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Where And How Pakistan Is Storing Nuclear Weapons According To US Scientists

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These American's satellites work great.

They could see and locate Saddam's WMD from space but could not even a match box in the ground, after invading Iraq (or...AIERAQ....as they pronounce).

In addition, in all 30-years they had certain assurance that Pakistan nuclear bomb is being developed in KRL.....bullshit.......

These two examples show the scope and extent of what world can know.
LOL keep guessing because we are not going to tell.

Their report also reiterates that in violation of the US' guidelines, Pakistan has converted its F-16 fighter jets for use with nuclear weapons.

Of course we did. Why else do we have those F-16s?

These pale face, redneck 'harami- cans' are so hypocritical and obnoxious with their heads up 'where the sun does not shine!' No wonder they are detested the world over! They live in a dream world, believing in supremacy and might over everyone else. But hey, every strong man one day becomes weak and frail....

These American's satellites work great.

They could see and locate Saddam's WMD from space but could not even a match box in the ground, after invading Iraq (or...AIERAQ....as they pronounce).

In addition, in all 30-years they had certain assurance that Pakistan nuclear bomb is being developed in KRL.....bullshit.......

These two examples show the scope and extent of what world can know.

Akhi, lets hope and pray that our strength is second to no one. And, I hope Pakistan undertakes a similar detection policy of the HARAMI-CANS nuclear facilities, bunkers and all places and assests they hold so if need be, they can be obliterated, just in case!
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I don't think Pakistan would have accumulated its Nuclear Arsenal in one place. Such an act could leverage an attacking enemy destroy their nuclear potential in one go.

I also expect nuclear weapons would be with multiple forces. But again, my guess or analysis is as good as anybody else's as their exact location, number and delivery mechanism is no public.

This is one of the site which I suspect a nuclear/missile depot in central Punjab I won't tell the exact place but you can see the white area is the waste from tunneling the mountains. I have seen many advance anti aircraft guns around that area and this faculty is located in a very remote place with no road access & no foreigner allowed boards & no camera allowed boards all around there.

Army use to take workers from surrounding villages by covering their eyes in their truckx and buses.

Akhi, please remove this picture. With todays technology, it can be easily discovered via images like this one exactly what and where it is. I know this because I work for a company who develop highly advanced products able to detect and determine anything of this nature and more.

Thanks and think Pakistan first and give very little away when the defencec of Pakistan is our concern.

every 2nd person in Pakistaan is a Raw Agent .................including Your Pm Nawaz sharif , marium Nawaz , Imran khan etc .

And your point being?
The Khuzdar Garrison seems to be the only definitive one, everything else, is taking a picture of a big military base and running to mars with the speculation.
That "running" to Mars seems pretty achievable when we talk about our hideously beloved neighbor. Just like their tejas had stealth and their LCH is on par or even better than Apache. Who know what they are capable of anymore?
And don´t let me go on about the security of their nuclear program. It´s so damn good k bass Kujj Na Puchoo tay Chadd Dao Gllaan.

I hope you get what I mean by all that.
i dont know how these idiots can tell what inside a storage plant. the building they call as nuclear weapon store could just be a ration store.:D. sometimes these goras also act like indians. stupid people. why would pak house nuclear weapons so close to a major air base ? attack the air base and destroy the nuclear weapons depot in the same sortie.

Sorry to burst your bubble if you can cast doubt on any other country other than Americans, then I would state you have a valid argument. But I would urge you excerise caution with the Americans, after all they did violate your airspace and take out Osama bin laden, next to your army garrison.

Put it into perspective, if they can sense spectrum radio waves and predict the composition of distant galaxies, they would have some idea of what's on planet earth. Esp in the volatile country that is Pakistan.
Wow, US really doesn't even have a clue about our weapons, let alone the storages. If they couldn't find out that Pakistan was digging at Chaghi test site in 80's then forget about anything now.

:yahoo: MashaALLAH, nice one akhi. May ALLAH AoJ bless increase your intelliegence:pakistan:
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Well Americans do know that disarming us will lead to self immolation for Americans and chaos for the region?
Hell even north korea has ICBM's ,They think we cannot strike Them?
We should not let this threat lightly,After the clinton leaks there was a media report that said "Nuclear suicide bombers",Now the most easiest way to disarm or attack Pakistan is to create a nuclear suicide bomber,And we know the americans are fantastic at false flagging,Besides they don't care they fuc**** Iraq up,and yeah the list of fuc**** up now also includes libya and others
People are stupid but trumps victory might have just saved the world given what Hillary and Barock did to Middle east.
It´s refreshing to see that you think that trump is any better than those Hillary and Obama Assholes. Just wait and watch, the kind of team he is gathering around him is going to be a major pain in everyone´s ear.
Sorry to burst your bubble if you can cast doubt on any other country other than Americans, then I would state you have a valid argument. But I would urge you excerise caution with the Americans, after all they did violate your airspace and take out Osama bin laden, next to your army garrison.

Put it into perspective, if they can sense spectrum radio waves and predict the composition of distant galaxies, they would have some idea of what's on planet earth. Esp in the volatile country that is Pakistan.

PREDICT being the opetative word! BTW, are you an envious :pissed:type by any chance?
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Oh yes Just the way they sniffed Iraqis WMD
Hey bro talk to these indians with respect, they are very "sensible and logical" people. They have us all figured out. All those surgical strikes we are recovering from. Who knows what they will do net?

You will get my meaning!

Sorry to burst your bubble if you can cast doubt on any other country other than Americans, then I would state you have a valid argument. But I would urge you excerise caution with the Americans, after all they did violate your airspace and take out Osama bin laden, next to your army garrison.

Put it into perspective, if they can sense spectrum radio waves and predict the composition of distant galaxies, they would have some idea of what's on planet earth. Esp in the volatile country that is Pakistan.
Are you sure about what you just said. As one of my brothers here said that they killed Osama Bin Laden about 11 times.
And they couldn't predict their election, What are you blabbering about Galaxies and what not. Stop licking their balls, they are human like most of us. I don´t know about the indian army though, they seem to be hanuma or something.
This is one of the site which I suspect a nuclear/missile depot in central Punjab I won't tell the exact place but you can see the white area is the waste from tunneling the mountains. I have seen many advance anti aircraft guns around that area and this faculty is located in a very remote place with no road access & no foreigner allowed boards & no camera allowed boards all around there.

Army use to take workers from surrounding villages by covering their eyes in their truckx and buses.

Hey stop kidding, your inlaws live there right? you monster :devil:. If you get SATISFACTORY results after posting this pic then please let me know,:raise: I have to post my inlaws, [cough] [cough], a very confirmed nuclear site information :p:.
every 2nd person in Pakistaan is a Raw Agent .................including Your Pm Nawaz sharif , marium Nawaz , Imran khan etc .
Your inventory is mostly American made, your all time saviour before the Chinese was the Americans we are not licking no ones back. I thought I might remind you of your legecy.

Our rulers are very well known for doing just that. But if you ask our public, we wholeheartedly hate american guts. And what are you talking about not licking anyone´s balls? What happened between america and india a few months back? you people are so damn good at not looking at yourselves.
You already know us to be a power to be reckoned with. I don´t know why you keep coming to us for more. Seriously , you guys should stick to bullying Nepal, Maldive,Bhutan, Burma and the likes of Bangladesh. Or better yet, just stop that childish behavior at all. Live and let live is not that bad of an idea.

every 2nd person in Pakistaan is a Raw Agent .................including Your Pm Nawaz sharif , marium Nawaz , Imran khan etc .
Your inventory is mostly American made, your all time saviour before the Chinese was the Americans we are not licking no ones back. I thought I might remind you of your legecy.

Our rulers are very well known for doing just that. But if you ask our public, we wholeheartedly hate american guts. And what are you talking about not licking anyone´s balls? What happened between america and india a few months back? you people are so damn good at not looking at yourselves.
You already know us to be a power to be reckoned with. I don´t know why you keep coming to us for more. Seriously , you guys should stick to bullying Nepal, Maldive,Bhutan, Burma and the likes of Bangladesh. Or better yet, just stop that childish behavior at all. Live and let live is not that bad of an idea.
US was un known when Pakistan was testing its Nuke at chaghi in may1998,even she try her best.

Sir, with all due respect, you are wrong. I won't be surprised if you thought there are alien colonies on the moon! The US media was reporting it every minute that "Cha-gha-e" is the place. I remember watching that on CNN ALL freaking week long. Trust me, it was like the most read script every 5 minutes. I still remember how they pronounced the name of the city, which is why I wrote it on there. Memories growing up! I think this was the most ran news on CNN and other networks after the news of the Soviet breakup. Thanks
Sir, with all due respect, you are wrong. I won't be surprised if you thought there are alien colonies on the moon! The US media was reporting it every minute that "Cha-gha-e" is the place. I remember watching that on CNN ALL freaking week long. Trust me, it was like the most read script every 5 minutes. I still remember how they pronounced the name of the city, which is why I wrote it on there. Memories growing up! I think this was the most ran news on CNN and other networks after the news of the Soviet breakup. Thanks
Yes iagree with you,all the world had known that Pakistan is going to do so, Pakistan PM and US Presedent were on line at that time but US satlite could not telecast fotage of Chaghee untile Pakistan telecast.
Yes iagree with you,all the world had known that Pakistan is going to do so, Pakistan PM and US Presedent were on line at that time but US satlite could not telecast fotage of Chaghee untile Pakistan telecast.

Sir, the US had already mentioned two potential sites as soon as the Indian did their tests. The Chga-e and the other one not too far from it. I remember it like yesterday, this thing was talked about every 5 minutes on all news or whatever other channels. Thanks
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