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What's YOUR country famous for?

Thought Lanka would be famous for tea.. But Cinnamon ?? Oh well guess the Yanks don't drink that much of tea any way.. And Aussie for Melanoma?? Years ago they knew it for Crocodile Dundee..
Pakistan famous for hockey? This info seems to be a bit dated

But kudos to whoever made this map. At least they have not tried make fun of us or call us evil
wow what a great thread OP :woot:

your country is burning with sectarian voilence and daily bon blasts and curruption led apedamicks resulting in law less ness , hunger and civil unrest and your wondering what are different counttries famous for :hitwall:

its like califs of baghdad wondering its jayaz or najayaz to kill mosquetos whn mongol hordes were at city gates ...no wonder pakistan and pakistanies are in this state ....good luck:laughcry:

Not surprising that another street defecator lectures a person of a far superior country on how weak their nation is.

I find it quite entertaining that, despite India's inferiority complex every time Pakistan is brought up, you still forget that they have less people in poverty (yes, as % of population), have held your nation off multiple times in war, and have the lighter skin color that you so desperately admire (and attempt to get by bleaching your nasty f'ing skin in your feces and corpse-filled Holy Water).
Mansaaf Rocks :mps:

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