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Arabians from Yemen are totaly unlike the Arabs from rich Gulf states. They are one of the oldest human nations, they have their own history and they can fight for their goals. People from Yemen may be poor but they are still unique, original and proud folks. For me the only real Arab nation in the hole region.
The saudi/uae army has no will to fight the war....
This is not a regular war..its gurilla warfare....
Regular army is not trained to fight it...
The ferocity will not be there..they r not defending their motherland...
Some other country fighting for some monarchs and political clash....
houthis will keep on fighting....its on for a long run...
I wonder how long will be arab coalition will continue...
Yemen war has exposed the arab armies and they are standing naked in the battle zone.

Without ground attack, Just Aerial bombing on rebels is the worst military strategy you can expect from any general.

Saudi and allied forces are so much afraid that they are in no moad to conduct ground forces against rebels.

Shame on such soldiers, who cant fight like brave men in the battle ground.

Let's have a little comparison between Operation Zara-e-Azb and Decisive Storm in Yemen, although you started it three months ago while we started ours six months ago, and futher yours is in Pakistan itself while ours in another country and let's add as well that Huthies are much more in numbers and much more armed


Woowh.. hold on brother, why start an argument u cant win in a million year.. u wanna compair?.. lets start with defense budget of two forces.
Pakistan above ........ 7b$
Saudi+UAE above....100b$
(just igrone the other dozen countries helping u)

And dont forget we are fighting a force that has already defeated USSR And Mighty US+ half the world
.. And its in the final stages.. we have almost won..
US admits pak forces can fight militency better than any one the world, WHY CAN'T U?

Come on broo. . We have fighting (on/off) since 1947... Its a war between two group of people born & raised in a hostile invirnoment.. .
. Than there is u with ur gold guns & dimond coated jets.. vs group no one haf heard about a year ago..
The arabs overestimated themselves because they had some shiny toys. They jumped into the war without any real planning thinking they can crush the Houthis but even after bombing the houthis with several of the worlds most advance aircraft they are still too slow and taking too much causalities.
Houthis have been fighting for decades and they have the support of a part of the Yemeni military who themselves have been fighting for so much time. They have been given weapons by Iran and has a lot of weapons captured during the war. Arab soldiers are inexperienced kids who are walking into a living hell
It is actually the motivation and commitment that encourages the soldiers to die with honour in the battle field.

Ending the yemen war is the best thing sheikhs can do to avoid further humiliation at the hands of houtees.
Expensive weapons are useless in the hands of arab armies.

It is not the gun, it is the man behind the gun.
The 6 Day War with Israel and the 1973 war where you were unable to capitalize on your success at the primary stage.
okay so you are basing your judgements on events from decades ago alot have changed a simple comparison between the egyptIan army capableties now and then would be enough to prove my point.
6th day war an absolute desastre but I don't think any army back then would have preformed alot better with no air defance or air force (the small egyptain airforce was the first target) in a desert warfare against one of the most advanced airforces simple the sky was raining napalm bombs.
1973 the unmatched victory the egyptains managed to trick the mossad (considered by some the best Intelligence service ) destroying the most fortified defence line in the history of the human race
Bar Lev Line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
fighting an army with all the cutting edge equipments of that age. Not just that but an Instantaneous replacement of destroyed equipments by the US
Operation Nickel Grass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Based on intelligence estimates at the commencement of hostilities, American leaders expected the tide of the war to quickly shift in Israel's favor, and that Arab armies would be completely defeated within 72 to 96 hours."
The reason egypt did not mount a counter attack although we were well able to.was Sadat gaving a direct order not to withdraw a single solider to the other side of the canal he explained that by saying "israel I can fight but not the us" we had a plan to counter attack the israeli forces and believe me their position on the other side of the canal was not the best military wise.
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Woowh.. hold on brother, why start an argument u cant win in a million year.. u wanna compair?.. lets start with defense budget of two forces.
Pakistan above ........ 7b$
Saudi+UAE above....100b$
(just igrone the other dozen countries helping u)

And dont forget we are fighting a force that has already defeated USSR And Mighty US+ half the world
.. And its in the final stages.. we have almost won..
US admits pak forces can fight militency better than any one the world, WHY CAN'T U?

Come on broo. . We have fighting (on/off) since 1947... Its a war between two group of people born & raised in a hostile invirnoment.. .
. Than there is u with ur gold guns & dimond coated jets.. vs group no one haf heard about a year ago..
No need to prove the competence of pakistan army.
Arab armies stand no where in comparison to pak army. This comparison is insult of pak army.

Begging for pakistan army in the yemen war by saudi, clearly shows who is the big daddy when it comes to fight.
okay so you are basing your judgements on events from decades ago alot have changed a simple comparison between the egyptIan army capableties now and then would be enough to prove my point.
6th day war an absolute desastre but I don't think any army back then would have preformed alot better with no air defance or air force (the small egyptain airforce was the first target) in a desert warfare against one of the most advanced airforces simple the sky was raining napalm bombs.
1973 the unmatched victory the egyptains managed to trick the mossad (considered by some the best Intelligence service ) destroying the most fortified defence line in the history of the human race
Bar Lev Line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
fighting an army with all the cutting edge equipments of that age. Not just that but an Instantaneous replacement of destroyed equipments by the US
Operation Nickel Grass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Based on intelligence estimates at the commencement of hostilities, American leaders expected the tide of the war to quickly shift in Israel's favor, and that Arab armies would be completely defeated within 72 to 96 hours."
The reason egypt did not mount a counter attack although we were well able to.was Sadat gaving a direct order not to withdraw a single solider to the other side of the canal he explained that by saying "israel I can fight but not the us" we had a plan to counter attack the israeli forces and believe me their position on the other side of the canal was not the best military wise.
Yes but Israel came close to almost 100 Km of Cairo during 1973.
That's the problem, once you could take what you wanted you couldn't go for more. Take out their defences, mostly air force. It's the lack of allowing your lower levels to take command of the battlefield.
I think the problem here is you know nothing about desert warfare
Several people are stupidly bringing in comparisons of the combined Arab coalition and the Pakistan army. Just don't.
Lol. Now imagine Indian, Pakistani or Sri Lankan armies equipped with the same weapons..

These Arabs just got transferred from their luxury A/C rooms to the real battlefield(Even that was inside lots of modern armored vehicles ). They are no match for Indo-Pak-SL forces who have been fighting in the worst conditions imaginable

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