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Where are the Muslims? Burma Myanmar wiping out the Rohingya Muslims!!

As a Pakistani there are many things to regret, getting involved in Afghanistan to smash soviets is not one of them.

If only the Government in Bangladesh can be as stern as the Government in Pakistan to pressure the Burmese about this issue. You know what's interesting is that there are ethnic Burmese living in Bangladesh, they are not pressured or treated like this. In fact, the Buddhists in Bangladesh are even protected. But these extremists and militant Buddhists in Burma are taking their nationalism and religion to a whole different level.They have become the very terrorists who they preach hate about.

Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, which are members of ASEAN, should really pressure the Burmese about this issue.
There are levels of risk that come with associated investments.
All we have in Afghanistan of worth as an investment is a mine. The rest was aid to Afghanistan.

On the other hand in Myanmar we have not only a major deep sea port, highways of hundreds of kilometers, we have transnational superhighway currently under construction connecting India, Myanmar, China and other eastern countries.
We have defied international arms ban , given military aid like surveillance aircrafts.

And even apart from these things Myanmar has been instrumental in removing terrorists using the border jungles for its base. The Indian military has operated inside Myanmar with their army in killing these militants. That is the level of trust we share.

We are deeply invested in Myanmar in many forms and their future affects us greatly. It is much the same with China.

You are an intelligent man. You can take a call. Think about why India and China both violated international arms sanctions on Myanmar and economic sanctions on Myanmar. There must be something we both want.

That still doesn't curtail chances for aiding the Rohinga resistence if Bangladeshi and Indonesian govts are up for it. China can be pacified if their interested are not harmed. India will always choose the anti Muslim line, so that's a given for starters.
A military confrontation may not be necessary if the Rohingya can be resettled at least in Arakan (which also has a large muslim Burmese presence). This can be resolved peacefully, in my opinion.
My friend, there can be no military confrontation with Myanmar as long as India or China are supporting them. At least one of the two will have to agree for this to happen.

Myanmar Govt does not want the Rohingyas on their soil - including Arakkan. They will not accept what you say. And as I said, as long as India and China support them, they can not be forced. The solution in my view is to get the Rohingyas settled in other Muslim countries.This is already happening, a large number of them are migrating out.
If only the Government in Bangladesh can be as stern as the Government in Pakistan to pressure the Burmese about this issue. You know what's interesting is that there are ethnic Burmese living in Bangladesh, they are not pressured or treated like this. In fact, the Buddhists in Bangladesh are even protected. But these extremists and militant Buddhists in Burma are taking their nationalism and religion to a whole different level.They have become the very terrorists who they preach hate about.

Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, which are members of ASEAN, should really pressure the Burmese about this issue.

Pressure has to be diplomatic, economic as well as military for it to work. If such a situation persists, we can and will see the rise of Jihadi movements along the lines of ISIS rather than a Rohinga lead resistance.

My friend, there can be no military confrontation with Myanmar as long as India or China are supporting them. At least one of the two will have to agree for this to happen.

Myanmar Govt does not want the Rohingyas on their soil - including Arakkan. They will not accept what you say. And as I said, as long as India and China support them, they can not be forced. The solution in my view is to get the Rohingyas settled in other Muslim countries.This is already happening, a large number of them are migrating out.

  • Chinese interests will be protected, they are by no means in symmetry with India's but are parallel.
  • India will always support those who'd kill Muslims by the thousands or more therefor what India thinks hardly has value in this equation.
That still doesn't curtail chances for aiding the Rohinga resistence if Bangladeshi and Indonesian govts are up for it. China can be pacified if their interested are not harmed. India will always choose the anti Muslim line, so that's a given for starters.
It does. India shares a very large border with Myanmar. Something we dont share with Afghanistan.
Our military has operated on their soil along with them in joint operations.

Bangladeshi and Indonesian governments together wont move a finger unless atleast one - India or China agree.
You forget that India has a lot of influence with Bangladesh, we can ensure our line gets towed.
And China has a lot of influence in ASEAN, they can ensure that with Indonesia.

If you can get China pacified - then kudos. Because I seriously doubt whether that will ever happen. China is even more invested in Myanmar than us and they dont want another Islamist insurgency in another part of their border (they share a border with Myanmar as well) just like India. We dont want another Islamist rampage on another one of our borders as well.

So if you can get China to agree - happy hunting.
If not - then Pakistan and Arabs and Bangladesh and all put together wont be able to do anything because we are surely never going to agree.

  • India will always support those who'd kill Muslims by the thousands or more therefor what India thinks hardly has value in this equation.
I know Pakistanis like to think of Indians as anti-Muslim, but we are surprisingly pragmatic. We share great relations with Iran, Qatar, Indonesia and Bangladesh.

In this case India's and China's interests converge. I doubt you will get any traction either in Delhi or in Beijing.
My friend, there can be no military confrontation with Myanmar as long as India or China are supporting them. At least one of the two will have to agree for this to happen.

Myanmar Govt does not want the Rohingyas on their soil - including Arakkan. They will not accept what you say. And as I said, as long as India and China support them, they can not be forced. The solution in my view is to get the Rohingyas settled in other Muslim countries.This is already happening, a large number of them are migrating out.

I've read some posts by some Burmese regarding this issue and one of the catalysts for their hard-lined position towards the Rohingya is because of the threat of Bangladeshi population, which may disrupt the ethnic milieu of the country (Burma). That, in my opinion, is just outright preposterous. First of all, Burma borders India, Bangladesh and has had historic contacts with South Asia for hundreds of years, if not thousands of years. Human and ethnic mingling between the Sino-Tibetans of Burma and South Asian ethnic groups such as Bengalis, Biharis, Manipuri, Assamese et al is unavoidable due to the contiguous border. Its not like Burma and South Asia are thousands of miles apart. So talks of ethnic purity is just utterly preposterous for a nation like Burma, which, for over 200 years was even part of the British India.

@Judge ,

I appreciate the fact that Burma is a Buddhist nation. But at the same time, the State of Arakan has a high percentage of Muslim Arakanese, who are themselves very similar in phenotype to South Asians. So what is the selective criterium of the Burmese Government in regards to Rohinghya? It is almost impossible to differentiate a Muslim Arakanese from Muslim Rohinghya?
Shows how useless the UN is as well. How many conflicts has it actually stopped?
@Judge ,

This is a Muslim Arakanese Man (this is a Burmese national, btw)


Can you really , honestly, say he does not look or can be mistaken for a Bengali Indian or a Bangladeshi ?
I've read some posts by some Burmese regarding this issue and one of the catalysts for their hard-lined position towards the Rohingya is because of the threat of Bangladeshi population, which may disrupt the ethnic milieu of the country (Burma). That, in my opinion, is just outright preposterous. First of all, Burma borders India, Bangladesh and has had historic contacts with South Asia for hundreds of years, if not thousands of years. Human and ethnic mingling between the Sino-Tibetans of Burma and South Asian ethnic groups such as Bengalis, Biharis, Manipuri, Assamese et al is unavoidable due to the contiguous border. Its not like Burma and South Asia are thousands of miles apart. So talks of ethnic purity is just utterly preposterous for a nation like Burma, which, for over 200 years was even part of the British India.
Yes, You hit the nail on the head. That is the real reason why they want the Rohingyas out.
But Bangladesh's population is no joke - at near 200 million and spilling over in India and Myanmar, it is a threat to the local demography.
While India by virtue of being a large nation can absorb the Bangladeshis, it poses a very real threat to those in Myanmar. You have to realize it from their POV as well. A majority that may slowly be turned to a minority.

Why do you think Europe is limiting the migration from Muslim countries - same reason.
The only difference is Europe is limiting new migration, while Myanmar is trying to throw out those already settled in Myanmar.

As I said, the only real solution here is to get the Rohingyas international aid and get them shifted to a Muslim country. Everyone wins. Myanmar happy, Muslims globally happy, Rohingyas happy.
If only the Government in Bangladesh can be as stern as the Government in Pakistan to pressure the Burmese about this issue. You know what's interesting is that there are ethnic Burmese living in Bangladesh, they are not pressured or treated like this. In fact, the Buddhists in Bangladesh are even protected. But these extremists and militant Buddhists in Burma are taking their nationalism and religion to a whole different level.They have become the very terrorists who they preach hate about.

Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, which are members of ASEAN, should really pressure the Burmese about this issue.

If i am not wrong Pakistani made tanks are being used by Burma Military. Pakistani establishment pressure on this matter wont do much . Rohinga refugees are given shelter in India and around 15000 Burmese Rohinga are there in India.
If i am not wrong Pakistani made tanks are being used by Burma Military. Pakistani establishment pressure on this matter wont do much . Rohinga refugees are given shelter in India and around 15000 Burmese Rohinga are there in India.

I'm glad to see that India is taking in these minorities. I also read that China was even taking in some Rohingya refugees, so good to see China doing more to help build stability in this very strategically important region.

The thing with Burma, my friend, is that it is known to persecute all of its non-Burmese minorities. Do read (search about) the Karen minorities, the Shan minority, the Chin minority, the Wa minority. These are all minorities in Burma that are readily persecuted , so much that each of them have their own local militias and armed units.

The Rohingya are just part of this list.

Its truly sad to see this. And in my position, I'm not looking at this at political lines, but just humanitarian reasons. For me, its all about social justice.
I'm glad to see that India is taking in these minorities. I also read that China was even taking in some Rohingya refugees, so good to see China doing more to help build stability in this very strategically important region.

The thing with Burma, my friend, is that it is known to persecute all of its non-Burmese minorities. Do read (search about) the Karen minorities, the Shan minority, the Chin minority, the Wa minority. These are all minorities in Burma that are readily persecuted , so much that each of them have their own local militias and armed units.

The Rohingya are just part of this list.

Its truly sad to see this. And in my position, I'm not looking at this at political lines, but just humanitarian reasons. For me, its all about social justice.

I am aware about atrocities done by the Burma military regime. And how Aung San Suu Kyi struggled to bring democracy in Burma but she is silent even now on the atrocities done on Rohingas.

Where are the Muslims? Burma Myanmar wiping out the Rohingya Muslims!!

Your country's government turned those refugees away who were fleeing for their lives.... What did you do about it?

Why were no such steps taken against US when innocent muslims, sikhs and on some occasions hindus were picked up by CIA for interrogation after 9/11??

Bade bhayya se panga nahi lete...
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