Firstly lets clarify 'Islamic rule'. You mean Arab rule correct?
Secondly we are comparing 'golden era arab rule' to modern day west correct?
Now explain what the f**k is a protection tax. Why is modern middle east such a mess. It traces it roots back to this golden period which destroyed cultural identity so a select few could rule. The middle east was never allowed to form identities and nation state era has left them ruddlerless with ISIS flying around pretending to be the golden era and others bowing to greater powers.
Who's genocide? Millions were killed and robbed. I am not saying this didn't happen anywhere else, it did and its no golden period this is dark dark times.
Nothing ever will compare to modern day west, I am no talking about immigrant begging on the streets of Paris. Talking about people with citizenship, its the best place to be a minority on earth. Its the model for future civilization. Yes it has its drawbacks but the benefits are plenty and it protects her interests ruthlessly and can you blame them? When you have it this good you will do anything to keep it this way.
This is why Pakistan was progressing so rapidly in the 60s, it followed a progressive western model which was taking us on a path to 1st world status but 'golden era arab rule' chasers destroyed any chance by following flawed ideologies which the arabs themselves can't get to work. Blind leading the blind.
Now Pakistan is trying to backtrack and trying to go back on course but there is 50 million plus boneheads, youtube clerics, terrorists, golden era chasers who are unable to deal with change. Its a damn shame and waste of potential.