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When will the F22 be sold to interested countries?

There's some misperception going on here... the F-35 is NOT an "F-22 lite" or some watered down fighter. In many ways, it exceeds the F-22 from a technology standpoint, and people right now are looking at rewiring/adapting the F-22 for the more modern F-35 data and sensor bus. Plus, lessons learned in maintaining the RCS on the F-22 have been incorporated into the F-35, and overall, the F-35 will be easier to maintain.

If I was a king and could choose between 100 F-22 or 100 F-35, I'd take the F-35's, especially if that was to be the backbone of my air force. Not many countries can afford a dedicated air-air platform, and that is what the F-22 really is.

An F-22 that is watered down is worse than useless in that it still maintains sensitive tech, the materials and stealth contouring and such, yet the sensors and avionics would be much less capable. Thus, the jet is more likely to be shot down and exploited.
once they finish making their 6th G then it might be sold to closest allies like japan...
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