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What's YOUR country famous for?


Apr 27, 2012
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What's YOUR country famous for?
Map reveals that UK leads the world in fascist movements while U.S. has most Nobel laureates and lawnmower deaths

  • The map is based on statistics gathered from across the internet from sources including the World Bank and Guinness World Records
  • It was created by DogHouse Diaries and shows that some stereotypes seems to be true, such as the U.S. eating the most hotdogs
  • The map also highlights surprising things associated with certain countries, such as Spain and cocaine and Peru and sandboarding

From making babies to being struck by lightning, a new map has revealed the surprising things that countries are best at.

The map is based on statistics gathered from across the internet - ranging from sources as diverse as the World Bank to the Guinness World Records.

Created by online comic and website DogHouse Diaries, the map shows what each country leads the rest of the world in and the words picked - which are written across the country's geographical territory - are in many cases surprising.


This is a map created by Doghouse Diaries showing what each country leads the rest of the world at

While Peru might make evoke images of Inca monuments and panpipes, according to the map, the country leads the world in sandboarding, a sport that involves surfing mounds of sand.

Other surprising world leaders include Spain and its cocaine use as well as Algeria who leads the way in middle Paeleolithic flake tool techniques.

However, some statistics confirmed stereotypes such as New Zealand being the best at sheep farming and rugby.
The map, created by three friends based in Washington DC, also shows the Netherlands has the tallest people on average, Canada leads the way in the production of maple syrup and the U.S. eats the most hotdogs.


Other surprising world leaders include Spain for its cocaine use and Latvia for having the most women per man in the population


Canada is the leader in maple syrup and asteroid collisions while Honduras is the murder capital of the world

People in Chile are best at staying married, while those in Chad are the most efficient at not wasting electricity, according to the map.

It also shows that Costa Rica leads the way in happiness, while people living in Ireland have the best quality of life.

More sinister findings reveal that Turkmenistan is a world leader in corruption and the UK leads the world in fascist movements.


Cameroon has the deadliest lakes in the world while Chad was the best at conserving electricity


Unsurprisingly Brazil was the best at Fifa World Cup titles but Chile was crowned with the unusual title of 'Best at staying married'


The map reveals that Turkmenistan is a world leader in corruption while Bangladesh is the best at peacekeeping

The makers of the map came to their conclusion about the UK by looking at the number of distinct fascist groups that have existed over the years, with 34 groups having existed in the UK according to their source, although the vast majority have dissolved.

In terms of natural disasters, Mexico also has the most people who have been struck by lightning, while Canada has endured the most asteroid impacts and Cameroon has the deadliest lakes in the world

What's YOUR country famous for? Map reveals that UK leads the world in fascist movements while U.S. has most Nobel laureates and lawnmower deaths | Mail Online
wow what a great thread OP :woot:

your country is burning with sectarian voilence and daily bon blasts and curruption led apedamicks resulting in law less ness , hunger and civil unrest and your wondering what are different counttries famous for :hitwall:

its like califs of baghdad wondering its jayaz or najayaz to kill mosquetos whn mongol hordes were at city gates ...no wonder pakistan and pakistanies are in this state ....good luck:laughcry:
Our country was famous for hockey, but what kind of peacekeeping does bangladesh do?
wow what a great thread OP :woot:

your country is burning with sectarian voilence and daily bon blasts and curruption led apedamicks resulting in law less ness , hunger and civil unrest and your wondering what are different counttries famous for :hitwall:

its like califs of baghdad wondering its jayaz or najayaz to kill mosquetos whn mongol hordes were at city gates ...no wonder pakistan and pakistanies are in this state ....good luck:laughcry:

Dude whats wrong with you??
wow what a great thread OP :woot:

your country is burning with sectarian voilence and daily bon blasts and curruption led apedamicks resulting in law less ness , hunger and civil unrest and your wondering what are different counttries famous for :hitwall:

its like califs of baghdad wondering its jayaz or najayaz to kill mosquetos whn mongol hordes were at city gates ...no wonder pakistan and pakistanies are in this state ....good luck:laughcry:

- Those were not caliphs but rumoured to be some scholars (not even on govt pay roll)
- apedamicks?
- This is clearly a troll post and unless you remove it I will report it. You are probably dying to see some post links the rape epidemic, dalit abuse and great rights enjoyed by low castes but none of that including your fanatic rhetoric has anything to do with the topic. Are you in your senses?
- Those were not caliphs but rumoured to be some scholars (not even on govt pay roll)
- apedamicks?
- This is clearly a troll post and unless you remove it I will report it. You are probably dying to see some post links the rape epidemic, dalit abuse and great rights enjoyed by low castes but none of that including your fanatic rhetoric has anything to do with the topic. Are you in your senses?
with all deu respects sir its the op and likes of him who try to geather sympathy by posting such laughvable threads while on the other hand same guys like him makes fun of indian obsession with fair skinn by asking indians to explain about a random TV commercial about a skin whitening cream did you bother to report that aswell ..i know im not a very knowledgeble person as your self but look at my feeling not my spelling mistakes ....hope u got my point sir

Our country was famous for hockey, but what kind of peacekeeping does bangladesh do?

Bangladesh contributed highest number of soldiers for UN Peacekeeping mission,so much so that they send home as much as $1.24 Billion yearly.also,they had lost many soldiers in these missions(88).also,due to the performance of Bangladesh's Peace Keeping Force,Bengali was made an official language of Sierra Leone in order to honour the Bangladeshi peacekeeping force from the United Nations stationed there.it is also my mother tongue..All the best to Bangladesh Army and their braves.

Our country was famous for hockey, but what kind of peacekeeping does bangladesh do?

Bangladesh contributed highest number of soldiers for UN Peacekeeping mission,so much so that they send home as much as $1.24 Billion yearly.also,they had lost many soldiers in these missions(88).also,due to the performance of Bangladesh's Peace Keeping Force,Bengali was made an official language of Sierra Leone in order to honour the Bangladeshi peacekeeping force from the United Nations stationed there.it is also my mother tongue..All the best to Bangladesh Army and their braves.
with all deu respects sir its the op and likes of him who try to geather sympathy by posting such laughvable threads while on the other hand same guy makes fun of indian obsession with fair skinn by asking indians to explain about a random TV commercial about a skin whitening cream did you bother to report that aswell ..i know im not a very knowledgeble person as your self but look at my feeling not my spelling mistakes ....hope u got my point sir

All this has nothing to do with this thread. There is nothing in what OP wrote or linked which demeans or ridicules India. It is a perfectly sane thread and if you had any problems with OP you should report his posts rather then trolling threads. Please remove your post or I will report it as it is completely out of line and uncalled for.
All this has nothing to do with this thread. There is nothing in what OP wrote or linked which demeans or ridicules India. It is a perfectly sane thread and if you had any problems with OP you should report his posts rather then trolling threads. Please remove your post or I will report it as it is completely out of line and uncalled for.

did you care to ask all those pakistanies who posts such silli threads against india and troll on indian defense related threads and cheerlead for china where they dont have any buisness ...well i said what i felt you are free to report anything you like sir
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