipe dream.
Can you give evidence on the contrary and prove it is grade A BS?
I Think To Balance Between Russia And US We Need A Stronger Relationship With Our Brotherly Muslim Countries Like GCC And Turkey Where Our Reliance On China Will Automatically Transfering Our Weight Towards Russia, So Its Time To Form A Strategic Alliance With GCC And Turkey With Same Goal And Targets With Brotherly Intensions To Inhance Our Capbilty To Negotiate And Balance Our Stance Between The Two.
Definitely not with Americans and we need to undo our past mistakes We should put our interests ahead of everyone else even the so called Islamic brotherhood right now china has proven to be the best friends by investing such a huge amount and we should look at Russia as second option.
with corruption in every department pakistan doesnt fit any where. you need people at the top who think for pakistan and not for their own selfish interests and their corrupt govts and rule. with the exception of raheel sharif pakistan never had anyone at the top who was loyal to the country.
both Russia and Us needs Pakistan to keep hold on Afghan Taliban and Afghanistan this time we should make our decision wisely and instead of others interest we should see what is good for us.
Russia and Pakistan will face direct results of what ever happen in Afghanistan specially Pakistan who is already suffering due to Afghanistan while US is sitting many miles away they wont get effected by what ever happens in their if things go wrong US will just say sorry we made a mistake and then walk away just like they did in Iraq so Our policy makers have to decide very carefully
A poster seen on Mall Rd. of Lahore. I think it's a clear message. Tables have turned around and Pakistani leadership is looking for other options. Plus, we know Russia + Central Asian states will confirm join CPEC for trade & commerce.


  • Nawaz-Putin-Pakistan.jpg
    317.4 KB · Views: 64
This time, for a change, Pak might find herself on the gallery as the giants take the arena. Historically, giants fight each other to keep the balance for the common folks!!!!!
A poster seen on Mall Rd. of Lahore. I think it's a clear message. Tables have turned around and Pakistani leadership is looking for other options. Plus, we know Russia + Central Asian states will confirm join CPEC for trade & commerce.
lolzzxx. the govt of punjab assigned graphic designer had put the picture of Putin instead of the relevant head of one of the former Soviet states. plz check
There are a couple of things to understand about why Russia is interested in Afghanistan. It has less to do with its push towards becoming a major player in world politics and more to its security interests.

Its all about ISIS. Islam is the second largest religion in Russia with about 7% of its population being Muslim. And the highest number of foreign fighters ISIS in Syria has or had came from the Caucuses (Mostly Chechen, but some Circasians and Inghush as well). Now Taliban phenomena was confined to Afghanistan and to some degree Pakistan because Taliban are as much an ethnic(Pushtun) movement as they are a religious one. They did make mistakes by providing sanctuaries to some nasty groups but they were never really a threat to central Asian republics. But ISIS on the other hand are a global menace, or at least a menace for the countries having a sizable Muslim population.

With the Kabul regime losing whatever little grip it had over the country, there is space for ISIS to move in. And with the heat it is facing in Levant, Afghanistan is the next logical destination for ISIS, after all this is where it all started, the global Jihadi movement I mean.

And who is there to counter ISIS if it moves in force into Afghanistan. Well after an exhausting campaign of more than 16 years I don't think US is willing to put boots on ground and as we saw in Syria, air campaign alone can not take these groups out. And ISIS will have quite a few regional allies here. TTP, Ahrar, ETIM, IMU e.t.c will be willing supporters of their cause.

And this is Russia's concern in the region. If ISIS can get hold of some sizable territory in Afghanistan, they will surely try to move into neighboring states.

Now Iran will be a tough choice, and while they might find some radical supporters in Sistan, as the majority of Iranians are Shia there is no chance of gaining a support base there. Also Iran has a very strong security apparatus.

There is no more space in Pakistan for such groups and with the heightened vigilance on our side Pakistan will be a tough nut to crack for ISIS, may be a few terrorist attack here or there but that is about it.

Same can be said about China. So naturally Central Asian states will be their next targets. In which case Russia will be fighting this menace in their own backyard, which is of course not what they prefer.

So their interest in Afghanistan is to nip the evil in the bud. If that means they have to work with Taliban, so be it, as I said earlier Taliban being a regional movement are not a threat to their security and Taliban probably have learnt their lesson of not harboring evil in their land.

This is where our interest converge. We don't want ISIS's presence in our backyard either. They might not be able to capture any of our land like what they did in Iraq and Syria, but they surely are capable of inflicting serious harm through some horrendous acts of terrorism.

I don't think US will prefer ISIS in Afghanistan either, but their main concern is for the Kabul regime to survive. So for them Haqqanis and Talibans are their main concern. For Russia that is a non-issue. If the Talibans can make sure that ISIS will not find a foothold in Afghanistan, Russia will be willing to work with them. And I think Pakistan will be in a position to play a facilitator role between Russia and Taliban. This should not affect our relationship with US, while there will be some blame game from their side to placate Kabul, they will understand our security concerns.
No, you're totally wrong. Welcome images for PM Tatarstan were also present. The government is not that stupid after all. Tatarstan is a federal republic of Russia, their PM has a strong connection with Russia.


lolzzxx. the govt of punjab assigned graphic designer had put the picture of Putin instead of the relevant head...
both Russia and Us needs Pakistan to keep hold on Afghan Taliban and Afghanistan this time we should make our decision wisely and instead of others interest we should see what is good for us.
Russia and Pakistan will face direct results of what ever happen in Afghanistan specially Pakistan who is already suffering due to Afghanistan while US is sitting many miles away they wont get effected by what ever happens in their if things go wrong US will just say sorry we made a mistake and then walk away just like they did in Iraq so Our policy makers have to decide very carefully

Pakistan will have to live with whatever mistake is made in Afghanistan and it doesnt matter who makes the mistake.
with corruption in every department pakistan doesnt fit any where. you need people at the top who think for pakistan and not for their own selfish interests and their corrupt govts and rule. with the exception of raheel sharif pakistan never had anyone at the top who was loyal to the country.
If you pay attention Pakistan is dealing with corruption and terrorism at war footings right now

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